How to Amend an Issued Citation

Badger TraCS Guides

How to Amend an Issued Citation

How to Amend an Issued Citation


The Badger TraCS WIPack released in the fall of 2019 introduced the CitationAmend Access Level. This access level allows for the editing of issued citations to a higher degree.

Important: Failure to add CitationAmend Access Level to users who in the past had supervisors Access Levels will result in users losing the number of fields they can change.

The number of fields that can be edited after issuance is set on a tiered-basis. Users with the Reporter Access Level can edit a certain amount, those with CitationAmend can edit more, and those users using machines with the EnabledAmendedFlag item enabled even more – when routing to a municipal court (citations routing to Circuit Court cannot be amended - the citation will need to be voided and reissued) This document introduces the CitationAmend Access Level and explains the tiered-system for editing issued citations.

CitationAmend Access Level


The CitationAmend Access Level allows the user to edit an issued citation to a higher degree than those with the Reporter Access Level.

Note: This Access Right used to be a part of the Supervisor Access Level – this is no longer the case. To allow users to edit citations to a higher degree, users must be given the CitationAmend Access Level.

The CitationAmend Access Level enables the Amend Citation button under the Citations tab in the TraCS Ribbon.

Note: Using the Amend Citation button requires the user to enter a reason for amendment.




Typical Access Level rules apply – to apply this right to others’ forms, ensure the Access Level is added to the user’s Associated Users list.

Tier I: Reporter

Users with the Reporter Access Right will be able to edit the following fields on issued citations:

  • Police Number

  • Crash Document Number

  • Tags

  • Defendant Phone Number

  • District Attorney Routing Flag

  • Narrative

  • Cover/Parent Letter Closing

  • Actual Speed

  • Accident Severity

  • Weather Condition

  • Road Condition

  • Light Condition

  • Traffic Condition

  • Agency Space



To edit, users will need to use the Edit Form button, under Home | Edit Form.

Note: The Amend Citation button is not necessary to edit any of these fields. Even if the user has the CitationAmend Access Level, to edit these fields, they may use Edit Form. Otherwise, the user must specify through a pop-up window what they intend to change





Tier II: CitationAmend

In addition to the previously-mentioned fields, users with the CitationAmend Access Right can edit the following after issuance:

  • Defendant Street Address

  • Defendant City

  • Defendant State

  • Defendant Zip Code

  • Defendant PO Box

  • Defendant Gender

  • Defendant Race

  • Defendant Height

  • Defendant Weight

  • Defendant Hair Color

  • Defendant Eye Color

  • Structure Type

  • Structure Number

  • On Hwy Type

  • On Hwy Number

  • On Hwy Direction

  • On Street Name

  • Est. Distance from Intersection

  • Direction from Intersection

  • From/At Hwy Type

  • From/At Hwy Number

  • From/At Hwy Dir

  • From/At Street Name

  • Latitude

  • Court Date

  • Court Time

To edit, users will need to use the Amend Citation button, under Citations | Amend Citation.

Note: The Amend Citation button is not necessary to edit any of these fields. Even if the user has the CitationAmend Access Level, to edit these fields, they may use Edit Form. Otherwise, the user must specify through a pop-up window what they intend to change




The user must specify through a pop-up window what they intend to change. Note: this message box appears after clicking the Amend Citation button – a reason for amendment must be entered before making any changes to the citation.




Tier III: CitationAmend + EnableAmendedFlag Item (Municipal Court Routing ONLY)

If a user has the CitationAmend Access Level and is using a machine on which the EnableAmendedFlag item has been enabled (explained in Configuration: Tier III, below) all fields on issued citations **except** for the seven below may be edited – when routing to a municipal court:

  • Court Type

  • Court Name

  • Location County

  • Statute/Transportation Number

  • Description

  • Ordinance Number

  • Ordinance Description

To edit, users will need to use the Amend Citation button, under Citations | Amend Citation.




The user must specify through a pop-up window what they intend to change. Note: this message box appears after clicking the Amend Citation button – a reason for amendment must be entered before making any changes to the citation.




Amending a citation in will not indicate in any way that the form was edited after issuance in the electronic data transmitted to courts. However, a Citation Amended notation will appear on all reports for citations amended in Tier III.







Configuration for amending citations after issuance is outlined below. Configuration instructions are organized based on the tiered-system for editing issuing citations. For information regarding the tiered-system for editing citations, please refer to the preceding Tier I: Reporter, Tier II: Citation Amend, and Tier III: CitationAmend + EnableAmendedFlag Item (Municipal Court Routing ONLY)

sections of the document.


Configuration – Tier I

To allow users to edit the fields on issued citations outlined in Tier I: Reporter, the user must be given the Reporter Access Level in TraCS Configuration Manager. Typical Access Level rules apply – to apply this right to others’ forms, ensure the Access Level is added to the user’s Associated Users list.



Configuration – Tier II

To allow users to edit the fields on issued citations outlined in Tier II: CitationAmend, the user must be given the CitationAmend Access Level in TraCS Configuration Manager. Typical Access Level rules apply – to apply this right to others’ forms, ensure the Access Level is added to the user’s Associated Users list.



Configuration – Tier III

To allow users to edit the fields on issued citations outlined in Tier III: CitationAmend + EnableAmendedFlag Item (Municipal Court Routing ONLY), the user must be given the CitationAmend Access Level in TraCS Configuration Manager. Typical Access Level rules apply – to apply this right to others’ forms, ensure the Access Level is added to the user’s Associated Users list.


In addition to ensuring the user has the aforementioned Access Level, to ensure all fields (except for the seven mentioned in Tier III: CitationAmend + EnableAmendedFlag Item (Municipal Court Routing ONLY), are editable on issued citations, the EnableAmendedFlag must be set to True in the FormPreferences.ini file.


This setting can be set through the Agency Distribution by checking the ‘Enabled Amended Citations’ box or by navigating to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings\FormPreferences.ini and changing this item from False to True on a machine-by-machine basis.



Note: If this is changed on a machine-by-machine basis by editing the FormPreferences.ini file, ensure the Distribution applied to the machine(s) will not overwrite the changes made to FormPreferences.ini – this can be done by added the ‘Enable Amended Citations’ field to the ‘Exclude These Settings From Distribution’ field on the Distribution.


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