Badger TraCS Guides
I Need Help | What Do I Do?
I Need Help | What Do I Do?
Whether you are looking for help with validating a form, configuring, or updating your RMS settings or just plain have a simple question, this breakout will provide you an overview on how to get help. Topics will include an overview of the Confluence searchable online guides, portal submissions, contact information, some great TraCS tips and tricks, and finally, meet your TraCS helpdesk team
Links discussed
Online TraCS Guides:
Dedicated Service Desk Portals:
Non-Hosted agencies: Badger TraCS Service Desk - Confluence
Hosted agencies: BadgerTraCS Hosted Environment Service Desk - Confluence
Questions Asked
Could we provide the slide presentation either by email or another method?
Yes, we can share out the presentation. After the conference, we will package it up and share a link to the presentation.
RMS transmission date is hosted only for right now and that might be something. I mean everybody's going to batch. That might be something that could be done down the road to help non hosted agencies as well in determining was this already done for RMS purposes, right?
Currently, the RMS transmission Date column is just the hosted environment.
So, if we reach out via e-mail, we should include a contact e-mail address. If it's the same address do we need to include that e-mail request? We shouldn't have to include the email address because it should be in the email.
You should fall under your organization. We have organizations, right? So we should be able to see your e-mail address. I just wanted to expand on that, that we do have some IT agencies that reach out for law enforcement agencies, which is why we ask for the e-mail address if they are in which agency they're trying to get help for. A good point if they're coming in from IT, we need the agency ID because we wouldn't know the agency at that point.
We have a few of our agencies in marathon county on hosted. We were told that there will possibly a small cost to going hosted in the year 2025 have they decided on that cost yet? Have they pushed the cost out a few years? The cost is what the Marathon County sheriff is waiting for before they go hosted.
At this time, there is no cost to go to the Hosted Environment. In the future, there may be a small fee based on the size of the agency assessed to help pay for the infrastructure - the suggested max will be $100/year.
Can you elaborate more on what happens when two officers each complete a citation under the same case ID with only one officer being able to view the citation and the other can't view theirs because of?
That is a great question and something that we see a lot of, so I'll try to explain this as best as possible. A case is started, and David wrote the ELCI. Julian wrote the NTC and I wrote the crash form. If I go in and I close my citation first the crash form. I now become the case owner. Therefore, even though Julian and David wrote their citations, I'm now the owner and only I can see these the forms that are part of that. That case the only the other people that can see this are folks with supervisor and above permissions. We have a lot of people that say I can't. David and Julian now can't see their forms because I now own them. So a way around this is that somebody at your agency can change the case owner. Or let's say Geri is a Lieutenant. She could change the case ownership to Julian, and now he could see the forms but David and I can't. Or the 2nd way around this is that we could, based on your agency's procedures we can grant what's called view only access to the forms and therefore all users that are officers that normally can't see other officers form could now with the view only rights, see all those forms. We wouldn't be able to edit. So I wouldn't be able to edit Julian's and Julian wouldn't be able to edit mine, but at least we could see each other's forms.
Yeah. And I I'll just add a little bit here. It's this is by design. From the baseline, this is how the vendor intends it to work within web ervices. It seems a little backwards in a way to people that are initially hearing kind of how it works, but it is how web services works and technically how it worked even in non web services is just due to the way. Day-to-day Web services works. It's just becomes much more apparent. So like Kim said, yeah, the view only works great. There's also the view only cases right, where it wouldn't allow them to even open the form, but it would allow them to at least see the forms in their forms manager, which would then essentially unlock the ability to view forms. That are owned by other the where cases are owned by someone else. So you have options there on essentially how much you want. Others to be able to see, and then when we bring this up, we have a lot of people mention. Well, I don't want them to be able to, you know, or they don't wanna be able to see everyone else's stuff. And that's where what Kim presented on where you know setting default searches, setting favorite searches will make a lot easier. So they can still only just filter for their own stuff.
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