MCSAP Axle Detail Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Axle Detail Group

This group is visible for all inspection levels except

Level 3 Driver only.

This group will also only appear if one of the following Special Checks is chosen

Performance-based Brake Test(PBBT)
Size/Weight Enforcement






Enabled Fields

Size/Weight and PBBT sides will enable based on the special Checks.

Size/Weight Only




The Max number of Axles is 20 and always the last Axle Spaces will be disabled.

PBBT only



The Max number of Axles is 20


Fields Table

Scale Type

Overload Disposition

WI Permit Number

17 Character Alphanumeric field



Product LB


Measurement field 7 digits
in pounds


Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In


Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In


Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In

Measured Length

Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In

Measured Width

Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In

Measured Height

Measurement field 7 digits
in Feet and In

Gross Weight

This field is not entered manually
Gross Weight is the sum of the Axle Weight column.

Total Axle Length

This field is not entered manually
Total Axle Length is the sum of the Axle Spacing columns.


Vehicle Combination Type

Will fill out the following based on the table.
Min Brake Force Field based on the Min Brake Force Column
Full Description field based on the Full Description Column

Min Brake Force

This field is not entered manually
Min Brake Force is filled out based on the Vehicle Combination Type

Full Description

This field is not entered manually
Full Description is filled out based on the Vehicle Combination Type

Break Force Measured

4 character alphanumeric field


The results will auto fill with
Pass equal to Brake Force Measured greater than Min Brake Force
Fail equal to break Force Measured Less than Min Brake Force
If a failed result
will add a violation if missing 393.52(a)(1) defect
Still need more programming


Axles Sub repeating group


Measurement field 7 digits
in pounds


Measurement field 4 digits
in Feet and In

Break Efficiency Left

4 Digit numeric field

Break Efficiency Left

4 Digit numeric field


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