MCSAP Violation Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Violation Group

This group is visible for all inspection levels and at lease one even if it is blank Group is required.





Enabled Fields

Crash Related

Yes No Unknown
Enabled when Special Checks contains Post Crash


Always disabled
Populated from the IEPViol field in the Master Safety Net violation table
Y or N
Partially determines the value of IEP Detectable

IEP Detectable

Always disabled
if IEP equals Yes
Populated from the IEPDetectable field in the Master Safety Net violation table
Y, N, U
If IEP equals No
IEP Detectable is set to N


Enabled for Level 6 Inspections
This field determines actions of VI OOS field
if this field is Yes then look up value of VI OOS in the Master Safety Net violation table
Yes then enable VI OOS Field and default value to Yes
No then disable VI OOS Field and set value to No
if No then set value in VI OOS to No do not enable


If VI field is Yes
if Y then
Enable the VIOOS field
set initial value to Yes
if N then
Disable the VIOOS field
Set value to No


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