Task 4.2(C): Install TraCS Office, Para-Virtualization Alternative

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 4.2(C): Install TraCS Office, Para-Virtualization Alternative

Task 4.2(C): Install TraCS Office, Para-Virtualization Alternative

Purpose: Adds files and folders to each user’s network folder so that they can successfully use TraCS in a virtualized environment.

Warning: although some agencies have chosen to run TraCS as a virtualized application, the vendor for TraCS did not specifically design the application to be run in this manner. TraCS may run more slowly as a virtualized application. Data losses can occur if a session is dropped suddenly.

Requirements: PC workstation or laptop connected to the Internet and your Local Area Network (LAN).

Different types of hardware virtualization include:

  • Full virtualization – Almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software environments, including a guest operating system and its apps, to run unmodified.

  • Paravirtualization – The guest apps are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system, but a hardware environment is not simulated. Guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment.


Overview: The auto-number file, machine ID file, message cache folder, communications folder are assigned to each user through a mapped networked drive instead of the local hard drive. Each user must have their own instance of these resources accessed through the same drive letter. The instructions below will refer to the “V:” drive, but you may use any drive letter mapping as long as it maps to a different physical path for each user.

  1. Create the following folders in each user’s network drive. (If you have more than one TraCS administrator, you will create a new machine ID file for each of the others in task 4.2.)

    1. V:\tracs

    2. V:\tracs\Settings

    3. V:\tracs\Communications

    4. V:\tracs\MessageCache

Note: The V: drive is used an example, you should use whatever you configured in task 3.1.

  1. In the V:\tracs\Settings folder of each user, create a file called machineID.ini and open the file for edit in notepad. Edit the file to look like the sample below except enter a unique 3 digit (numbers only, exactly 3 digits) machine number: Must be unique for each user and 3-4 digits (001-1499) digits.


[System] MachineID=555



Note: duplicate machine ID numbers will cause duplicate document numbers in TraCS.


  1. Save and close the machineID.ini file.

  2. In the V:\tracs\Settings folder of each user, create a file called autonumber.ini and open the file for edit in notepad. Edit the file to look like the sample below except use your agency’s Location ID (TAS Number) in the [Constant] section:

[Constant] LocationID=012 [ELCI] Range1BeginningNumber= Range1EndingNumber= Range1LastNumberUsed= Range2BeginningNumber= Range2EndingNumber= Range2LastNumberUsed= RangeInUse= DuplicateCheck5= DuplicateCheck4= DuplicateCheck3= DuplicateCheck2= DuplicateCheck1= ReorderThreshold=50 [Crash] BeginningNumber= EndingNumber= LastNumberUsed= DuplicateCheck5= DuplicateCheck4= DuplicateCheck3= DuplicateCheck2= DuplicateCheck1= ReorderThreshold=


  1. Authorize the user to use the virtualized TraCS application as per instructions given the documentation for your virtualization software.


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