MCSAP Vehicle Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Vehicle Group

There are 1 to 7 groups


Importing Data


Plate Number
This is the same as any vehicle group.

Vin Verification

Vehicle Identification Number
(ExternalInstantDataByTag ("VINVerification", False, [Vehicle.vehicleVehicleIdentificationNumber()]) = False )
Not working



Working on it need username password and a USDOT # to test for GIER. IEP same as Carrier has the import on the databar entitled GIER


Basic Vehicle Field Information

Vehicle Type

If Intermodal Chassis is chosen,
IEP will be functionality will be enabled along with validation rules
The next tier will the Chassis Is owned/Leased by Motor Carrier Flag

Fleet Number

Can be used with GIER to bring back IEP name and US DOT number


updates the total GVWR field in the summary group

License Plate Number

External search field, if entered with external search will move the focus to Fleet Number Field
should be brought in through External Search

Plate Type

List of plates in WI
should be brought in through External Search
9 character alpha numeric field


Auto enters the country of Issuance
should be brought in through External Search
Drop Down list Includes
US States
Canada Providences
Mexico States

Country of Issuance

Auto entry based on the state field.

Expiration Year

should be brought in through External Search
Year Databar

Vehicle Identification Number

should be brought in through External Search
20 character alpha numeric field


should be brought in through External Search
Year Databar


should be brought in through External Search
Make table supplied by the DMV/DSP/DNR


should be brought in through External Search
10 character alpha numeric field

Body Style

should be brought in through External Search
Table Supplied by the DMV


should be brought in through External Search
Table Supplied by the DMV

Chassis Is owned/Leased by Motor Carrier

This field is only enabled for vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
The field determine the mechanics of the IEP fields. All IEP fields are disabled until
Choose Yes then
Will enter the based on the carrier fields, these fields will be disabled.
US DOT Number
Phone Number
Fax Number
Source of Identification will be
set to Other - 8
will be disabled
The following fields will be disabled
Chasses Pool
Space provided question
pre trip inspection question
Choose No or Unknown
All field enabled except GIER Time Stamp
Choose the GIER Search on the box
the following fields are entered and disabled
US DOT Number
the GIER Time Stamp is entered

IEP Field Information

Chassis Pool

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is bank


This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is not bank

US DOT Number

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is not bank


This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is not bank

Phone Number

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is bank


This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is bank

Fax Number

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is bank

Source of Identification

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier equal No/Unknown
GIER Time Stamp is bank
when this field is entered from GIER the value of 5 it disables the following fields
US DOT Number
when a 5 is entered not from GIER it clears the following fields
US DOT Number
GIER Time Stamp

GIER Time Stamp

Always Disabled
Entered when using GIER button.
cleared if one of the following field changes
Fleet Number
Identification Source
Plate Number
Plate State
Vehicle Type

Did the IEP provide the driver space to perform a pre-trip inspection>

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier not equal to Yes

Did the driver perform a pre-trip inspection?

This field is only enabled for
vehicle types of Intermodal Chassis
Chassis is Owned/Leased by Motor Carrier not equal to Yes

Decal Field and Cargo Information

Existing CVSA Decal Status

Disabled for Inspection level 3
enabled for all other inspection levels

OOS Sticker #

Existing CVSA Decal #

Disabled for Inspection level 3
enabled for Inspection Level 1, 4, 5 and 6

Cargo Seal Removed

for Inspection Level 1, 4, 5 and 6
HazCargoSealFlag equal to Y

CVSA Decal Issued #

for Inspection Level 1, 4, 5 and 6
Existing CVSA Decal Status is not equal to NONE

Cargo Seal Replaced #

for Inspection Level 1, 4, 5 and 6
HazCargoSealFlag equal to Y
Cargo Seal Removed equals Yes


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