Modify Network Path End-Shift Method

Badger TraCS Guides

Modify Network Path End-Shift Method

Modify Network Path End-Shift Method

Modify Network Path End-Shift Method

Note: If you are changing network path for the start-shift/end-shift mailbox because the name of your file server or file share has changed, you should be following the instructions in Task 5.8, Moving TraCS to a New Server.

If you decide to move the TraCS mailbox from its default location, you will need to update the following communications instructions.

  1. Expand Transmission: ToNetworkEndShift.

    1. Select ExportToNetwork

    2. Click the Communications Options Tab and change the path as needed:

  2. Expand Transmission: FromNetworkEndShift.

    1. Select ImportFromNetwork

    2. Click the File Options Tab and change the path as needed:

  3. Expand Transmission: ToNetworkStartShift.

    1. Select ExportToNetwork

    2. Click the Communications Options Tab and change the path as needed:

  4. Expand Transmission: FromNetworkStartShift.

    1. Select ImportFromNetwork

    2. Click the File Options Tab and change the path as needed:



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