eCitation Dashboard

Badger TraCS Guides

eCitation Dashboard

eCitation Dashboard


The eCitation log tells you what happened at the time you transmitted the citations.

However, you may want to check on the status of queued citations to verify their delivery. This may be done through the eCitation dashboard. Click the Data Transfer Ribbon then eCitation Button




The dashboard application will appear in a browser window.

Enter your agency name and transmission date and press the search button. You will see a report indicating the current status of your citations. Since eCitation isn’t a Records Management System, citations are only searchable for up to 60 – 90 days depending on the amount of citations transmitted.

NOTE: if looking for an individual citation number, the box is case sensitive and do not add the check digit. (i.e. A123456)

NOTE: To access eCitation workflow outside of TraCS create an browser favorite to:


Transmission Errors

You will need to resolve any citations that failed to transmit.

To view the citations that did not successfully transmit, open TraCS and go to the Forms Manager.

The citations that did not transmit successfully will have a status of “Failed Transmission” and as you select each one, you can view the error message that was returned by selecting TraCS Log from the View tab. This message will tell you why the citation failed to transmit. You can then print out paper copies of the ticket to give to the court or DA for processing.

After you have printed the paper versions of any citations that had transmission errors,

Select the citation to be changed and click the Change Status to Transmitted


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