How to End a Call For Service

How to End a Call For Service

Ending a CFS is the proper way to complete a Call, and can be done from within the CFS screen. This would be similar to "Dispo'ing" a call in the HTE CAD system. Dispatchers also have an additional way to "End a CFS", which will be explained at the bottom of this instruction.

Ending a Call for Service will:

  • Completely close the CFS, and not allow any additional information to be added including:

    • Resources

    • Notes

  • Ends the Session that is specific to the CFS

  • Removes the color-coded marker from the map

  • Not allow CFS information to be exported to a TraCS form

Field and Dispatch Personnel

  • To "End" a Call for Service, the user must be the "Owner". The CFS Details area of the CFS shows the current owner:

  • If you are not the Owner of the CFS, you can "Take the CFS", which will hand the ownership of the CFS over to you.

  • At the top of the CFS window, there is a cellphone button that will display a dropdown menu when clicked.

  • To "End" the CFS, click the cellphone button at the top of the CFS window, and click "End CFSā€¦"

  • Begin typing the Disposition you would like. In the example below, there is a disposition of "Arrest Made". By simply typing the letter "A", that selection would populate the CFS Disposition field and the "End CFS" button would light up.Ā 

  • Push the <ENTER> key, or click the "End CFS" button. This will close this Call for Service.

For Dispatchers

  • Click "End CFS"

**With the CFS open and in the active window a user can also use the ctrl+E buttons to quickly navigate to the ending of the CFS**


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