Emergency Detention Document Group

Badger TraCS Guides

Emergency Detention Document Group

There is always one Document group

This group cannot be Deleted

Document Number

10 alphanumeric characters
First 2 Characters is a compressed Location ID
Second 2 characters is a compressed year
3rd through 6th characters is the Julian second of the current year compressed. 0-31,536,000
When entered warn user that there are optional fields you do not need to enter.

Form Field Basics

All auto-filled during the first open getting information from the computer
Machine # – Current machine number from the Machine.ini file
Pack – equals current WIPack version
Baseline – equals current baseline version
WI form version – hardcoded from code and changed if needed at request of form owners
Version Date – hardcoded from code and changed if needed at request of form owners
Map – WIPackMap version

Police Number

Can be imported and will autopopulate if second form in the case
This is an agency field


Same as all other forms

Date Occurred

Auto populates the current date when the form opens for the first time.
Can be changed manually

Time Occurred

Auto populates the current time when the form opens for the first time.
Can be changed manually

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096