MCSAP Smart Logic Group
Badger TraCS Guides
MCSAP Smart Logic Group
This subgroup opens when XREF is one of the following: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, or 50
Their are currently a max of 1 subgroups available.
Smart Logic Senerios
Level 2
False Log
if XREF Code = 2
If the Federal Code starts with "395.8E"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
Enable (Evidence)
Out of Service := Evidence
If Smart Logic Date is not blank And Supplemental Description is not blank
Supplemental Description :=
"Driver False Log on " & Smart Logic Date& " - " & Federal Violation Description
Disable (Out of Service)
Level 3
Log Not Current
If XREF Code = "3"
(Federal Code, starts with "395.8K2" Or "395.8F1"
Count Federal Code starts with "395.8A" and if none
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
If Federal Code begins with "395.8K2"
set Out of Service to Yes
If XREF Code not equal "6" And Smart Logic Date is not equal to blank, today or yesterday E
Enable Federal Description
r@currenterrortext := "Failed to retain"
r@lognotcurrenterror := True
Disable (Out of Service)
If Federal Code begins with "395.8F1"
set Out of Service to No
Smart Logic Date, is equal to today or yesterday
Enable Federal Description
r@currenterrortext := "Log not Current"
r@lognotcurrenterror := True
Disable (Out of Service)
If r@lognotcurrenterror = True
set Supplemental Description equal to r@currenterrortext & " on " & Smart Logic Date& " " & Federal Violation Description
set Supplemental Description equal to Federal Violation Description
No Log
If XREF Code = "3"
if Federal Code begins with "395.8A"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
count other violations with Federal Code beginning with "395.8"
If Federal Code, begins with "395.3A3II" And the smart logic date is equual to this violation smart logic date
set Supplemental Description equal to Federal Description
set Out of Service equal to "Yes"
set Supplemental Description := "Driver <NO LOG> on " & Smart Logic Date& " - " & Federal Violation Description
Disable (Out of Service)
Level 4
10/11 and 14/15 hours
If XREF Code = "4"
r@Level4Description := True
r@Prop := False
r@Psgr := False
Check to see if Vehicle Type is Passenger or Property
If any vehicle Type is ("BU", "LM", "MC", "SB")
r@Psgr := True
If any vehicle Type is ("CL", "DC", "FT", "IC", "OT", "PT", "ST", "TR", "TT", "VN")
r@Prop := True
If r@Prop = True
if Federal Code begins with "395.5A"
ErrLog("You cannot cite this violation to a driver of a Property Carrying Vehicle.",
r@Level4Description := False
If r@Psgr = True
if Federal Code begins with "395.3A"
ErrLog("You cannot cite this violation to a driver of a Passenger Carrying Vehicle."
r@Level4Description := False
If r@Level4Description = True
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
If Smart Logic Date is blank
Disable(Driver Violation Flag)
If (Smart Logic Date, is over 7 days prior than Date Inspection Started
ErrLog("The selected Smart Logic Date must be the Date Inspection Started, or one of the previous 7 days."
r@Level4Description := False
If r@Prop = True Or r@Psgr = True Then
Count all violations where
Federal Code begins with 395.3A and the smart logic dates equal
Set r@3953ACited to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.5A and the smart logic dates equal
Set r@3955ACited to that number
If r@3953ACited > 2 Or r@3955ACited > 2
r@Level4Description := False
If r@Level4Description = True
/Needed 2 levels of control to determine if description shows, prevents us from having to manage the description in 2 or 3 places
r@ShowLevel4Description := False
If Smart Logic Date is not blank and Smart Logic date equals Date Inspection Started
Enable (Driver Violation)
If Driver Violation is blank Then
DisableWithClear (Out of Service)
else if Driver Violation is not blank
set Out of Service := Driver Violation
Disable (Out of Service)
r@ShowLevel4Description := True
DisableWithClear (Driver Violation)
Disable (Out of Service)
set Out of Service := "N"
r@ShowLevel4Description := True
Level 5
Alaska Only violations
If XREF Code = "5"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
If Federal Code begins with "395.1H1" Or "395.1H2"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
Alaska Only
If XREF Code = "5"
r@Level5Description := False
r@InAlaska := False
If time Zone equals "ALASKA" Then
r@Level5Description := True
r@InAlaska := True
If r@InAlaska = False
if (Smart Logic Date equals (Date Inspection Started,
r@Level5Description := False
r@Level5Description := True
Count all violations for
Federal Code begins with 395.1H1
Set r@3951H1Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.1H2
Set r@3951H2Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.3
Set r@3953Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.5
Set r@3955Count to that number
If Federal Code begins with "395.1H1" and r@3951H2Count > 0
r@Level5Description := False
If Federal Code begins with "395.1H2" and r@3951H1Count > 0
r@Level5Description := False
If r@3953Count > 0 Or r@3955Count > 0
r@Level5Description := False
If XREF Code = "5" And Federal Code is not equal to "395.1H2" or "395.1H1"
r@Level5Description := True
r@OtherLevel5 := True
Is Driver Currently In Violation
If r@Level5Description = True
Enable (Driver Violation Flag)
If Driver Violation Flag is not blank
Out of Service := Driver Violation Flag
Supplemental Description := "On " & Smart Logic Date& " " & Federal Violation Description
Enable (Driver Violation Flag)
Supplemental Description := Federal Violation Description
Level 6
60/70 Hours
if XREF Code = "6"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
If XREF Code = "6"
r@Level6Description := True
r@MultiCode6 := 0
Count all violations for
Federal Code equal to current Federal Code
Set r@MultiCode6 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.3B1
Set r@3953b1 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.3B2
Set r@3953b2 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.5B1
Set r@3955b1 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.5B2
Set r@3955b2 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.3
Set r@3953 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.5
Set r@3955 Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.8A
Set r@3958a Count to that number
Federal Code begins with 395.8E
Set r@3958e Count to that number
Count to see if multiple violationXREFCode = 6
If r@MultiCode6 > 1
r@Level6Description := False
Check to see if both 395.3B1 and 395.3B2 are cited
If r@3953b1 > 0 And r@3953b2 > 0
r@Level6Description := False
Check to see if both 395.5B1 and 395.5B2 are cited
If r@3955b1 > 0 And r@3955b2 > 0
r@Level6Description := False
Check to see if a 395.3% and a 395.5% are cited
r@3953 > 0 And r@3955 > 0
r@Level6Description := False
Check to see if 395.8A is cited
If r@3958a > 0
r@Level6Description := False
If Smart Logic Date prior to 7 days before Date Inspection Started
r@Level6Description := False
Is Driver Currently In Violation
if r@Level6Description = True
Date Inspection Started, is not equal to Smart Logic Date And Smart Logic Date is not blank
Out of Service := "N"
DisableWithClear (Driver Violation Flag)
Disable (Out of Service)
DisableWithClear (Out of Service)
Enable (Driver Violation Flag)
If Driver Violation Flag is not blank
set Out of Service := Driver Violation Flag
All Other Hours of Service
If XREF Code = "7"
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
All Other Hours of Service
If XREF Code = "7" Then
r@Level7Description := True
set Out of Service equal to "No"
If Federal Code begins with"395.13D" or "395.15G"
Disable (Out of Service)
If Date Inspection Started is not equal to Smart Logic Date
ErrLog("smartlogicDateViolation must be the Current Date.
r@Level7Description := False
If UCase (Left ([Violation.violationFederalCode(r@VioCount)], 7 ) ) = "395.13D"
Enable (Date OOS, Time OOS, OOS Satisfied Flag, Inspection Number)
If OOS Satisfied Flag = "" Then
r@Level7Description := False
Do not set the description until both OOS fields are filled in
If OOS Satisfied Flag <> "" Then
If OOS Satisfied Flag = "Y" Then
Out of Service := "N"
Out of Service := "Y"
Disable (Out of Service)
r@Level7Description := True
If Federal Code begins with"395.15B"
Count all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.8E"
set r@Vio3958e to that number
If Federal Code begins with "395.3A3II" Then
Count all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.3A3II"
set r@Vio3A3II to that number
Count all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.8A" and Smart logic dates equal
set r@Vio8A to that number
If r@Vio3A3II > 1
r@Level7Description := False
If r@Vio3A3II >= 1 And r@Vio8A >= 1
r@Level7Description := False
If Federal Code begins with "395.15F"
If AOBRD Flag is blank
Enable (AOBRD Flag)
if AOBRD Flag not equal to "Yes"
r@Level7Description := False
If Federal Code begins with "395.15G"
Count all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.15G"
set r@Vio15G to that number
If r@Vio15G > 1 Then
r@Level7Description := False
If r@Level7Description = True
Supplemental Description := "On " & Smart Logic Date& " " & Federal Description
Level 14
All Other Smart Logic Driver Violation Flags
If XREF Code = "14" Then
Count all violations where Federal Code starts with "383.23A2"
set r@Vio383Count to that number
Supplemental Description := Federal Violation Description
If r@Vio383Count <= 1 Then
set Out of Service equal to "Yes"
Disable (Out of Service)
Supplemental Description := "Driver Operating without " & "- " & Federal Violation Description
Level 50
Log Book Form and Manner Violations
If XREF Code = "50" Then
Out of Service := "N"
r@Level50Description := False
f@SmartLogic := ""
r@violationdescriptiontext := ""
r@addviotext := ""
r@notestext := ""
Enable (Smart Logic Date)
If any Federal Code equals "395.8"
Figure out which violations need filtered
r@Level50Description := True
scan all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.8"
set r@filter3958 that instance
If Federal Code equals "395.15I5"
Figure out which violations need filtered
r@Level50Description := True
scan all violations where Federal Code starts with "395.15I5"
set r@filter39515 that instance
Build notes
scan all violations and concatenate
Violation(s) of: " & Federal Code
"Record of Duty Status, Form and Manner Violations on " & Smart Logic Date & ":" & newline & Federal Code & "-" & Supplemental Description & newline
Apply Notes
Narrative field
Other Occurrences and Supplementation Violations Fields
Other Occurrences
Yes or No fields
Enable for XRef codes of 4 or 6
These are the last 7 calendar dates where the violation could have occurred based on the Federal Code violated. Check the dates not in compliance.
The once one or more dates have been checked the Supplemental Description will enter the Dates in Violation along with the Federal codes description of the violation.
Supplemental Violations
Enabled by violations in federal Section
list are populated ViolationID in V3ViolationMasterSafetyNet equals the above values
This will adjust the Supplemental description field and narrative.
Supplemental Description
Added to the Federal Description form the Other Occurrences fields.
if not added by the other occurrences or Supplemental Violations it will be entered into the Narrative.
, multiple selections available,
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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096