How to Send an Emergency Vehicle Involvement Email

Badger TraCS Guides

How to Send an Emergency Vehicle Involvement Email

Emergency Vehicle Involvement

When an officer is involved in a crash while in emergency mode, the crash does go on their driver record. However it may be removed if either of these circumstances existed at the time of the accident:

  • The driver of the emergency vehicle intentionally collided with the other vehicle.

  • The driver of the other vehicle intentionally collided with the emergency vehicle,

After completing the crash form, the on emergency officer’s supervisor or department head can send in an Emergency Vehicle Involvement email notifying the DOT. See Installation Guide for instruction on adding the special access right for this Feature to the supervisor. Then the supervisor should do the following:

NOTE: as of January 2023 WIPack, there are 2 ways in TraCS to send the request.

  1. Printed Report

  2. Emergency Vehicle Involvement Button in the Crash Ribbon

    1. This only works if email is set up to work with TraCS.

Print an Emergency Vehicle Involvement form

Print an Emergency Vehicle Involvement form

This report will only show up for

  • Users with Supervisor rights

  • For Crash forms with On Duty set for a Driver

  • If the Crash form is Validated

To print/email the report

  1. In the Forms Manager Highlight the Crash form needed

  2. Click the Print or Email Button

  3. Choose Emergency Vehicle Involvement Report

    1. NOTE If you do not see the report, then the criteria needed hasn’t been met.

  4. Answer the question in the popup message.

    1. NOTE: if you do not answer the question the form will not be complete and will be rejected.

  5. Print/email a PDF

    1. TO: DSPTrafficCrashes@dot.wi.gov


    3. TEXT:

      1. TO: Wisconsin Department of Transportation

      2. Crash Records Unit


      4. DOCUMENT # “Original Crash Number”

      5. See attachment

    4. SIGNATURE: Will be the person signed into TraCS and is included on the report

How to Send an Emergency Vehicle Involvement Email

How to Send an Emergency Vehicle Involvement Email

To send an email from TraCS, use the Crash form. Once in the Crash Form

  1. Fill out the fields.

    1. Check On Emergency

    2. Date, time and total units are required

    3. The Location of the crash

    4. In the Unit Summary Group fill out

      1. Unit status, vehicle operating as classification, Unit type, vehicle typesome are necessary for form design others are needed for the notification.

      2. Total Occs needs to be filled out otherwise your individuals in the unit will not appear.

    5. In the Individual Groups with an On Duty fill out the following fields.

      1. Role is needed for the form design

      2. Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial and suffix along with the Date of Birth and Sex are required.

  2. After all the necessary fields have been entered. In the

    ribbon click the


  3. First it will look at your fields to make sure everything required if filled out. If not an error message will appear, detailing what fields need to be entered.

  1. Enter the fields on the list.

  2. Repeat 4 until you get a question and not an OK box.

  3. Choose one option

Enter additional information if needed, the narrative has been defaulted

  1. An email will be generated.

  2. Add your email in the CC field along with other emails as necessary. Place an electronic Signature in the space provided.

  3. Click Send.


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