MACH CAD Sub‐Status Guidelines

MACH CAD Sub‐Status Guidelines

SUB‐STATUS ‐ Options and Guidelines

None: For use while available for calls for service and not engaged in any other sub‐status activity. This is the default sub‐status upon login and considered as available enforcement time.



Arrived at Scene:

For use when on location of an assigned call for service (CFS).

At Court:

For use when in court or in preparation for providing testimony on behalf of the State, including during pre‐trial conferences.

  • This includes:

    • Time waiting to provide testimony for a hearings or trials.

    • Time spent by court officers preparing for and processing cases through court, whether on behalf of the DSP or another agency.

    • Time spent preparing for and providing expert testimony.

    • *Does not include travel time to or from court.

Administrative Duty:

For use while completing assigned administrative tasks not related to a particular CFS. (For use by supervisors only)

  • *Does not include time spent checking email, entering time or expenses into PeopleSoft, or time completing vehicle expense reports.

Alternate Duty:

For use while working in a supervisor approved alternate duty assignment. Use of this sub-status is generally confined to period of temporary disability or during a rehabilitation. Supervisory approved alternate duty may also include maternity or other reasons where the employee is unable to perform normally assigned duties. (Supervisory Approval Required)


For use during time spent on a contractually allowed break.

Compliance Follow‐up:

For use during enforcement compliance related follow-up time related to a previous call for service. The original call for service (CFS) number shall be used on any subsequent reports or forms. This sub-status is not to be used for crash, criminal or OWI follow-up.

Crash Follow Up: For use during the investigation, report completion or enforcement action related to a crash after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed. This sub‐status is also to be used for time spent assisting officers in completing supplemental reports after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed.

Criminal Case Follow Up:

For use when investigating and completing reports related to crimes generated under the additional authority granted by 110.07(2m) or 110.07(4) or warrant arrests after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed. This sub‐status is also to be used for time spent completing supplemental reports by assisting officers after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed.

Division Investigation:

For use when conducting Division investigations to include, but not limited to background investigations. (Supervisory Approval Required)

En Route:

For use when traveling to an assigned call for service.

Equipment Service:

For use during service, repair or issuance of assigned equipment. Pilots will also use this sub‐status for during pre‐flight checks, fueling and securing of aircraft.

Evidence Processing:

For use while processing, storing and transmitting evidence. Includes time spent by Evidence Technicians in carrying out their responsibilities.

Inspection Scheduling/Follow Up

For use while performing tasks related to scheduling and data entry for the following:

  •  School bus presale inspections

  • Annual HSV, Motor Bus, or School Bus inspections

  • Salvage inspections

  • VIN investigations

*Does NOT include time spent on a call for service during an inspection.

K‐9 Support

  • For use during K‐9 deployments, K‐9 training, the servicing of K‐9 specific equipment and K‐9 care to include, but not limited to feeding, grooming, and veterinary services.


  • Identifies time spent participating in meetings, conferences, seminars, and conventions authorized by the Division. This includes work unit meetings, staff meetings, and meetings with a supervisor for evaluation and/or inspection

OWI Follow‐up

  • For use during the investigation, report completion or enforcement action related specifically to an impaired driver after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed. This sub‐status also includes time spent by assisting officers in completing supplemental reports after leaving the scene or after the call for service has been closed.

Police Escort

  • For use while providing police escorts for security, oversize loads, special permit holders or for other special events. (Supervisory Approval Required)

Report Writing

  • For use while:

    • Reading, composing and sending email

    •  Completing time and expense reports

*Does not include follow up related to a call for service or enforcement action.

Special Detail

  • For use in preparation for and during a special detail. (Supervisory Approval Required)

Speed Detail Operator

  • For use when exclusively operating enforcement detection equipment in support of an enforcement detail or by Division pilots while directing aerial traffic enforcement details. A detail is defined as a coordinated effort involving two or more personnel including the operator.


  • For use while in attendance, in preparation for, or while conducting training. Also included is time spent performing Field Training Officer (FTO) duties with a trainee(s).


  • For use while traveling to or between worksites when it exceeds one‐half hour, and the time cannot feasibly be used concurrently for both enforcement patrol and travel. Examples include travel to scheduled training or travel to the Fleet Installation Center for a vehicle swap.

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