Badger TraCS Guides
General Session
General Session
We open this year’s conference talking about the Fall Pack changes and features being released. The new Baseline will be demonstrated with current items being tested and some of the many features that will be available. Finishing up with the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment stats and accomplishments
Questions Asked
Sergeant Thomas Orlowski - Wauwatosa Police Department
I do have a question about ELCIs. Is it possible to have the Agency Space for ELCI modified so that it can accept images and not just text? We are required by our municipal court to provide information to drivers how to contest their citation, etc. We currently hand out full size pieces of paper with every citation that gets issued, in addition to the citation. To make this process more efficient, I would like to be able to post the payment instructions, etc., to our city website and then copy and paste a QR code into the Agency Space so the driver can look it up on their own and we stop wasting paper. The agency space is already a nice square field so a QR code would fit nicely. Is it possible to make this happen? Thank you.
Ben Wood - Milwaukee County
So is the parking ticket revamp more the reports versus the data entry? Are the tiny paper size 3 inch reports changing?
It is the reports that are changing not the data entry. The 3in parking citation report is not changing, the 8 1/2 by 11 full page parking citations are the ones being updated.
Is there a plan to allow hosted agencies to add slash, edit their own users?
We would love it, but there are issues that need to be modified in the TraCS program itself.
If you are able to modify users you get all users not just your agency.
There are user attributes that we do not want agencies modifying.
security (CJIS requirements.)
Sergeant Thomas Orlowski - Wauwatosa Police Department
I do have a question about ELCIs. Is it possible to have the Agency Space for ELCI modified so that it can accept images and not just text? We are required by our municipal court to provide information to drivers how to contest their citation, etc. We currently hand out full size pieces of paper with every citation that gets issued, in addition to the citation. To make this process more efficient, I would like to be able to post the payment instructions, etc., to our city website and then copy and paste a QR code into the Agency Space so the driver can look it up on their own and we stop wasting paper. The agency space is already a nice square field so a QR code would fit nicely. Is it possible to make this happen? Thank you.
There are reasons why we cannot do this at this time.
We cannot just change the citation report, we have very little leeway, the design is bound by statute and only the UTC council along with the Transportation Secretary
TraCS Baseline cannot add QR barcodes easily
Can do only 2D and 1D barcodes at this time
Adding graphics and linking to the agency file is very difficult. The graphics need to be a specific pixel size and any deviation distorts the graphic.
We will request of the TraCS National Vendor to add this feature
I'm wondering if is it the PDF export of like the defendant copy that they want in there, what are they?
For the Hosted Environment we cannot just change the PDF copy as some agencies want that copy as well. We will send out a survey to see what most would like but no matter what we do someone will not be happy. Agencies not on the Hosted Environment can make modifications.
For PDF’s sent to the court this cannot be changed, only the Court Copy per schema can be sent to the court. Anything else should be emailed or printed
A better option would be to have you RMS import the PDF from the embedded xml. All citations have impeded PDF’s for all reports that the form can generate. The RMS can import the specific PDF the agency wants and discard the others and are in the imbedded xml file.
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