Badger TraCS Guides
Task 4.3(a): Install TraCS Mobile, Fresh Installation— Low or Web Connectivity Alternative
Task 4.3(a): Install TraCS Mobile, Fresh Installation— Low or Web Connectivity Alternative
Purpose: Installs TraCS Mobile on in-vehicle computers.
Requirements: Computer connected to the Internet and your Local Area Network (LAN). TraCS software downloaded in task 1.1
Run InstallTraCS.bat, which can be found in the Distribution folder.
Distribution Folder: ____________________________________________
Click Next.
Click Next.
Enter the requested registration information.
Enter your agency name spelled and capitalized as found on your welcome letter. (If you change the spelling of your agency, you will not be able to download software updates from Badger TraCS.
Enter 6 in the entity key field.
Enter the TraCS serial number found on your welcome letter.
Click Next.
Choose the Standalone radio button on the Install Type screen.
Click Next.
Select the type of device you are installing on the Installation Device screen.
Choose the Field Unit radio button if you are not using the web services client.
Choose the Field Unit (Web Services Mode) radio button if you are using the web services client.
Enter the three/four-digit, (001-1499) all numeric, TraCS Machine ID number from your installation worksheet. Remember, machine numbers must be unique throughout your agency.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next. The installation will start.
Enable the update server.
Place a checkmark next to Turn On TraCS Update.
Enter in the TraCS Update URL field.
Click Next.
Click Finish on the final screen.
Open the Distribution\Mobile folder.
Double click MobileDistribution.bat to run it. The customizations from the master computer will be copied to the machine.
Download and install the latest update to TraCS:
Start TraCS, but do not log in.
You will receive notifications in your Windows task bar that files are downloading.
When you receive the notification that the download is complete, exit TraCS by clicking the Cancel button on the log in screen. Then restart TraCS.
Click Yes to download the update.
Click Close once the download has completed.
TraCS will restart automatically.
Close the form viewer.
The configuration settings have been automatically set based on the settings you chose when you prepared the distribution files. However, if you want to automatically repair settings and back up document numbers (recommended), you will need to create a configuration form for this computer.
Select the Tools tab on the ribbon menu.
Click Configuration and Distribution.
Click Change Settings.
Leave the unique machine ID blank and click OK in the Configuration Wizard dialog box.
Review the configuration settings and update any settings that are specific to this computer such as Windows Computer Name or Asset ID. (Windows Computer Name and Asset ID are optional.)
If you selected web service mode during installation, check the box for the Web Services Client and enter the Web Services URL.
Click the validate button to validate the form and apply the changes to this machine.
If you are not using the web services client, end-shift the ELCI Number Inventory Control and Configuration Wizard forms.
Click the data transfer tab.
Select the ELCI Number Inventory Control and Configuration Wizard forms.
Press the end-shift button and complete the end-shift process to move the forms to the end-shift/start-shift mailbox folder.
Perform and end-shift on TraCS workstation to move the the forms into the TraCS database.
At your TraCS master computer or other TraCS Workstation, select the data transfer tab.
Note: It is acceptable to wait until you’ve performed most or all of your agency’s mobile installations before performing the workstation end-shift to update the TraCS database with the records.
Click the end-shift button and complete the end-shift process.
If you selected web service mode during installation, verify connectivity and check in configuration form.
Close the TraCS program and restart it.
Sign into TraCS with your administrator account.
The connectivity indicator in the upper right corner of the screen should show Online indicating that the field unit is able to reach the web server.
Close TraCS and choose yes when prompted to check in pending forms.
Note: You can also test connectivity outside of TraCS by pasting the web services URL in a web browser. You should see a response that “the web service is running.”
Physically create the message cache folder on the computer if it does not already exist.
Note: the default message cache location, \MessageCache, corresponds to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\MessageCache. You may prefer a different location. In that case, enter the full path for the desired folder location, for example, C:\MessageCache.
Install and configure a barcode reader if your agency uses barcode readers.
Install the barcode reader according to the documentation that came with the device.
Click the Setup Barcode button on the Tools ribbon menu to complete the barcode set up.
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