MCSAP Document Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Document Group

There is always one Document group

This group cannot be Deleted

Document Number

Needs to start with State code followed by 10 alphanumeric characters State Code in WI TraCS is assumed and will not be searchable. It will act like the check digit required in ELCI document numbers, there outside of TraCS but not used to search for the actual document.
First 2 Characters is a compressed Location ID
Second 2 characters is a compressed year
Third 6 characters is the julian second of the current year compressed. 0-31,536,000


Issued or voided
Voided Grays out all fields
Issued ? edit after issuance?

Police Number

Can be imported and will autopopulate if second form in the case
Required field
Edits the Case Number for all forms in the Case
Check to see if the case number has been modified before changing if more than one form in the case.


This is a multiple choice field that is Populated with agency attributes
You can modify this field without entering the form. Editing the Tags Field

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