2023-02-24, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Dave Harvey, (Acting TraCS Unit Supervisor)
Form for Tow Companies from crash report. The thought originally to print from crash but now we are considering a form
National Model, New members, MN and Virgin Islands
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker and Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
1/29/2023 Monthly server maintenance window
2/26/2023 Next monthly server maintenance window
2/12/2023 Unplanned outage, 5:11 PM – 8:17 PM
Resulted from a database recovery log storage issue
Hourly email alerts notified the TOPS Lab of the issue
CRU followed up on failed transmissions based on saved XML
Ongoing coordination with UW Oracle Licensing Team – no updates
Prioritized JIRA Updates and Enhancements
CRASHDB-1188: Merge Crash Reports - Rock County 2023-01-27 - Reported by the DSP.
BITS redevelopment of NIC crash reports payment mechanism
In Progress:
CRASHDB-1113: Resolve System Stability Enhancements.
CRASHDB-1082: Crash Data Archive - Establish CRU Access to the Crash Database Archive
In Queue:
2021 RP Finalization
CRASHDB-999: Include Agency Search in Resolve
Customer Number Assignments Enhancements
FMCSA Enhancements
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
930,363 total archived crashes of which 312,297 represent purged crashes. This includes 1,729,791 total image files.
Nightly archiving process refactored to run hourly (part of CRASHDB-1082).
2021 Crash Finalization
Plan is to incorporate the results of the 2021 final RP coding and generate the final extracts early 2023.
Statistical frozen 2021 data set available on WisTransPortal and Community Maps.
HWYCLASS Working Group
2/28 Working Group Meeting (4th Tuesday)
2/28 LINK-LINK Transformation Services Meeting (BSHP / BITS)
Next Steps:
Define data mappings to WISLR / STN
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Community Maps:
March 29 User Group Planning (with Green Lake County SO)
February 16 Update:
Increased Advanced Search Document Number Search limit from 1,000 to 20,000
Migrated to Eclipse Temurin Java 11
Minor bug fixes and enhancements
No updates this period
Crash Records Unit
Soujanya Jarabana and Mike Satteson
Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies:
CRU business unit provided email and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in the DT4000 crash form.
Received 13 LEA questions in the last 4 weeks with 2 Hit and Run Crashes and 3 Non-Reportable crashes.
Testing Web Applications:
Purchase Crash Reports
Created Test Plan for NIC Payment Processing
Driver Report on Crash
DB2 Connect Upgrade changes validation on 01/29/2023 in Production.
Transmission failures:
We addressed 14 transmission failures between Jan 28th until now
Out of it, 11 are transmitted after providing solution to the agencies
3 are still pending with the agencies
Badger TraCS March/April 2023 Pack updates related to Crash Form
Table Updates - Hospital Names Changed:
Columbus Community Hospital changed to Prairie Ridge Health
Mayo Clinic Health Lafayette County changed to Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County
Bug Fixes & Highlights:
Equipment Type Airbag is set to “NOT APPLICABLE” to avoid transmission failures.
Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve System
Currently in development phase is improvements to transmission log tool.
Upcoming enhancements to Resolve System is search by Agency.
In the last four weeks, 3 change requests were submitted which includes:
1 monthly server maintenance
1 cancelled change request for adding new features to System Stability
1 emergency change request for Crash Database outage on 02/12/2023
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Two Thumbs Up
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau and Asadur Rahman
4,301 Crashes remaining
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne and Rebecca Szymkowski
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Draft MMUCC-6