2023-06-23, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Emergency Vehicle Involvement and Fatal Notification buttons not working with Outlook365
Change the button programming to use the Email table that populates within the log database instead of method Baseline uses now. Not much programming here
Also, permission to design report for Fatal Notification just like we have already Emergency Involvement. Would take us less than a day to create this report.
Workaround TraCS is using currently.
Confluence Resource TraCS gives to agencies.
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker / Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
6/25/2023 - Next monthly server maintenance window
6/12/2023 – Tentative date of next low risk maintenance window for Resolve System updates
Ongoing coordination with UW DoIT Oracle Licensing Team
Per campus leadership, there is no expectation that we will need to budget or pay for the Oracle contract in May 2024. Current TOPS planning is to remain on the Oracle platform. See below regarding VxRail migration.
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
2022 Finalization
Updated the 2022 final extracts to incorporate a withdrawn fatality on 5/26/2022. New extracts verified by the CRU on 5/31/2022.
RP coding process for 2022 data is continuing and will be merged into the frozen data set once completed.
June JIRA Cases:
Issues Identified during 2022 Finalization data review:
CRASHDB-1307 – Inconsistency between TOTWIT and WITFLAG
CRASHDB-1310 – Restricted Flag set for non-restricted cases
Fixes for both cases have been deployed to the TOPS UAT environment for acceptance testing. Tentative production update on 6/12/2023.
CRASHDB-1034 – DT3480 Add Underride/Override Fields
Preliminary data dictionary and DT3480 XSD updates provided to CRU and TraCS team. Revised versions based on feedback in process.
New XSD installed on the TOPS TST and UAT environment for transmission testing. Further development will be needed to incorporate the new Underride/Override element into the crash database and FARS EDT.
CRASHDB-1186 – Investigate Customer Create web service case
Issue with customer pulling crash reports from http://Wisconsin.Gov without paying
In the Queue:
Migrate to the TOPS VxRail Oracle 19c platform
DMV Customer Number enhancements
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
974,211 total archived crashes of which 365,218 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 15K crashes per month). This includes 1,818,558 total image files.
FY24 Project Planning
FY24 SPR application and budget submitted on 4/28.
HWYCLASS Working Group
TOPS finalizing the STN/WSLR/LINK-LINK data request to BSHP
Continuing to onboard the grad student to help with the effort
Will resume workgroup meetings later this summer
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Final 2022 data available on WisTransPortal and Community Maps.
WisTransPortal has been updated to indicate that 2022 dataset is final (excluding RP coding).
Community Maps embedded map available again on Channel 3000: Traffic News
Community Maps Advanced Search Drill Down Enhancement
Crash Records Unit
Soujanya Jarabana / Mike Satteson
Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies:
CRU business unit provided email, phone, and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in the DT4000 crash form.
We received 19 LEA questions in the last 4 weeks, this time there were questions about different crash scenarios involving.
3 Hit and Run Crashes
2 questions about Crash diagram
3 questions about Non-Reportable Crashes
2 involving fatal crash.
3 involving Illegally Parked Vehicle
Transmission failures:
We addressed 11 transmission failures between April 28th until now after providing solution to the agencies.
9 are transmitted
2 are transmitted as other Document (Duplicate Document Number)
DT4000 Fatal Crashes:
Quality Check process for DT4000 fatal crashes is performed which comes in Resolve. The process starts with creating a Jira issue for DT4000 basic check and then and assigned to the FARS team,
FARS team performs quality check for
Whether All Fatal Injuries are Shown, Diagram, Narrative and Sequence of events are Good, and whether DT3480 is available.
Based on the results of the quality check process the agency is contacted to amend the crash report.
3 fatal crashes are under agency review for missing Fatal Supplement & 2 crash needs Agency Amendment.
Tracking is done for missing DT4000 fatal crashes, and the agency is contacted when a 3-week due date is met from the crash date.
Currently there are 2 fatal crashes from Milwaukee PD meeting the three-week due date.
Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve System
During Crash Data Finalization 2022 - Edit checks, two bugs were identified
Witness flag is getting reset from “Y” to “N” after Resolve System edit is performed.
Incorrect setting of Restricted flag for non-Juvenile drivers after Unit level edit is performed.
Testing is in progress deployed to UAT on 2023-06-22
In the last four weeks, 1 normal change request was submitted to Change Advisory Board which includes:
Monthly server maintenance for June 2023.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau / Asadur Rahman
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents