What to do with duplicate CFS's(LED)

What to do with duplicate CFS's(LED)

Behind the scenes, MACH CAD tries to predict when a duplicate call has been created, and it will indicate a possible duplicate call within the CFS by highlighting the 'Event' field.

Click on the 3 dots in the 'Event' field to show the possible duplicate calls

On the right side of the above screenshot shows the list is sorted based on the duplicative score. The duplicative score is a range from 1 to 100, with 1 being extremely low probability and 100 being an extremely high probability that the call is a duplicate. 

Also, in the Duplicate Score column header, there is a triangle that is pointing downwards, which indicates that the information is sorted based on the Duplicate Score column from large to small. So, the most possible duplicate calls are on the top. 

As you can see, there are a few calls with a duplicate score of 98, and probably has a duplicate call. If you compare the information from the first screenshot (CFS# 000001-1530) to the lines in the second screenshot, you can see that all were the same CFS Type. In addition, all of the calls also were all created on the same date and close to the same time of day. If you look at the second screenshot, you can see the 'Proximity (Miles)' field shows all of those high ranked calls are at the same location. All of this is factored into determining the duplicate score.

For this example, we are going to say that the first screenshot (CFS# 000001-1530) is a duplicate call of the top CFS (000001-1526) from the second screenshot.

Merging Calls for Service

Because we have the original call already created, and our CFS (000001-1530) is the duplicate, we just highlight the original call (000001-1526) and click 'OK'.

The original CFS# will be included in your duplicate CFS in the 'Event' field.

So, what CFS number should be used in the Event field???

Rule of Thumb - The CFS# that will be used for all of the forms associated with that call should be considered the official CFS#, and that is the CFS# that would be used in the 'Event' field for all other duplicate calls associated with the 'official' CFS. 

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