How To Use The MACH Bot
How to run time queries through the MACH BOT
In the ribbon bar select the BOT Request Button
ou should see an Initialize the WI Time Bot Request screen. This screen is where you will determine which query you want to run. Users currently have the ability to run five main types of queries: Basic, Person, Vehicle, Property, and Boat. The user can also create a Call For Service (CFS) from within the Bot Request function.
Click on the Tab that coincides with the type of search you want to run.
The “Basic” search allows the user to run a vehicle, and/or a person in the same request.
To run the request, enter the desired information into the appropriate fields and either click “Submit” or “Submit and Create CFS”. Clicking “Submit” will run the information though the TIME system. Clicking “Submit and Create CFS” will run the information AND create a CFS with the returned information entered in the Resources tab of the CFS.
Users have the option of running the Registered Vehicle’s Owner and/or a Sportsman query from within the Basic tab. To run either of these queries, click the checkbox next to the desired query before submitting the Bot Request.
The “Person” tab search is defaulted to run a Wisconsin Driver License
If this is an out of state query check the NLETS Drivers Record box and select the state or region you want to run.
Once you have chosen the query you want click the “Next” button.
At minimum you must enter the following fields to receive a return on your Person query: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, DOB, and Sex. When finshed click Submit.
If you need a DMV Photo you must also check the Include Image Box and enter the following fields: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, DOB, Sex Purpose, and Attention Line.
After you press submit MACH will open up a session and you will receive the return.
For a Registration search it is defaulted to run a Wisconsin Registration.
For out of state Registrations
At minimum you must enter the following fields to receive a return on your Registration query: Registration Number and Type (if out of state). Click Submit
The BOT will auto populate your common information manager in TraCS 10 as long as TraCS 10 was running when the query was made.
If you use the ASPEN program, you will also be able to import driver vehicle information through the export data to aspen button on the BOT.
After clicking that button the BOT will create a vehicle or person file in the same location query central does. This will make it possible to import into ASPEN when you open up a report, or by clicking the Query Central tab on ASPEN.