MCSAP Load Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Load Group

This group is visible for all inspection levels except Level 3 Driver only.





Importing Data

Radiological sites

Click DOE Sites on either the Origin City/State or Dest. City/State and a list will appear
Choosing one of the sites will enter the City and State


Field Information

Origin City

40 character alphanumeric field

Origin State

Drop Down list Includes
US States
Canada Providences
Mexico States

Destination City

40 character alphanumeric field

Destination State

Drop Down list Includes
US States
Canada Providences
Mexico States

Shipping Paper #

20 character alphanumeric field


Sipper Same as Carrier

Choosing Yes will,
fill in the Sipper Name from the Carrier Group

Shipper Name

This can autofill from the Carrier Group

Hazardous Material Section

This section will be disabled for Inspection Level 4

Exempt Number

5 character alphanumeric field

Placards Required

enable/Disables the total Hazmat types field

Total HazMat Types

Opens HazMat subgroups

Cargo Tank

Enable/Disables Cargo Tank Specification

Cargo Tank Specification

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