MACH Marker Use Guidance
Markers Panel
The Markers panel in MACH allows you to add new markers or view existing map markers on the MACH map.
There are two ways to plot a marker on the MACH map.
To plot a marker in your current location:
Double-click the desired marker. This will populate the Add Marker button with the selected marker and change the verbiage to “At My Location”.
Example: By double clicking
Single-click the
button to have the marker placed at your current MACH location.
To plot a marker in a location other than where you appear in MACH:
Single-click the desired marker. This will populate the Add Marker button with the selected marker and will change the verbiage to “Add Marker”.
Example: By single clicking
Single-click the
button and drag the marker to the desired location on the map. (*Important) Single-click when the hand icon is over the exact spot on the map.
Once a marker has been placed on the map it becomes a searchable field in the Marker Tab.
Click on the plus sign next to a marker in the Markers Tab to expand it to see all of the existing markers of that type.
Double click on the Name of any existing marker to zoom to that marker on the map.
Markers Currently Available Within MACH
Below is a list of all of the available markers in MACH along with guidance as to the information that should be added to each marker:
Crash-Active Scene is used to indicate the location of a reported or active crash scene.
Name Field
Highway or Street, location, direction, crash type (2 veh pdo, 3 veh PI etc), vehicle description
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Status (heavy wrecker en route, DNR en route etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Crash-Delayed Recovery is used to identify a crash scene that is no longer being actively managed where vehicles will remain for later recovery. If a Crash – Active Scene Marker was originally plotted, the majority of the needed field information for the Crash - Delayed Recovery Marker may be copied over prior to replacing the Crash – Active Scene Marker.
Name Field
Highway or Street, location, direction, vehicle color and type
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
License plate number (if available)
Occupied or unoccupied
Driver or occupant contact information (if available)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Status (occupants at McDonalds in Janesville with keys, Don’s Towing to do recovery etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Vehicle Runoff is used to identify vehicle Runoff Locations.
Name Field
Highway or Street, location, direction, vehicle color and type
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
License plate number (if available)
Occupied or unoccupied
Driver or occupant contact information (if available)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Status (tagged for two hours, AAA en route, owner making arrangement for removal etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Disabled Vehicle/Motorist Assist is used to identify the location of Disabled Vehicles or Motorist Assists. Use of the marker would generally be confined to those instances where the officer will not be standing by.
Name Field
Highway or Street, location, direction, vehicle color and type
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
License plate number (if available)
Occupied or unoccupied
Driver or occupant contact information (if available)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Status (tagged for two hours, AAA en route, owner making arrangement for removal etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Incident/Event Management group of markers are used to indicate the location of a variety of resources or points of interest pertaining to an incident or event.
Alternate Route is used to indicate a temporary alternate route for traffic. Markers can be placed along the route and at major intersections.
Name Field
“Alternate Route” and highway or street, location, direction, route etc.
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Routing instructions
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Base is used to indicate the location at which resources are housed in support of an extended incident/event response.
Name Field
“Base” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Base contact person/information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Command Post is used to indicate the designated location of an incident command post.
Name Field
“Command Post” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description
Assigned Incident Commander/ICP contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Decontamination Zone is used to indicate the location where entities involved in a hazardous materials related incident may report or be directed for decontamination.
Name Field
“Decontamination Zone” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is used to indicate the location where the coordination of information and resources to support incident management activities are for an incident or event.
Name Field
“EOC” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Assigned personnel/contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fire is used to indicate the location of an uncontrolled/unplanned fire.
Name Field
“Fire” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fuel-Designated General Public Location is used to indicate the location of active fueling stations for general public use.
Name Field
“Fuel” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fuel-Public Safety Priority Location is used to indicate the location of active fueling stations for PUBLIC SAFETY ENTITIES.
Name Field
“Fuel” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
General is used to indicate a location of importance that may not have a designated marker type.
Name Field
Description of what the marker is for, and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Details about to the plotted item
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
HAZMAT Hot Zone is used to indicate the location of actual or potential contamination where a potential for exposure to hazardous substances exists.
Name Field
“HAZMAT Hot Zone” Hazmat type, highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Responder guidance
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Helicopter Landing is used to indicate a designated location for helicopters to safely land and takeoff.
Name Field
“Helicopter Landing” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Position relative to roadway or other landmarks
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Incident Communications Center is used to indicate the designated location for a Communications Unit, Message Center or for communications equipment.
Name Field
“Incident Communications Center” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Assigned personnel/contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Incident Location is used to indicate the location of an active incident.
Name Field
“Incident Location” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Information is used to add information that is pertinent to a particular location involved in an incident or event.
Name Field
“Information” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Interview and Investigation Area is used to indicate the location designated for interviews and investigations pertaining to an incident or event.
Name Field
“Interview and Investigation Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Media Staging Area is used to indicate the designated location for media to be directed to pertaining to an incident or event.
Name Field
“Media Staging Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Medical Aid Station is used to indicate the location designated for personnel to obtain medical assistance or to direct those in need of medical assistance to during an incident or event.
Name Field
“Medical Aid Station” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Medicine Dispensing Location is used to indicate the location designated for the dispensing/distribution of medications pertaining to an incident or event.
Name Field
“Medicine Dispensing Location” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Military Installation/Armory is used to indicate the location of military installations or armories.
Name Field
“Military Installation/Armory” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Parking Area is used to indicate the location designated for general parking for an incident or event.
Name Field
“Parking Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Public Shelter is used to indicate the location designated as a shelter held out for public use for an incident or event.
Name Field
“Public Shelter” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Reporting Locations is used to indicate the location or facilities where incoming resources can check-in at an incident or event for assignment.
Name Field
“Reporting Locations” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Reporting location contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Reunification Area is used to indicate the designated location for individuals to be directed to for reunification pertaining to an incident or event.
Name Field
“Reunification Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Road Hazard is used to indicate the location of a temporary hazard in the roadway. (downed tree, mudslide etc.)
Name Field
“Road Hazard” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of hazard type and location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Staging Area is used to indicate the designated location where resources are to be staged for an incident or event.
Name Field
“Staging Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Supply Location is used to indicate the location of incident or event related supplies or resources.
Name Field
“Supply Location” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Type of supplies available
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Traffic Barricade is used to indicate the location where temporary traffic barricades have been put in place for traffic control.
Name Field
“Traffic Barricade” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Traffic/Perimeter Control Point is used to identify locations for personnel to provide traffic or perimeter control.
Name Field
“TCP” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Numbering the locations (TCP 1, TCP 2, etc.) may be useful for assignment purposes if multiple locations are identified
Description Field
Items to consider adding include:
Specific location and assignment at plotted location (i.e. deny entry to northbound traffic)
Identification of non-MACH entity assigned to the plotted location (i.e. Dunn County Highways blocking westbound traffic)
Officer assigned to plotted location
Triage Area is used to indicate the location where priority of victim treatment is determined.
Name Field
“Triage Area” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Contact information
EMS on scene?
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
VIP Parking is used to indicate the location designated for the parking of VIP vehicles.
Name Field
“VIP Parking” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Contact information
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Water Over Roadway is used to indicate the location of roadway that is covered or partially covered by water. The presence of a “Water Over Roadway” marker does not necessarily indicate that the roadway is closed at the location.
If a roadway has been closed due to flooding, use the “Water Over Roadway” marker in conjunction with the “Traffic Barricade” marker or the “Traffic/Perimeter Control Point” marker to indicate how the closure is being accomplished.
If a roadway is closed due to flooding, and there are PERSONNEL ON SCENE, use the “Water Over Roadway” marker in conjunction with the “Traffic/Perimeter Control Point” marker.
Name Field
Highway or Street, location, direction
Description Field
Which lane(s)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Wind Direction is used to indicate the direction in which the wind is blowing in a specified location or area.
Name Field
“Wind Direction” prevailing wind direction etc.
Description Field
Wind direction wind and speed if known
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Median Crossovers is used to indicate the location of a signed median crossover.
Name Field
Enter the Highway, mile marker and “XOVER” (Example: I-39/90 NB MP 106.4 XOVER”
Description Field
Pertinent information regarding access i.e. “Steep grade, or narrow cut through, no large truck access”
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Controlled Burn is used to indicate the location of a pre-planned controlled burn.
Name Field
“Controlled Burn” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Name/entity in charge of controlled burn and contact information
Status (start time/active)
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Roadwork layer is a group of markers are used to indicate the location of a variety of roadwork related points of interest pertaining to roadway repair or construction.
Roadwork – Alternate Route is used to indicate a temporary alternate route for traffic during construction/road maintenance. Markers can be placed along the route and at major intersections.
Name Field
“Roadwork - Alternate Route” and highway or street, location, direction, route etc.
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Routing instructions
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Roadwork - Area is used to identify the location of construction/road maintenance.
Name Field
“Roadwork - Area” and highway or Street, location, direction and type of construction or maintenance work
Description Field
Lane, shoulder or roadway restrictions (if applicable)
Point of contact information (if available)
Status (all equipment to be removed by 1800 etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Roadwork – Emergency Parking/Crash In. is used to identify the location of designated emergency parking/crash investigation sites within a construction/road maintenance zone.
Name Field
“Emergency Parking/Crash Invest.” and highway or Street, location of site
Description Field
Lane, shoulder or roadway restrictions (if applicable)
Point of contact information (if available)
Status (all equipment to be removed by 1800 etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Roadwork - Information is used to identify important information pertaining to the construction/road maintenance zone.
Name Field
“Roadwork - Information” and highway or Street, location, and direction
Description Field
Lane, shoulder or roadway restrictions (if applicable)
Applicable information
Point of contact information (if available)
Roadwork – Road Closure is used to identify the location of traffic barricades that have been put in place indicating a road closure due to construction/road maintenance.
Name Field
“Roadwork - Road Closure” and highway or Street, location, direction and type of construction or maintenance work
Description Field
Lane, shoulder or roadway restrictions (if applicable)
Point of contact information (if available)
Status (all equipment to be removed by 1800 etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Portable Dynamic Message Sign is used to indicate the location of a deployed portable message sign.
Name Field
“Portable Dynamic Message Sign” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Location description (relative to roadway etc.)
Name/entity in charge of sign and contact information
Status (active/inactive)
Current message
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Animal Carcass is used to indicate the location of an animal carcass that has been reported to the authority in charge of pick up.
Name Field
“Animal Carcass” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
CMV Inspection layer is a group of markers are used to indicate the location of a variety of resources or points of interest pertaining to Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspections.
CMV Inspection Site is used to indicate a location conducive to the inspection of Commercial Motor Vehicles. Markers can be placed at both publically and privately managed sites available for CMV inspections.
Name Field
“CMV Inspection Site” Highway or street, location, direction, name of facility
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
CMV Inspections Prohibited is used to indicate a location where the inspection of Commercial Motor Vehicles is prohibited. Markers can be placed at both public and private sites to indicate that they are NOT AVAILABLE FOR CMV INSPECTIONS.
Name Field
“CMV Inspections Prohibited” Highway or street, location, direction, name of facility
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Private Certified Scale is used to indicate a location of a privately owned and operated CERTIFIED scale available for law enforcement use.
Name Field
“Private Certified Scale” Highway or street, location, direction, name of facility
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Scale owner
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
State Patrol Safety and Weight Facility is used to indicate a location of a Safety and Weight Facility operated by the Wisconsin State Patrol.
Name Field
“Facility Number and Name”
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Trucking Complaint is used to indicate a location of an ongoing citizen/officer reported CMV issue (i.e. a report of a carrier operating overloaded or unsafe equipment). The marker designates the general location of the reported issue. The use of this marker is not intended for use on a general driving complaint (10-65) call.
Name Field
“Trucking Complaint”
Description Field
Detailed description of the reported issue
Company information, vehicle description
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Virtual Weigh in Motion Scale is used to indicate a location of a virtual weigh in motion scale site.
Name Field
“VWIM” Highway or street, location, direction
Description Field
Detailed location/route description (relative to roadway etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Markers from this layer are only available to be plotted in MACH by agencies that have an agreement in place with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program ODMAP application.
72 – Overdose Incident Location markers are used to promptly report the location of a suspected drug overdose. This is regardless of the suspected drug type. Users should select the appropriate type of overdose incident marker from the available marker types. The marker must be placed as accurately as possible to show the exact location of the overdose incident. * DO NOT PLOT MARKERS FROM THIS GROUP UNLESS REPORTING AN ACTUAL OVERDOSE INCIDENT.
Non-Fatal OD – Naloxone Administration Unknown is used to indicate the location of a suspected Non-Fatal drug overdose where Naloxone administration is unknown.
Name Field
“Non-Fatal OD – Naloxone Administration Unknown”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Non-Fatal OD – Naloxone Not Administered is used to indicate the location of a suspected Non-Fatal drug overdose where Naloxone was NOT administered.
Name Field
“Non-Fatal OD – Naloxone Not Administered”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Non-Fatal OD – Single Naloxone Dose is used to indicate the location of a suspected Non-Fatal drug overdose where a single dose of Naloxone was administered.
Name Field
“Non-Fatal OD – Single Naloxone Dose”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Non-Fatal OD – Multiple Naloxone Doses is used to indicate the location of a suspected Non-Fatal drug overdose where a multiple doses of Naloxone were administered.
Name Field
“Non-Fatal OD – Multiple Naloxone Doses”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Number of Naloxone doses administered
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fatal OD – Naloxone Administration Unknown is used to indicate the location of a suspected fatal drug overdose where Naloxone administration is unknown.
Name Field
“Fatal OD – Naloxone Administration Unknown”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fatal OD – Naloxone Not Administered is used to indicate the location of a suspected fatal drug overdose where Naloxone was NOT administered.
Name Field
“Fatal OD – Naloxone Not Administered”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fatal OD – Single Naloxone Dose is used to indicate the location of a suspected fatal drug overdose where a single dose of Naloxone was administered.
Name Field
“Fatal OD – Single Naloxone Dose”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Fatal OD – Multiple Naloxone Doses is used to indicate the location of a suspected fatal drug overdose where a multiple doses of Naloxone were administered.
Name Field
“Fatal OD – Multiple Naloxone Doses”
Description Field
Enter the exact location of the incident (highway/street, mile marker/address)
CFS Number
Number of Naloxone doses administered
Suspected type of drug
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Training Location is used to indicate the location of a training site.
Name Field
“Training Location” and highway or street, location, direction etc.
Description Field
Description of location (relative to roadway etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Internal Use (Not Visible to Outside Agencies) – Use of this set of markers is determined by each MACH user agency.
Name Field
Designated by MACH user agency
Description Field
Designated by MACH user agency
Towing Services is used to indicate the location of available tow/recovery services.
Name Field
“AAA” if applicable, towing company name
Description Field
Service types (Flatbed/regular hook/Heavy wrecker etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Manual Mile Marker Mapping Project is used exclusively by WSP to indicate the location of mile marker signs.
Name Field
Highway type (US, STH, I) - HWY#, Direction, MP XXX, [County]
Example: “I-39/90 SB MP 155 [Dane]
Description Field
Left Blank
Air Enforcement Zone is used to indicate the location of an available WSP air enforcement zone.
Name Field
Enter the Highway, direction, mile marker and “AIR ZONE” (Example: I-39/90 NB MP 106.4 AIR ZONE”
Description Field
Location for chase car parking
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
WISCOM Issue Location is used to indicate a location where WISCOM radio traffic is ineffective. This layer is exclusive to WSP.
Name Field
Exact highway or street, location, direction etc. (use the At My Location feature to provide the exact location)
Description Field
Out of Range or other description of WISCOM related problem
Additional pertinent information may be added as well
Recruit Class Training Map is available to WSP recruits and assistant training officers for the purposes of familiarization with the MACH mapping program. Users can plot markers on the MACH map that are not viewable by other MACH users.
Name Field
Exact highway or street, location, direction etc. (use the At My Location feature to provide the exact location)
Description Field
Position relative to roadway
Case or incident number (RD#) and agency
Status (heavy wrecker en route, DNR en route etc.)
Additional pertinent information may be added as well