Badger TraCS Guides
MCSAP Validation Rules
Geraldine Polster
- 1 Document
- 2 Summary
- 2.1 Popups
- 2.2 Validation Errors
- 3 Location
- 4 Carrier
- 5 Individual
- 5.1 Popups
- 5.2 Validation errors
- 6 Vehicle
- 6.1 Popups
- 6.2 Validation errors
- 6.3 IEP Section
- 6.4 Decal and Cargo Section
- 7 Load
- 8 HazMat
- 9 Brake Inspection
- 9.1 Popups
- 9.2 Validation Rules
- 10 PBBT and Size Weight Validation Rules
- 10.1 Popups
- 10.2 Validation Rules
- 11 Violation Rules
- 11.1 Popups
- 11.2 Validation Rules
- 12 Smart Logic Rules
- 12.1 Popups
- 12.2 Validation Rules
- 13 Level VI Rules
- 13.1 Popups
- 13.2 Validation Rules
- 14 Package Validation Rules
- 15 Special Study Validation Rules
- 16 Subscripts
ERROR: Police Number is required for this form
Police Number field = blank
VIN verification popup if incorrect vin
Validation Errors
ERROR: Number of Drivers should be 0 for a Level 5 Inspection (1)
Drivers not equal to 0
Inspection Level equal to 5
ERROR: Date Started inspection is required (1)
Date Started is blank
ERROR: Time Started inspection is required (1)
Time Started is blank
ERROR: Date/Time Started inspection may not be a future time
combination of date and time started cannot be greater than the combination of the computer date and time.
ERROR: Date/time Started inspection is later than date/time completed inspection
combination of date and time started cannot be greater than the combination of the date and time Completed.
ERROR: Date Started cannot be more than 5 years ago (1)
Date Started greater than the computer date - 5 years.
ERROR: Inspection Level required (1)
inspection level blank
ERROR: Location county is required (1)
County DMV is blank
ERROR: On Street and/or On Highway is required
on street blank
on highway blank
ERROR: Municipality is required
municipality is blank
ERROR: Special Check 'Traffic Enforcement' cannot be used if Special federal location is used (1)
Special Checks contain 03
FIPS Location Code is blank.
ERROR: Facility Type must be Roadside if Special Checks or 'Size/Weight Enforcement' or 'Traffic Enforcement' is completed (1)
Special Check contains 01 or 03
Facility type is not R
ERROR: Structure type and structure number required for parking lot or private property
on street contains ("PARKING LOT","PROPERTY")
Structure type is blank
or structure number is blank
ERROR: Structure type is required
Structure number is not blank
Structure type is blank
ERROR: Structure number is required when structure type is entered
Structure number is blank
Structure type is not blank
WARNING: 'HWY' entered in On Street
street should not contain any Highway names.
HWY in any part of the street
WARNING: 'HWY' entered in From/At Street
street should not contain any Highway names.
HWY in any part of the street
ERROR: Latitude is required when longitude is present
Latitude is blank
longitude is not blank
ERROR: Longitude is required when latitude is present
Latitude is not blank
longitude is blank
ERROR: Longitude must be between 86 and 93
longitude outside range of WI coordinates
ERROR: Longitude requires at least four digits after the decimal point
Longitude is not blank
Longitude is less than 7 characters in length
ERROR: Latitude requires at least four digits after the decimal point
Latitude is less than 7 characters in length
ERROR: Latitude must be between 42 and 49
Latitude outside range of WI coordinates
ERROR: At Highway Type and At Highway Name are required if either one is supplied
At Highway Type is blank and Highway name is not
or At Highway Type is not blank and Highway name is blank
ERROR: Highway Type and Highway Name are both required if either one is supplied
On Highway Type is blank and Highway name is not
or On Highway Type is not blank and Highway name is blank
WARNING: County highway entered in on street location
For municipality type of town
if on street Contains ("CNT", "CO HWY", "CTY", "CTH")
on street does not Contains ("CNTRY", "LINE", "OLD")
and override is yes
WARNING: County highway entered in from/at street
For municipality type of town
if from/at street Contains ("CNT", "CO HWY", "CTY", "CTH")
from/at street does not Contains ("CNTRY", "LINE", "OLD")
and override is yes
ERROR: From-At Street cannot contain of Parking Lot/Private Property
if From-At Street contains of Parking Lot/Private Property (These are values for On Street)
WARNING: State highway entered in from/at street
if from at street Contains ("US H", "US 1", "US 2", "US 3", "US 4", "US 5", "US 6", "US 7", "US 8", "USH 1", "USH 2", "USH 3", "USH 4", "USH 5", "USH 6", "USH 7", "USH 8", "USH 9", "USH 0", "US 0", "US 9", "STH", "CTH")
and from at street does not contain “old”
override is yes
WARNING: State highway entered in On Street location
if on street Contains ("US H", "US 1", "US 2", "US 3", "US 4", "US 5", "US 6", "US 7", "US 8", "USH 1", "USH 2", "USH 3", "USH 4", "USH 5", "USH 6", "USH 7", "USH 8", "USH 9", "USH 0", "US 0", "US 9", "STH", "CTH")
and on street does not contain “old”
override is yes
WARNING: At/from highway required when at/from street is 'NB', 'SB', 'EB', or 'WB.'
if at/from street Contains ("NB", "SB", "EB", "WB")
at from/ highway name is blank
WARNING: On highway required when On street is 'NB', 'SB', 'EB', or 'WB.'
if On street Contains ("NB", "SB", "EB", "WB")
On highway name is blank
WARNING: Estimated distance is greater than 9.99 miles
override is yes
estimated distance is in miles
distance is greater than 9.99
WARNING: Carrier US DOT Number missing (1)
US DOT number is blank
WARNING: Carrier US DOT Number not blank, check that carrier does not operate in interstate commerce (1)
DOT number not blank
Commerce type not 101 - INTERSTATE CARRIER
alternate wording
WARNING: The US DOT Number of the Carrier section is not Blank so Commerce Type should be 101-Interstate
WARNING: The Carrier State is not Wisconsin so the Commerce Type should be Interstate (2)
was in National model but was removed in latest version
Carrier state not blank
Carrier state not Wisconsin
Commerce type not 101 - INTERSTATE CARRIER
ERROR: Carrier Name is required (1)
Carrier Company Name blank
ERROR: Carrier street is required (1)
Carrier street blank
ERROR: Carrier City is required (1)
Carrier City blank
ERROR: Carrier State is required (1)
Carrier State blank
ERROR: Carrier zip code is required (1)
Carrier zip code blank
ERROR: Carrier Country is required
Carrier Country blank
WARNING: Carrier primary email is missing
Carrier primary email blank
Validation errors
ERROR: Driver Last Name is required (1)
TEG rule text Inspection Level of the Summary section has a value of 1-Full Inspection, 2-Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle, 3-Driver Only, 4-Special Inspection, or 7-State Specific so Driver Last Name of the Summary section must not be Blank
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
last name is blank
ERROR: Driver First Name is required (1)
TEG rule text Inspection Level of the Summary section has a value of 1-Full Inspection, 2-Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle, 3-Driver Only, 4-Special Inspection, or 7-State Specific so Driver First Name of the Summary section must not be Blank
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
first name is blank
ERROR: Driver Date of Birth required (1)
Driver date of birth is blank
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
ERROR: Subject date of birth cannot be a future date (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Date of Birth is greater than computer date
ERROR: Inspection Date is earlier than Driver date of birth
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Date of Birth is greater than date occurred
ERROR: Driver Date of Birth within 5 years of Inspection date
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Date of Birth is less than 5 years old at date of the inspection
WARNING: Date of Birth indicates driver is more than 90 years old (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Date of Birth is greater than 90 years of the date occurred
TEG different WARNING: Date of Birth in the Summary section indicates that the driver is more than 100 years old
WARNING: Driver is under 16 (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Date of Birth is less than 16 years old at date of the inspection
All of the following have Inspection Level of the Summary section has a value of 1-Full Inspection, 2-Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle, 3-Driver Only, 4-Special Inspection, or 7-State Specific so Driver Address of the Summary section must not be Blank
ERROR: Driver Street Address and PO Box are both missing (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Street is blank
PO Box is blank
ERROR: Driver City name is required (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver City is blank
ERROR: Driver Address State required (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver City is blank
ERROR: Driver Address Zip Code required (1)
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver State is blank
ERROR: Driver Gender required
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Gender is blank
ERROR: Race required
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Race is blank
WARNING: Height missing
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Height is blank
WARNING: Weight missing
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Weight is blank
WARNING: Hair Color missing
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Hair Color is blank
WARNING: Eye Color missing
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver Eye Color is blank
ERROR: Wisconsin Driver License Numbers must begin with an alpha character and be 14 characters in length
Driver license state is WI
length of Driver license number must be 14 characters
WARNING: Driver license number decodes to female, but male entered for sex
Driver license state is WI
the 10 character is greater than 4
WARNING: Driver license number decodes to male, but female entered for sex
Driver license state is WI
the 10 character is less than 5
ERROR: The Driver License Number and the State of Issuance fields must both be either filled or blank (1)
inspection level not equal to 5
Driver license state is WI
Driver license Number
is not blank - State of issuance is blank
is blank - State of issuance is not blank
ERROR: Check Digit Error. Wisconsin driver license number entered is not valid
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Driver license state is WI
r@DL := [Individual.individualDriverLicenseNumber()]
If Mid (r@DL, 13, 1 ) > "0" Then
//Adjust DL # for tie break.
//A tie break DL # adds 8 to position 14 and carries the ten's place over to position 13. If position 14 is a zero or one, then a one is automatically added to position 13. We need to back this all out to get to the base DL# before doing the check sum calculation.
r@last2Digits := Val (Right ([Individual.individualDriverLicenseNumber()], 2 ) )
r@lastDigit := Val (Right ([Individual.individualDriverLicenseNumber()], 1 ) )
While r@last2Digits > 9
If r@lastDigit = 8 Or r@lastDigit = 9 Then
r@last2Digits := r@last2Digits - 18
r@lastDigit := r@last2Digits - Truncate (r@last2Digits / 10 ) * 10
r@last2Digits := r@last2Digits - 8
r@lastDigit := r@last2Digits - Truncate (r@last2Digits / 10 ) * 10
r@DL := Left ([Individual.individualDriverLicenseNumber()], 12 )& Format (r@last2Digits, "00")
//Check sum calculation from citation edit document
r@checkSumOdd := InStrPosition ("ABCDEFGHI*JKLMNOPQR**STUVWXYZ", UCase (Left (r@DL, 1 ) ) )
r@checkString := Right (cStr (r@checkSumOdd), 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 3, 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 5, 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 7, 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 9, 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 11, 1 )
r@checkString := r@checkString & Mid (r@DL, 13, 1 )
r@checkString := cStr (Val (r@checkString) * 2 )
r@checkSumOdd := 0
For r@i = 1 to 7
r@checkSumOdd := r@checkSumOdd + Val (Mid (r@checkString, r@i, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := Val (Mid (r@DL, 2, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := r@CheckSumEven + Val (Mid (r@DL, 4, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := r@checkSumEven + Val (Mid (r@DL, 6, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := r@checkSumEven + Val (Mid (r@DL, 8, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := r@checkSumEven + Val (Mid (r@DL, 10, 1 ) )
r@checkSumEven := r@checkSumEven + Val (Mid (r@DL, 12, 1 ) )
r@checkSum := 100 - r@checkSumOdd - r@checkSumEven
r@checkDigit := Right (cStr (r@checkSum), 1 )
If r@checkDigit <> Right (r@DL, 1 ) Then
ErrLog ("ERROR: Check Digit Error. Wisconsin driver license number entered is not valid", [Individual.individualDriverLicenseNumber()])
ERROR: Driver License Expiration Year field less than 1990
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
expiration year is less than 1990
WARNING: Driver Phone Number is missing
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Phone Number is blank
ERROR: License Classification is required
inspection level = 1, 2, 3, or 4
Classification is blank
Little Different The DL Class field cannot be blank if the Driver License Number field is not blank
ERROR: Drug Search required (1)
TEG rule text There must be an entry for the Drug Search field of the Driver section
Individual = Driver
inspection level is not equal to 5
Drug Search Flag is blank
ERROR: Arrests required (1)
TEG rule text There must be an entry for the Arrests field of the Driver section
Individual = Driver
inspection level is not equal to 5
Arrest Flag is blank
ERROR: Alcohol test is required (1)(3)
Individual = Driver
inspection level is not equal to 5
Alcohol test is blank
ERROR: Alcohol Test Type Needed (1)(3)
TEG rule text There must be an entry for the Alcohol Test Administered field of the Driver section
Alcohol test given is true value of 104 or 103
Alcohol test type is blank
ERROR: Alcohol Test Result Needed (1)(3)
TEG rule text There must be a numeric entry for the Test Results field of the Driver section
Alcohol test given is true value of 104 or 103
Alcohol test type is blank
VIN Verification
Validation errors
ERROR: Vehicle Type Required (1)
Vehicle Type is blank
ERROR: Vehicle year is more than 1 year greater than the Date of Inspection
Model Year is greater than Inspection year plus 1
ERROR: Plate Number entered so Plate Type, State and Exp Year required
Plate Number is not blank
Plate Type is blank
Plate Exp Year is blank
WARNING: Plate Number Missing (1)
Fleet number not blank
Plate Number is blank
ERROR: Plate Number Required (1)
Fleet number not blank
Plate State is blank
ERROR: Vehicle Make Required (1)
Fleet number not blank
Vehicle Make is blank
ERROR: DL Class Type must be Class M or O when Plate Type is CYC
Plate type is CYC
Licenses Classification = A, B, C or D
ERROR: VIN is required
Vehicle Identification number is blank
Plate Number is blank
WARNING: The VIN should be entered for all vehicles (1)
Vehicle Identification number is blank
ERROR: The same Vehicle Identification Number cannot be used in more than one Vehicle section (1)
Duplicate VIN on form
ERROR: The VIN Number should be alphanumeric and must not contain any spaces or dashes (1)
VIN is blank
vin is not alphanumeric
WARNING: The VIN entered is not in a valid format (1)
DLL came back with error
NOT working
WARNING: VIN less than 17 characters long
Vehicle identification length less than 17 characters.
ERROR: Vehicle Year Required (1)
Fleet number not blank
Vehicle Year is blank
ERROR: Invalid Vehicle year
vehicle year not blank
Model Year less than 1901
Model Year greater than 2 years from today
WARNING: Vehicle Body Style is missing
Body Style is blank
ERROR: Vehicle color is required
Vehicle Color is blank
WARNING: Vehicle GVWR missing
Vehicle GVWR is blank
IEP Section
ERROR: Since the Source of Identification is '5 - TraCS Intermodal Equipment Search', a successful GIER lookup must be performed (1)
Identification Source is 5 (GIER Lookup)
GIER Timestamp is blank
ERROR: You have not entered all of the required information for Intermodal Equipment. Either enter the missing information by running the TraCS Intermodal Equipment Search or change vehicle type to something other than IC-Intermodal Equipment (1)
Identification Source is 5 (GIER Lookup)
USDOT Number is blank
Company Name is blank
SCAC is blank
WARNING: IEP Same as Carrier Flag is set to Yes but iep and carrier name are not the same
Carrier Name does not equal Vehicle IEP Name
this should be impossible as the IEP name should be grayed out.
WARNING: IEP Same as Carrier Flag is set to Yes but iep US DOT # and carrier US DOT # are not the same
Carrier USDOT # does not equal Vehicle IEP USDOT #
this should be impossible as the IEP name should be grayed out
Decal and Cargo Section
ERROR: Since a Cargo Seal was removed, the number of the replacement Cargo Seal must be entered (1)
Seal Removed Number is Yes
Seal Replace number is blank
ERROR: OOS Sticker Number entered, but no vehicle OOS defect entered
OOS Number is blank
None of the out of service Flags on any of the Validation is set to this vehicle
WARNING: Load Origin State is not WI but Commerce Type is not Interstate (2)
Load Origin state not blank
Load Origin state not Wisconsin
Commerce type not 101 - INTERSTATE CARRIER
WARNING: Load Destination State is not WI but Commerce Type is not Interstate (2)
Load Destination state not blank
Load Destination state not Wisconsin
Commerce type not 101 - INTERSTATE CARRIER
ERROR: Load Origin City required (4)
inspection level not equal 3 or 5
origin city is blank
ERROR: Load Origin State required (1)
inspection level not equal 3 or 5
origin state is blank
ERROR: Load Destination City required (4)
inspection level not equal 3 or 5
Destination city is blank
ERROR: Load Destination State required (1)
inspection level not equal 3 or 5
Destination state is blank
ERROR: Shipping Paper required (1)
Shipping Paper is blank
ERROR: Placards Required field required (1)
Placards Required is blank
ERROR: Cargo Tank is 'Yes' so there must be an entry in Cargo Tank Specifications
Cargo Tank is Yes
Tank Specifications is blank
This pops up when trying to add a HazMat group with
Inspection Level 3 or 4
Placards Required is not Yes
ERROR: HazMat Inspection Type must be Bulk, Non-Bulk, or Both for Level 6 Inspections
Inspection Level equals 6
No Hazmat type equals 2, 3, or 4 (Bulk, Non-Bulk, or Both )
ERROR: Placards Required field value entered, but no Haz Mat entered
Placards Required is not blank
No hazmat code is blank
ERROR: Hazardous Code required (1)
Hazmat Code is blank
ERROR: Hazardous Waste required (1)
Hazmat code is not blank
Hazmat Waste is blank
ERROR: Hazardous Quantity required (1)
Hazmat code is not blank
Hazmat Quantity is blank
WARNING: Transporting specific quantities of this type of Hazardous Material may require an HM Safety Permit
Brake Inspection
Deleting group for inspection level 1, 5,or 6
Adding Group for inspection level 2, 3, or 4
Validation Rules
ERROR: Vehicle brake inspection is required
Inspection Level equals 1
Chamber 1 is not blank
Chamber 2 is not blank
PBBT and Size Weight Validation Rules
Validation Rules
WARNING: PBBT Failed but missing 393.52(a)(1) defect
PBBT Result is Failed
There are no Validations with federal statute 393.52(a)(1)
Violation Rules
Validation Rules
ERROR: Violation cited cannot be used with this vehicle type (1)
IEP not equal to Yes
Violation To vehicle type is Intermodal Chassis (IP)
ERROR: Violation cannot be OOS for Level 1 and Level 6 (1)
OOS equals Yes
VI OOS equals Yes
ERROR: Each Level 6 Violation must have an accompanying Level 1 Violation. The number of Level 6 Violations is greater than Level 1 Violations (1)
The Number of VI equal to Yes is greater than the number of VI violations not equal to Yes
Smart Logic Rules
Validation Rules
ERROR Violation Date cannot be before Inspection Started Date
Smart Logic Violation Date is greater than Inspection Start Date
ERROR: You must choose at least one supplemental AOBRD violation
Federal Code equals 395.15I5
Supplemental Violations is blank
ERROR: You must choose at least one supplemental form and manner violation
Federal Code equals 395.8
Supplemental Violations is blank
ERROR: You cannot cite this violation with a 395.8(a) Violation on the same Violation Date
EXREF Code equals 2
Federal Code starts with 395.8E
another violation exists with 395.8A as the federal code and same Violation Date
WARNING: A false log may not be used to document an HOS violation. Ensure that independent evidence exists to cite concurrent hours violation
EXREF Code equals 2
Federal Code starts with 395.8E
Evidence Flag is blank
ERROR: You cannot cite " & Federal Code & " with a 395.8(a) Violation
EXREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8K2 or 395.8F1
Another violation exists with 395.8A as the federal code
ERROR: You cannot cite for 395.8(k)(2) on the current or previous date. See exception in 395.13(b)(3). Use 395.8(f)(1).
EXREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8K2
Violation date is the same as the Inspection Date or the Day before
WARNING: This violation should not be cited with a 60 / 70 Hour rule violation unless independent evidence exists to cite concurrent hours violation
EXREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8K2
there is another violation with an EXREF Code equals to 6
ERROR: You cannot cite for 395.8(f)(1). Consider citing for 395.8(k)(2) instead
EXREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8F1
Violation date is the same as the Inspection Date or the Day before
ERROR: A violation of 395.8(a) cannot be cited with any other 395.8 violation
XREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8A
there is another violation that starts with 395.8
ERROR: You cannot cite this violation with a 395.3(a)(3)(ii) violation on the same date
XREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8A
there is another violation that starts with 395.3A3II with the same violation date
WARNING: A 'no log' violation may not be used to document an HOS violation unless independent evidence exists to cite concurrent hours violation
EXREF Code equals 3
Federal Code starts with 395.8A
And no other error above with XREF Codes = 3 were triggered
ERROR: You cannot cite this violation to a driver of a Property Carrying Vehicle
EXREF Code equals 4
Any Vehicle type of ("CL", "DC", "FT", "IC", "OT", "PT", "ST", "TR", "TT", "VN") found on the form
Federal Code begins with 395.5A
ERROR: You cannot cite this violation to a driver of a Passenger Carrying Vehicle
EXREF Code equals 4
Any Vehicle type of ("BU", "LM", "MC", "SB") found on the form
Federal Code begins with 395.5A
WARNING: A false log may not be used to document an HOS violation. Ensure that independent evidence exists to cite concurrent hours violation
EXREF Code equals 4
Federal Code begins with 395.5A
No vehicle types of ("CL", "DC", "FT", "IC", "OT", "PT", "ST", "TR", "TT", "VN") or ("BU", "LM", "MC", "SB") found on the form
ERROR: The selected Violation Date must be the Date Inspection Started, or one of the previous 7 days
EXREF Code equals 4
Violation date is greater than 7 days from the Inspection Date
Federal Code & " can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER PER DAY
EXREF Code equals 4
Another violation was found on the with the same violation date and one of the following federal codes
ERROR: You cannot cite an Alaska violation on current date if the inspection is not in Alaska
EXREF Code equals 5
Time Zone is not Alaska
Violation Date equals Inspection Date
WARNING: Ensure you meant to select a violation of the Alaska HOS regulations
EXREF Code equals 5
Time Zone is not Alaska
Violation Date does not equals Inspection Date
ERROR: You cannot cite 395.1(h)(1) and 395.1(2) on the same inspection
EXREF Code equals 5
Federal Code starts with 395.1H1
there is another violation with federal code 395.1H2
ERROR: You cannot cite 395.1(h)(1) and 395.1(2) on the same inspection
EXREF Code equals 5
Federal Code starts with 395.1H2
there is another violation with federal code 395.1H1
ERROR: You cannot cite 395.3 or 395.5 IN ALASKA on the current date
EXREF Code equals 5
there is a violation code of 395.3 and 395.5 on the inspection
and both violations have the same date
ERROR: Federal code can be cited only once per Driver
EXREF Code equals 6
multiple federal codes are found on the inspection
ERROR: You may not cite 395.3(b)(1) and 395.3(b)(2) on the same inspection
EXREF Code equals 6
395.3(b)(1) and 395.3(b)(2) are both found on the inspection
ERROR: You may not cite 395.5(b)(1) and 395.5(b)(2) on the same inspection
EXREF Code equals 6
395.5(b)(1) and 395.5(b)(2) are both found on the inspection
ERROR: You cannot cite both a 395.3 and 395.5 violation on the same inspection
EXREF Code equals 6
395.3 and 395.5are both found on the inspection
ERROR: You cannot cite a 395.3 or 395.5 violation on the same inspection with a 395.8(a) violation
EXREF Code equals 6
395.8(a) is found with 395.3 or 395.5 on the inspection
WARNING: You may not use a false log to document an HOS violation unless independent evidence exists to cite a concurrent violation
EXREF Code equals 6
395.8E has been sited on the inspection
ERROR: The selected Violation Date must be the Inspection Date, or one of the previous 7 days
EXREF Code equals 6
The violation date is grater that the inspection date by 7 days
ERROR: Violation Date must be the Current Date
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.13D or 395.15G
The Inspection date is not the same as the violation date
WARNING: Specify the Date and Time of the Previous OOS Violation. Optionally add the inspection report number
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.13D
The Inspection date is the same as the violation date
OOS Date and OOS time and Inspection number are all blank
WARNING: Indicate if the driver has taken time off equivalent to the original OOS order
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.13D
The Inspection date is the same as the violation date
OOS Satisfied is blank
WARNING: Consider 395.8(e) also if false logs are involved
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.15B
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.8E
ERROR: 395.3A3II can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER PER DAY
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.3A3II
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.3A3II
ERROR: You cannot cite this violation with a 395.8(a) violation on the same date
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.3A3II
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.8A
ERROR: If the AOBRD is not functioning, cite driver for the appropriate 395.8 violation
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.15F
AOBRD is not Yes
ERROR: 395.15G can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER PER DAY
EXREF Code equals 7
Federal Code starts with 395.15G
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.15G
ERROR: "& Federal Code & " can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER
EXREF Code equals 14
Federal Code starting with 383.23A2 is on more than one violation
ERROR: The selected Violation Date must be the Date of Inspection, or one of the previous 7 days
EXREF Code equals 50
Federal Code starts with 395.15I5 or 395.8
Violation Date is greater than 7 days before the inspection date
ERROR: "& Federal Code & " can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER PER DAY
EXREF Code equals 50
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.15I5
ERROR: "& Federal Code & " can be cited only ONCE PER DRIVER PER DAY
EXREF Code equals 50
there is another violation with Federal Code starting with 395.8
Level VI Rules
Validation Rules
ERROR: There must be RAM Class 7 or 7H selected and HM Waste must be checked in the hazardous materials section before TRU Waste can be checked
Sipper Type equals 2
There are No Hazmat codes of 7 or 7H
With Waste Flag set to Yes
ERROR: Inspection Location Type Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Location Type is blank
ERROR: UN Number Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Location is blank
ERROR: Instrument Manufacturer required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Instrument Manufacturer is blank
ERROR: Instrument Model Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Instrument Model is blank
ERROR: Instrument Serial Number Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Instrument Serial Number is blank
ERROR Package Description Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Package Description is blank
ERROR: Total Packages Required
Level 6 inspection
Total Packages is blank
ERROR: Background Reading Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Background Reading is blank
ERROR: 1-Meter Reading Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
1-Meter Reading is blank
ERROR: 1-Meter Location Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
1-Meter Location is blank
ERROR: In-Cab Reading Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
In-Cab Reading is blank
ERROR: In-Cab Location Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
In-Cab Location is blank
ERROR: Surface Reading Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Surface Reading is blank
ERROR: Surface Location Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Surface Location is blank
ERROR: Undercarriage Reading Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Undercarriage Reading is blank
ERROR: Undercarriage Location Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Undercarriage Location is blank
Package Validation Rules
ERROR: Package Serial Number Required (1)
Level 6 inspection
Package Serial Number is blank
ERROR: CSI must be between 0.0 and 50.0
Level 6 inspection
CSI greater than 50
Special Study Validation Rules
ERROR: Special Study Description required
Special Study Description is blank
Total Special Study is greater than zero
ERROR: Special Study Number required
Special Study Description is blank
Total Special Study is greater than zero
(1) National Model Added.
(2) National Model removed in latest version
(3) Crash rule text
(4) WI has Error but National Model has Warning
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