Task 4.9: Install TraCS Hosted Environment

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 4.9: Install TraCS Hosted Environment

Task 4.9: Install TraCS Hosted Environment

Purpose: This task will walk through the necessary steps for doing a new/fresh installation of the TraCS software on a new computer. These steps only apply to agencies that are in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment.


Note: You will need to get a Machine ID which is unique and never used before. Your agency should be keeping a spreadsheet of Machine ID’s used for TraCS computers to avoid duplicating citation numbers. If you do not have a spreadsheet, it would be advised to start one now..

Requirements: PC workstation or laptop connected to the Internet and agencies that are in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment.

Note: Windows 64 bit is recommended and with the next upgrade of the baseline required.


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