2023-09-01, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Geri and I are both out of the office today. I will read up on the notes and catch you all at the next meeting.
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker / Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
Upcoming Maintenance Windows:
9/13/2023 – Web server annual certificate renewal
9/24/2023 – September monthly server maintenance window
Completed Maintenance Windows:
8/20/2023 - August monthly server maintenance window
8/4/2023 - SAS Annual License Update
8/2/2023 - Low risk maintenance window for Resolve System updates
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
2022 Finalization
RP coding process for 2022 data is continuing and will be merged into the frozen data set once completed.
July JIRA Cases:
CRASHDB-1353 – Server error editing Truck and Bus Section
In Progress
CRASHDB-1388 – Internal Server Error When Accessing Manage Finalization.
CRASHDB-1322 – Open Annual Crash Data Extracts
CRASHDB-1034 – DT3480 Add Underride/Override Fields
CRASHDB-1389 – HWYCLASS Lookup Table Update
System Stability (Java 11 / Oracle 19c) Migration:
CRASHDB-1391 – Source Code Branching
CRASHDB-1364 – Create Migration Inventory Documentation
CRASHDB-1366 – Create Migration Test Plan
Issue with customer pulling crash reports from http://Wisconsin.Gov without paying
In the Queue:
DMV Customer Number enhancements
Several JIRA Case Ideas to work in parallel to the migration effort.
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
999,580 total archived crashes of which 390,033 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 1,868,240 total image files.
FY24 Project Planning
FY24 SPR application and budget pending approval and green-light. Current project ends 9/30/2023.
HWYCLASS Working Group
TOPS STN/WSLR/LINK-LINK data request received from BSHP and loaded into TOPS Lab database.
Working on prototype SQL queries for derived elements.
Will resume workgroup meetings in the Fall
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
GCHS 2023 Community Maps 101 and 201, Garbage In / Garbage Out, Safe System sessions
Train Flag added to Community Maps per discussion at the last WG meeting.
Crash Records Unit
Soujanya Jarabana / Mike Satteson
Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies
CRU business unit provided email, phone, and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in the DT4000 crash form.
We received 17 LEA questions in the last 5 weeks, this time there were questions about different crash scenarios involving.
1 involving Train/Bus
3 questions about Non-Reportable Crashes
1 involving On Duty Officer
1 Hit and Run Crashes
11 field validation errors
Transmission failures
We addressed 12 transmission failures in the last 5 weeks after providing solution to the agencies.
5 are transmitted
4 are transmitted as other Document (Duplicate Document Number)
2 are in progress.
1 is pending with agency.
DT4000 Fatal Crashes
Tracking is done for missing DT4000 fatal crashes, and the agency is contacted when a 3-week due date is met from the crash date.
Currently there are 3 fatal crashes meeting the three-week due date.
Milwaukee PD, with crash date of 2023-07-19
Brown County SO, with crash date of 2023-07-31
Buffalo County SO, with crash date of 2023-08-08
Testing Activities
Online Purchase of Crash Reports
The change was made to remove search by Accident/Crash Number Functionality from the homepage of online crash reports. The Reissue page looks and functions as expected.
UAT testing performed on 08/17.
Production Verification done on 08/30.
Badger Tracs Fall Pack 2023 - Round 2 Testing
The following items are tested.
Create a Fatal Notification Report
Crash and Fatal Supplement - Added an additional (optional) status of 'hold' available as a column in Forms Manager.
Test transmission of Fatal Supplement - Add Underride/Override fields.
Crash Form bug - Reconstruction By
Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve System
Production verification done on 2023-08-02 to fix bug issues which causes error when Resolve edits in Unit level fails due to Blank Date of Birth field.
In the last five weeks, 1 normal change request was submitted to Change Advisory Board which includes:
Monthly server maintenance for August 2023.
FARS Systems
2022 Finalization
The 2022 crash year NHTSA FARS finalization date is 16 September. This is about 45 days later than is typical. We have no information on whether this delay will affect the public release of these data, which typically occurs at the end of the year.
Cause of Death Verification
We have added Cause of Death Confidence and Death Certificate Review Date fields to our in development Box/Jira/Julia case management system. We expect to use these new fields to improve our processes for making final fatality reportability decisions. Access to death certificate information can be bottleneck to this work.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Ken is unavailable but sends his .
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau / Asadur Rahman
The Numbers
Jacob: 3,614
Erickson: 2,564
Total: 6,178
RP coding needed for 2022: 25,068
Tristan LaRene will be starting the week of 10 September as a part-time RP Coder
Erickson Wilson’s last day as an RP coder will be 22 September.
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents