Advanced Searching

Badger TraCS Guides

Advanced Searching

Advanced Searching

There are 3 types of Advanced Searching

  • Advanced Searches – Advanced Search is a search that runs against the TraCS database and returns forms. It is performed in the Forms Manager, similar to a standard search. The advantage of an advanced search over a standard search is that you have access to every field on the form as well as the product header information that is not visible on the form but is stored in the database.

    • Advances Searches returns items into the TraCS Grid

    • Advances Searches can be set up as email notifications

  • Adhoc Queries – An Adhoc query is a search that runs against the TraCS database and returns forms, similar to both the standard and advanced searches. However, unlike the other two types of searches, the form results are not displayed in the Forms Manager grid. Instead you are given the ability to view, print and map specific data from those forms that meet your search criteria.

    • Adhoc Queries can be used to export data into csv format

    • Adhoc Queries can be used to map locations

    • Adhoc Queries can be used to create a report in TraCS.

  • Involvement – One of TraCS most powerful RMS features is Involvement.  This allows the user to see how master records relate to each other through the forms on which they are present. Involvement can be started from multiple areas within TraCS, each will be described below. Involvement can also be saved and accessed from the Advanced tab on the Forms Manager Search panel.

These Types of Searching can be found in the Advanced Tab in the Search Box



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