Badger TraCS Guides
Rejected Status: Rejecting a Form
Rejecting a form
If there is something incorrect on a form and you need to send it back to an officer to fix you can set a forms status to Rejected. If your agency has set up notifications, you can set up TraCS to send an automatic email to the owner of the form. (See Maintenance Guide for setup)
NOTE: The Badger TraCS Hosted Environment has notifications enabled and starting Jan 2023 will start rejecting failed transmitted forms.
NOTE: This feature works better in Web Services Environments.
Select the form in the Forms Manager.
Note: Only users with supervisor access rights can see this button.
Click the Reject Button on the Home Ribbon
Note the Status of the form as not all statuses can be rejected.
Citations: Opened, Validated, Voided, Issued, Completed and Failed Transmission
All others: Opened, Validated, Completed and Failed Transmission.
A pop-up box will appear asking for a reason for the rejection.
Enter the reason. The popup box spell checks the reason which can be seen in the following example.
Click OK
For Web Services environments the officer should see the form if the search criteria is correct. All other systems need to Start shift the form out to the mobile computer.
Error Messages
If a form cannot be rejected, one of the following error messages will appear.
Citation Suite including Warning form
All others
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email or call 608-267-2096