MCSAP Level VI Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Level VI Group

This group is visible for only level VI inspection levels. Inspectors are prohibited from opening the group for anything other than Level VI inspections.



Enabled Fields

Inspection Location Type


Shipper Type

If shipper type Exclusive Use changes the title from 1- meter to 2-Meters

UN #

Entering this field will fill in the Proper shipping name from the table.

Level VI Decal

8 digit number

Proper Shipping Name

This field in not manually entered.
This field fills in based on the the Table from the UN # field.

Instrument Manufacture

20 character alphanumeric field

Instrument Model

20 character alphanumeric field

Instrument Serial #

15 character alphanumeric field

Probe Model

15 character alphanumeric field

Probe Serial #

15 character alphanumeric field


Entering this field will fill in Package Description

Package Description

This field in not manually entered for Type B
Enters Type B for Description value of Type B
Type O the field is enabled for entry.

Total Packages

Opens 1 to 3 package subgroups

Radiological Information


1-Meter mSv/hr

This fields title can change to 2-Meters if Shipper type is Exclusive Use
Decimal total space 10 digits
2,4 padding 1,4

1-Meter Vehicle Location

In-Cab mSv/hr

Decimal total space 10 digits
2,4 padding 1,4

In-Cab Vehicle Location

This one if filtered to only allow cab level location

Surface mSv/hr

Decimal total space 10 digits
2,4 padding 1,4

Surface Vehicle Location

Undercarriage mSv/hr

Decimal total space 10 digits
2,4 padding 1,4

Undercarriage Vehicle Location

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