Task 4.3: Install TraCS Mobile

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 4.3: Install TraCS Mobile

Task 4.3: Install TraCS Mobile

Purpose: Installs TraCS Mobile on in-vehicle computers.

Mobile mode is generally used for computers in a mobile or field environment such as a squad car or other vehicle. Computers running TraCS in mobile mode are generally referred to as field units.

The mobile mode of TraCS saves TraCS data to the local hard drive. Periodically the data is transferred to the office database through a process known as “end-shift”, so called because the process is typically run at the end of the officer’s shift. The main advantage of mobile mode is that the computer does not have to maintain continuous connectivity with the network at headquarters. If you rely on USB flash drives or wireless hotspots to transfer data between the vehicle and the headquarters, you will want to use the mobile mode of TraCS in the vehicle.

You will also need to use the mobile mode of TraCS in your vehicle, even if you have broadband, if you are using MS-Access as your TraCS database or if you are concerned with dead spots with your broadband connectivity.

Requirements: Computer connected to the Internet and your Local Area Network (LAN). TraCS software downloaded in task 1.1

Choose the most appropriate option for your agency from the alternatives listed below.

Alternative A: Perform Task 4.3(a) if your response to question 3 on the architecture worksheet was:

Our field units are connectable to the network/Internet at least some of the time.

Alternative B: Perform Task 4.3(b) if your response to question 3 on the architecture worksheet was:

No connectivity field units: We have no or very little ability to connect to a network or Internet from a field unit. We USB flash drives to transfer data.

Alternative C: Perform Task 4.3(c) is obsolete as no agency has TraCS 7.3 since 2017:


Alternative D: Perform Task 4.3(d) is obsolete as no agency has TraCS 7.3 since 2017:



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