Badger TraCS Guides
Task 4.6(b): Replace a Computer, Using Auto-Update Settings
Task 4.6(b): Replace a Computer, Using Auto-Update Settings
Purpose: Configure TraCS on a replacement computer using settings from the original computer that were backed up to the TraCS database. This is a good option to use if the hard drive is not recoverable.
Note: if you are trying to replace your master computer and you are unable to copy files from the original computer, please contact Badger TraCS for assistance.
Requirements: New replacement computer; configuration wizard form in TraCS database for the old computer.
At the replacement computer:
Perform task 4.2 (if replacing an office workstation) or task 4.3 (if replacing a mobile field unit) on the replacement computer, but skip the sections dealing with citation numbers and the configuration wizard form.
Click the tools tab. Then click the Maintenance button and select Get Unique Machine ID.
Make a note of the Unique Machine ID. (You may find it convenient to copy and paste the ID to an e-mail message to yourself.)
At an office workstation or master computer:
Open the Configuration Wizard form corresponding to the old computer.
In the search criteria select Configuration Wizard in the Form field.
In the form Description field, enter the 3-digit TraCS machine number, the Windows Computer Name, or your agency’s asset ID corresponding to the old computer. The search term should begin and end with an asterisk, for example, *555*.
Press the search button.
Select the form and open it for edit.
Update the form.
Enter the unique machine ID from the new replacement computer in the Unique Machine ID field.
Update the Windows Computer Name and/or Asset ID as needed.
Optional: enter a note in the agency space field regarding the replacement.
Validate the form. The form will automatically save and close.
At the replacement computer:
Restart TraCS and log in. The settings and document numbers will be automatically updated.
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