Set Up User Defaults

Badger TraCS Guides

Set Up User Defaults

Setup User Defaults

Setup User Defaults

  1. Open TraCS and log in as yourself.

  2. Open the form to setup User defaults.  Each form must be configured separately. (Must be in Edit mode)

  3. Right click on the field to setup default.

  4. Enter the Default value in the field provide.  The easiest way to figure the default value is to populate the field on the form with the defaulted information and then click the Use Current Value button shown to the right.

    1. Enter the Retains Last Value—

      1. YES, means that whatever the user has entered on the form will be the default value until he or she changes it, either through the Default Editor or by Entering\Selecting a different value on the form. It will carry over between sessions of TraCS. 

      2. If you select Temp, the default will be the last value entered in that field when the TraCS application is open.  If the user changes the value in the field that new value will become the default value. If the user closes the TraCS application the default will revert to the original default value. 

      3. If you select NO, the default value will always be what is indicated in the value field.  Some field values need to be reference by their underlying code.  County name is not stored as the text value of the name but rather the numeric value in the underlying tables.

  5. Click Ok button and the default will be saved.

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