MACH Map Layer Inventory

MACH Map Layer Inventory

Mobile Architecture for Communications Handling (MACH) Map Layer Inventory


  • 01-Crash-Active Scene

  • A dynamic map layer displaying markers used to identify the location and details of an active crash scene.

  • 02-Crash-Delayed Recovery

    • A dynamic map layer displaying markers used to identify the location and details of a crash scene that is not actively being worked, but subject to later recovery operations.

  • 03-Vehicle Runoff

    • A dynamic map layer displaying markers used to identify the location and details of a vehicle runoff that has not been removed.

  • 04a-Disabled Vehicle/Motorist Assist

    • A dynamic map layer displaying markers for disabled or stationary vehicles that will remain after being checked on by an officer.

  • 04b-Removed Vehicle

    • A dynamic map layer for marking the location of a vehicle removed from the highway by a Freeway Service Team (FST) contractor.

  • 05-Incident/Event Management

    • A dynamic map layer displaying a multitude of markers available for use in the management of any scale incident. Available markers include but are not limited to those used in the Incident Command System.

  • 10-Mile Markers

    • A static map layer displaying the mile marker locations for roadways throughout the state.

  • 11-Median Crossovers

    • A dynamic map layer displaying the location of median crossovers for roadways throughout the state.

  • 12-DOT Cameras, Dynamic Message Signs, Ramp Gates

    • A static map layer displaying the location of DOT traffic cameras (with embedded photo links along major thoroughfares), dynamic message signs (with embedded links to displayed messages), and ramp gates (with a link to operating instructions).

  • 13a-WISDOT Park and Rides

    • A static map layer displaying the location of statewide park and ride locations.

  • 13b-DOT Rest Areas

    • A static map layer displaying the location of DOT rest areas around the state.

  • 14a-County Names

    • A static map layer displaying the names of all Wisconsin counties.

  • 14b-County Borders

    • A static map layer displaying county borders throughout the state.

  • 15-Controled Burn

    • A dynamic map layer for plotting the location of a pre-planned controlled burn.

  • 16-Roadwork

    • A dynamic map layer of markers used to identify roadwork related locations. Details about the location, duration and status should be included in the marker Name and Description.

  • 17-County Jails

    • A static map layer of all Wisconsin county jail locations. 

  • 18-Hospitals

    • A static map layer displaying the location of trauma hospitals across the state.

  • 19-Intoximeter Locations

    • A static map layer indicating the location of Intoximeter breath test equipment sites throughout Wisconsin.

  • 20-Portable Dynamic Message Sign

    • A dynamic map layer used to identify the location of portable dynamic message signs.

  • 21-Animal Carcass (Reported)

    • A dynamic map layer displaying the location of animal carcasses that have been reported to the authority in charge of pickup.  Details about the specific location should be recorded in the details. 

  • 22-CMV Inspection

    • A dynamic map layer containing multiple marker types for the identification of locations pertinent to the weighing and inspection of commercial motor vehicles.

  • 23-Overdose Incident Location

    • A dynamic map layer for reporting and geo-locating overdose incidents by severity and by Naloxone (Narcan) use. This map layer is integrated with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program Overdose (ODMAP) mapping application.

  • 24-Night Mode Glare Reduction

    • A static map layer that reduces the light intensity from the MACH map. May also be used in conjunction with MACH "Night Time Mode" found under the "File" tab.

  • 25-Training Locations

    • A dynamic map layer used to mark training locations that can be temporarily displayed to assist participants in navigating to the appropriate destination.

  • 26-WISCOM Radio Towers

    • A static map layer marking the location of WISCOM radio tower locations owned by WSP, DNR and other entities.

  • 27-State Patrol Post Locations

    • A static map layer displaying the location of State Patrol Posts across the state.

  • 28-DOC Correctional Facilities

    • A static map layer displaying the location of DOC correctional facilities across the state.

  • 29-MACH User Agency Locations

    • A static map layer displaying the names and locations of agencies currently participating in the MACH program.

  • 30-Milwaukee Police Districts

    • A static map layer displaying Milwaukee PD Districts and Stations.

  • 31-Milwaukee County Freeway Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the Milwaukee County freeway sectors.

  • 50-CMV Predictive Analytics-Day Shift

    • A static map layer displaying historical CMV crash location data for the time of year and selected shift. Color codes indicate crash severity.

      • Red=Fatal 

      • Orange=Serious Injury

      • Yellow=Minor Injury

      • Blue=Suspected Injury

  • 51- CMV Predictive Analytics-Afternoon Shift

    • A static map layer displaying historical CMV crash location data for the time of year and selected shift. Color codes indicate crash severity.

      • Red=Fatal 

      • Orange=Serious Injury

      • Yellow=Minor Injury

      • Blue=Suspected Injury

  • 52- CMV Predictive Analytics-Night Shift

    • A static map layer displaying historical CMV crash location data for the time of year and selected shift. Color codes indicate crash severity.

      • Red=Fatal 

      • Orange=Serious Injury

      • Yellow=Minor Injury

      • Blue=Suspected Injury

  • 90a-Kewaunee Nuclear Facility-10 Mile Radius

    • A static map layer displaying 1 mile, through 10 mile radiuses around the designated facility along with designated sector labels.   

  • 90b-Kewaunee Nuclear Facility-50 Mile Radius

    • A static map layer displaying radiuses at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 miles around the designated facility.  

  • 91a-Point Beach Nuclear Facility-10 Mile Radius

    • A static map layer displaying 1 mile, through 10 mile radiuses around the designated facility along with designated sector labels.   

  • 91b-Point Beach Nuclear Facility-50 Mile Radius

    • A static map layer displaying radiuses at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 miles around the designated facility.  

  • 91c-Point Beach Nuclear Facility-Traffic Cntl Pts

    • A static map layer provided by Wisconsin Emergency Management displaying pre-designated traffic control points for responses involving the Point Beach Nuclear Facility.

92a-Prairie Island Nuclear Facility-10 Mile Radius

  • A static map layer displaying 1 mile, through 10 mile radiuses around the designated facility along with designated sector labels.  

  • 92b-Prairie Island Nuclear Facility-50 Mile Radius

    • A static map layer displaying radiuses at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 miles around the designated facility.  

  • 92c-Prairie Island Nuclear Facility-Traffic Cntl Pts

    • A static map layer provided by Wisconsin Emergency Management displaying pre-designated traffic control points for responses involving the Prairie Island Nuclear Facility.

93-Wisconsin Border Roads

  • A static map layer highlighting Interstate Highways, US Highways, State Highways, County Highways and Local Roadways that provide points of entry to the State of Wisconsin. 

  • 99-Internal Use (Not Visible to Outside Agencies)

    • A dynamic map layer displaying a set of generic markers made available to each user agency.  Markers are not visible by outside user agencies.  Agencies may determine what each color marker is to be used for.

  • DNR 01-Counties

    • A static map layer of displaying the Wisconsin county borders, with borders extending into Lake Superior and Lake Michigan for DNR purposes.

  • WSP 01a- SWR Patrol Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the Southwest Region, DeForest and Tomah Post’s patrol sectors.

  • WSP 01b- SER Patrol Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the Southeast Region, Waukesha Post’s patrol sectors.

  • WSP 01c- NER Patrol Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the Northeast Region, Fond Du Lac Post’s patrol sectors.

  • WSP 01d- NCR Patrol Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the North Central Region, Wausau Post’s patrol sectors.

  • WSP 01e- NWR Patrol Sectors

    • A static map layer displaying the Northwest Region, Eau Claire and Spooner Post’s patrol sectors.

  • WSP 02-Towing Services

    • A dynamic map layer displaying towing service locations across the state utilized by Wisconsin State Patrol users. 

  • WSP 03-Manual Mile Marker Mapping Project

    • A dynamic map layer is used by select Wisconsin State Patrol staff to manually map mile marker locations that can then be added to the "89-Mile Markers" layer, and to the bulk locations available to dispatchers in MACH CAD.

  • WSP 04-Air Enforcement Zones

    • A static map layer displaying marked highway air enforcement zones.

  • WSP 05-Vent-Hood Evidence Testing Site

    • A static map layer displaying the location of evidence testing sites equipped with a vent hood that are available for use by Wisconsin State Patrol staff.

  • WSP 06-State Patrol Residence Layer

    • A static map layer visible to Wisconsin State Patrol users only. Populated with address information from the WSP CORE database and maintained by WSP officers through the MyProfile link in the Offense/Incident Manager application.  This layer is used to assist in call-out procedures when officers that are not on duty are needed to respond to an incident or for event planning purposes.

  • WSP 07-WISCOM Issue Location

    • A dynamic map layer displaying the exact location of specific WISCOM related problems. Layer is visible to Wisconsin State Patrol users only; including WSP Radio Technicians.

  • WSP 08- Communications Hut Locations (DTSD)

    • A static map layer displaying the locations of WisDOT, Division of Transportation System Development (DTSD) communication huts.


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