Badger TraCS Guides
Task 2.7: Document TraCS Machine Numbers Used
Task 2.6: Document TraCS Machine Numbers Used
Maintaining documentation of machine numbers is critical to managing your document numbers. Duplicate machine numbers result in duplicate document numbers which could eat up hours upon hours of troubleshooting on your own or with the help desk.
Prior to January 16, 2017 machine numbers must be exactly three digits. After January 16, machine numbers must be at least 3 digits and cannot exceed 2499.
Open TraCSInstallationWorksheet.xlsx
| Entity Number:
| |||
| Serial Number:
| |||
Jurisdiction Type:
| TAS Number:
| |||
| |||
Location ID (TAS) | Machine Number | Machine Type (Mobile/Office) | Name/Location | |
012 | 001 | Office | Master Computer | |
| |
| |
| |
Add each computer to the spreadsheet after you’ve installed TraCS on it
If your documentation has been lax in the past, you have the following options for competing the machine number spreadsheet.
Perform a physical inventory of your computers.
You won’t be able to capture computers that your agency has already disposed.
Open the c:\programdata\tracs\settings\machineid.ini file on each computer and record the MachineID setting.
If you are already logged into TraCS, you can also go to the HELP tab → About TraCS → Click … → scroll down to MachineID.
Contact and request a list of computers that have logged into the Badger TraCS update server. We will send you a list Windows computer names, Machine IDs, and last logged in user.
We periodically purge computers from the update server that have not been logged onto in the last six months.
Run the Machine ID List in TraCS. This analysis report works by looking at the forms stored in the TraCS database If a computer has not been used to create at least one form, It will not show up on this list.
Log into TraCS as a system administrator.
Under the Tools ribbon in the Maintenance menu
Click List Machine IDs
This will bring up the Machine Numbers analysis report showing all the machine numbers that have been used on all the forms in your database.
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