Invalid Citations

Badger TraCS Guides

Invalid Citations

Invalid Citations

Invalid Citations happens when a form is modified after issuance and when closing, the message is ignored by the updater.

NOTE: Forms can no longer be Accepted if they are marked as Invalid. Invalid citations cannot transmit to the state because they are no longer validated.

Once a field on an issued citation has been edited by anyone the citation has to be validated.  If the citation isn’t validated, the form description will show Invalid.    Any invalid citations will not be able to transmit.  If a citation becomes invalid do the following to fix it.


Closing an Invalid Citation

When closing an invalid citation the form will tell the user the form is invalid and should be validated immediately, clicking Cancel just delays the fix.

The form can only print in invalid status, clicking Complete, Accept or Transmitting is prohibited until the form is validated properly.

Fixing an Invalid Citation

  1. In TraCS log in as a supervisor, unless the form is yours

  2. Highlight the Citation

  3. Click Open Form

  4. Click Edit Form

  5. Click Validate

  6. Fix all the Errors. If you cannot get to a grayed out fieldyou may need to use the Amend feature. How to Amend an Issued Citation (Note: IF the field is grayed out even after amending at Tier III , the field cannot be changed after issuance and the ticket will need to be reissued.)

  7. Close the form.  It is no longer Invalid

  8. Transmit

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