Task 1.2(c): Install TraCS on Master Computer, Web Server Alternative
  • Rough draft
  • Badger TraCS Guides

    Task 1.2(c): Install TraCS on Master Computer, Web Server Alternative

    Task 1.2(c): Install TraCS on Master Computer, Web Server Alternative

    Purpose: Installs TraCS server edition on your IIS server.

    If your agency does not have broadband connectivity in the field unit, please use Alternative B for this task.


    • Skills and knowledge related to web applications, including configuring IIS, firewall and proxy servers and VPNs.

    • Databases: SQL Server 2019 or higher and for more information Database Server

    • Servers set up as virtual machines are acceptable.

    Note: This alternative creates a TraCS server at your agency. If you are upgrading from a standard network installation to a web services installation, please be aware that your TraCS server will also become your master computer for the purposes of installing WI Pack updates. Other administrative tasks that you formerly performed on the master computer may be done at another office workstation. We recommend you use the same office workstation for all administrative tasks.

    New IIS Server installs will need to be made the new Master Computer. Please contact the TraCS Help Desk so we can change your master to this new server.

    Please note that the Badger TraCS Help Desk does not provide specific advice on configuring IIS, firewall and proxy servers and VPNs. Your agency must be responsible for maintaining the required skill set. The help desk’s knowledge is limited to the information presented here.

    At the IIS Server (TraCS Server):

    1. Install Windows Server 2019 x64 Standard (or above.)

    2. Install .NET 4.8 (full installs).

    3. Stop IIS.

    4. Run TraCS - Server Install 1x. xx. xx.EXE. (as of 2025: 19.02.20)

      1. Click Next.

      2. Click Next.

      3. Enter registration information as per screenshot and click Next.

        1. Your Agency Name

        2. 6

        3. Enter the serial number found on your welcome letter.

      4. Choose Full Install and click Next.

      5. Choose Server and click Next.

      6. Enter the three-digit, all numeric, TraCS Machine ID number from your installation worksheet. Remember, machine numbers must be unique throughout your agency.

      7. Click Next.

      8. Check the TraCS – Web Services box

        1. Enter the Unlock key provided to you by Badger TraCS.

        2. Change the inetpub address if required by your agency.

      9. Click Next.

      10. Click the radio button for “Under the Windows Common Application Data Folder (Recommended)” and click Next on the Application Data Location screen.

      11. Check the box for Advanced Install and click Next.

      12. Install will run.

      13. Click Next.

      14. Configure URL for update service.

      1. Place a checkmark next to Turn On TraCS Update.

      2. Enter the URL for the TraCS Update Service: https://trust.dot.state.wi.us/tracsupdate

      3. Click Next.

      4. Click Finish.

    5. Continue with task 1.4(c) to create the TraCS databases in SQL Server.


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    email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096