How to End a Call For Service
Ending a CFS is the proper way to complete a Call, and can be done from within the CFS screen. This would be similar to "Dispo'ing" a call in the HTE CAD system. Dispatchers also have an additional way to "End a CFS", which will be explained at the bottom of this instruction.
Ending a Call for Service will:
Completely close the CFS, and not allow any additional information to be added including:
Ends the Session that is specific to the CFS
Removes the color-coded marker from the map
Not allow CFS information to be exported to a TraCS form
Field and Dispatch Personnel
To "End" a Call for Service, the user must be the "Owner". The CFS Details area of the CFS shows the current owner:
If you are not the Owner of the CFS, you can "Take the CFS", which will hand the ownership of the CFS over to you.
At the top of the CFS window, there is a cellphone button that will display a dropdown menu when clicked.
To "End" the CFS, click the cellphone button at the top of the CFS window, and click "End CFSā¦"
Begin typing the Disposition you would like. In the example below, there is a disposition of "Arrest Made". By simply typing the letter "A", that selection would populate the CFS Disposition field and the "End CFS" button would light up.Ā
Push the <ENTER> key, or click the "End CFS" button. This will close this Call for Service.
For Dispatchers
Click "End CFS"
**With the CFS open and in the active window a user can also use the ctrl+E buttons to quickly navigate to the ending of the CFS**