MCSAP Hazard Material Group

Badger TraCS Guides

MCSAP Hazard Material Group

The HazMat group is a subgroup of the Load group. This group can only open for inspections

Level 3 the Load group does not open to it is not available
Disabled for Inspection Level 4 and will be prevented from opening.


To add up to 3 new Hazmat codes type the number in Total HazMat Types, use the Form Ribbon or the Blue Bar.
To delete Hazmat codes type the number in Total HazMat Types, use the Form Ribbon or the Red Button.


Hazardous Material Section


HazMat Inspection Type

Reportable Quantity

Yes No Unknown Field

Hazmat Name

30 character alphanumeric field

Haz Waste

Yes No Unknown Field



4 digit number

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