2022-12-09, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form Development
Dave Harvey, (Acting TraCS Unit Supervisor)
DNR, Use of TraCS and DROC for Car Deer and Specific Species.
Do we need other values for the animal type?
Add animal type to DROC?
Using Jira for testing
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker and Andi Bill
· Maintenance Updates and System Stability
o 11/20/2022 Monthly server maintenance window.
o 11/16/2022 Resolve System low-risk maintenance window
o 11/30/2022 Resolve System low-risk maintenance window
o 11/31/2022 Emergency Change to revert to previous version
o Continuing to work with the new BOTS DSP Jira System
o Ongoing planning to migrate to OpenJDK Java and PostreSQL per changes in UW Oracle licensing.
§ Met with UW DoIT Oracle Licensing Team on 11/14
· Prioritized JIRA Updates and Enhancements
o Working with new JIRA Staged Development workflow process
o Completed
§ CRASHDB-1085: Incident Create fix for IROC Merge
o In Progress:
§ CRASHDB-1031: Enhancements to the Restricted Crash flag per a recent, new use case.
§ CRASHDB-1001: CARFAX For Police Weekly Extract Process, CARFAX is ready to go
o In Queue:
§ Resolve System Stability Enhancements
· Purge and Archiving Processes
o Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
o Investigating the ability to run the process hourly instead over nightly.
o 896,115 total archived crashes of which 281,339 represent purged crashes. This includes 1,663,688 total image files.
· 2021 Crash Finalization
o Plan is to incorporate the results of the 2021 final RP coding and generate the final extracts early 2023.
o Statistical frozen 2021 data set available on WisTransPortal and Community Maps.
· HWYCLASS Working Group
o 11/22 Working Group Meeting (4th Tuesday)
o Finalizing data requirements for linked elements.
o Begin methodology planning in January.
· WisTransPortal / Community Maps
o Community Maps:
§ Monthly Work Group - Developing FY23 Work Plan
§ In Progress:
· Large Query Exceptions in Basic and API
· Deer Flag Enhancement in Predictive
· New Analysis Settings
o WisTransPortal:
§ In Progress:
· Special Study - for BTO Flex Lane analysis
· Vehicle Year and Make
· TRCC Projects / Additional Updates
Crash Records Unit
Soujanya Jarabana and Mike Satteson
Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies:
CRU business unit provided email and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in DT4000 crash form. Work was done to reduce the backlog in the last two months.
FTP requests:
Worked on Setting up shared folder using DOT FTP server for State lab hygiene to upload toxicology reports to be used by FARS TEAM.
Also set up shared folder for TOPS Lab to upload weekly crash data extracts to be used by CARFAX.
Transmission failures:
We addressed 49 transmission failures between June 13th until now
Out of it 30 were transmitted after providing solution to the agencies
12 of them were not needed
3 were transmitted as other document
3 are still pending with the agencies.
1 is abandoned.
Mike has created confluence documents for addressing crash report transmission failures
There are about 18 types of transmission failures classes documented and I have created response template which can be used to save time.
DT4000 Fatal Crashes:
Quality Check process for DT4000 fatal crashes is performed which comes in resolve. The process starts with creating Jira issue for DT4000 basic check and then and assigned to FARS team,
FARS team performs quality check for
All Fatal Injuries Shown
DT3480 Available
Diagram Good
Narrative Good
Sequence of Events Good
Based on the results of quality check process the agency is contacted to amend the crash report. (Currently 12 fatal crashes are under agency review)
Tracking is done for missing DT4000 fatal crashes, and the agency is contacted when 3 weeks due date is met from the crash date.
Currently we are missing only 1 crash from 2022-10-31, TWO RIVERS PD.
Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve system
Developed test cases in JIRA and performed testing to validate changes made to Insurance update – bug fixes.
Testing for Restricted Crashes and bug fixes are work in progress to be tentatively completed in December development cycle.
In the last two months, attended CAB for 8 change requests which includes 2 regular server maintenance, 5 Resolve updates and 1 emergency roll back.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
November Monthly Maintenance. Ken was helpful in working out an unrelated outage.
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau
6800 Crashes Coded
14000 2021 crashes left
10 weeks left - end of February
Need another RP coder
Meet on Monday afternoon
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne and Rebecca Szymkowski
Flex Lane status – Did this make it to the TRACS update; Hot
Crash Report coding
Failure to Yield vs Failure to Stop coding
Fars considers failure to stop a failure to yield
Local report references in the narrative
Automated narrative reading
Community Map access for TSC members
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Driver Possible Contributing Circumstances Crashes
Do crash reports indicate driver possible contributing factors?
How does 2022 look?
State Patrol Reported Crashes?
Milwaukee PD Reported Crashes?
Dane County Crashes?
Walworth County Crashes?
Non-Motorist Crash?