Task 2.6.2 Recover Misc. | Help Desk Assistance Only

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 2.6.2 Recover Misc. | Help Desk Assistance Only


Please reach out to the Badger TraCS help desk to see if the recovery options below are possible for your agency. Open Support Ticket - Badger TraCS Service Desk - Jira Service Management (atlassian.net)

  1. Import user files (on your web clients you have copies of the users stored after each successful login) You can grab a copy of these files and import them into your new database.

    1. On your web clients grab all the files in C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Users\

    2. Place them on the server.

    3. In the Configuration Manager go to the User editor

      1. Click the Import button

      2. Click Import User Files

    4. Choose all the files and click Open.

  2. Recreate any agency level defaults. (See Task 1.7.1: Configure DEFAULTS Accounts and Task 3.15 Set Agency Level Field Defaults.

  3. Recover forms

    1. Recover forms from web services clients.  (Typically the last 90 days of forms are available.)

      1. Copy document files from C:\ProgramData\TraCS\DocumentBackup to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Document on the web services client.

      2. The next time the client is started, it will automatically begin checking in the forms, populating the database.

      3. Use the Update Transmission Status button to mark forms as transmitted for any forms that you believe have already been transmitted.

    2. Recover forms from standard mobile clients.  (Typically the last 90 days of forms are available.)

      1. This process has been deprecated

      2. Contact the help desk if your agency is not web services

  4. Run the Custom distribution file. (This adds state access levels.)

    1. If you set up Task 6.1: Download Tables Upon Login

    2. On your server you should be able to located the distribution and run it C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Download\Tables\*LocationID*\AgencySupportTable.dist.exml

    3. Remove the Distribution Log. xml file

      1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings

      2. Delete DistributionLog.xml

    4. In the configuration manager, select the update tab.

      1. Click the run distribution button.

      2. Navigate to the C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Download\Tables\*LocationID*\ folder

      3. Select AgencySupportTable.dist.exml

  5. Run the Distribution file found in your mobile distribution.

    1. Remove the Distribution Log. xml file

      1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings

      2. Delete DistributionLog.xml

    2. In the configuration manager, select the update tab.

      1. Place the distribution file onto C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Distribution

      2. Edit the Distribution Deleting all except the following.

    3. Save

    4. Click the run distribution button.

  6. You could also manually create a distribution file from a mobile unit. More directions to come


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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096