Map Layers Overview
What are Map Layers?
A map layer is a container for map markers. Toggling a map layer on/off shows or hides all of the markers on the map that belong to that layer.
Map layers can be added to MACH from a file on your computer or can be downloaded from your agency server.
You have the ability to add file based layers (.kml files) to MACH from your computer. File based layers have preset map markers. You can view but not add/edit/delete markers for these types of layers.
Your agency administrator has the ability to make both file based layers and dynamic map layers available to you. You are able to add/edit/delete markers on dynamic layers if given permission. A change made to a dynamic layer can be seen by all users that have permission to view that layer.
Manage Your Map Layers
Click the Map Layers button to display the Map Layers window.
The Map Layers window shows all of the map layers that are available to you. Each row in the Map Layers window is a layer. By default, you will see only the layers made available to you by your agency administrator, if any.
The check box determines whether or not a layer appears in the Layers panel. If a checkbox is not present for a layer it means that you need to download that layer from the agency server before using it.
Download the layer by double-clicking the download icon.
NOTE: The download icon only appears when a layer needs to be downloaded or an update is available for a layer that has already been downloaded.
Some layers have sub-layers for further organization of the markers that belong to that layer. An arrow > will be displayed on the far left for any layer that contains sub-layers. Click the arrow to display the sub-layers.
NOTE: Checking/Unchecking the checkbox for a layer will also perform that action on any sub-layers that belong to that layer. Each sub-layer has its own checkbox, allowing you to add/remove it from the Layers panel.
The Map Layers window also shows you how many markers and shapes belong to each layer. Although some layers may show that they have 0 markers or shapes, they may still contain sub-layers that contain markers and/or shapes.
Checkbox - Check/uncheck the checkbox for a layer to add or remove that layer from the Layers panel.
Add File - Click the Add File button to open the Add File dialog and choose a layer file (.kml) to add from a local drive.
Remove - Click the Remove button to remove a layer file (.kml) from the Map Layers window. The Remove button will only become active when the selected layer was added using the Add File button.
Clear Map - Click the Clear Map button to uncheck all of the layers in the Map Layers window.
Layers Panel
The Layers panel is displayed when the Map tab is selected. All of the map layers that have been added are displayed in the Layers panel. Layers are added to the Layer panel using the Map Layers window.
Check Boxes - Check or uncheck the box next to a layer to show or hide that layer on the map.
Raise - Click the Raise button to raise the selected layer one level. Layers are drawn on the map in the order that they are stacked in the Layers panel. If two map markers, each from a different layer, are placed on top of one another, the layer that is closest to the top of the list will have its marker displayed.
Lower - Click the Lower button to lower the selected layer one level.
Zoom To - Zooms to a level on the map that allows all markers that belong to the selected layer to be displayed.
Right-click a layer in the Layers panel to display Layers menu.
Remove Layer - Removes the selected layer from the Layers panel. The layer can always be added again. See Manage Map Layers for more information.
Show Tooltips - Displays the tooltip for each map marker that belongs to the selected layer.
Hide Tooltips - Hides the tooltip for each map marker that belongs to the selected layer.
Cluster Markers - If highlighted, when a large number of map markers of the same type are near each other, and belong to the selected layer, they will be combined into one marker that displays a number indicating the actual number of markers placed.