Court Case Dispositions

Badger TraCS Guides

Court Case Dispositions

Court Case Dispositions

The Disposition of a case can be added to TraCS and updated periodically. Only cases on CCAP can be manually imported into TraCS by clicking a button. Other cases from other courts may be entered by hand, and for these types please refer to the user guide for data entry. The information found in this form is available for import into RMS systems. Below is described the steps to keep the dispositions up-to-date in the most efficient manner.

Adding the Case Supplement form

After the citation has been transmitted to court and the court has assigned a court case number to it, do the following steps to create a form for each separate case. A case may contain multiple citations for the same individual.

  1. Open TraCS 10

  2. Locate the citation within TraCS

  3. Highlight the transmitted citation

  4. Click the Replicate button in the Home ribbon.

  5. Select

  6. Click OK and a new case supplement form will open with the county populated.

  7. Navigate to the Court Case Number Field

  8. Enter the Case Number

  9. Validate

  10. Close

Updating the Disposition Information

On a weekly/by-weekly/monthly basis agencies may do the following steps to capture the updated court dispositions.

  1. Open TraCS

  2. Navigate to the Advanced tab in the Search box.

  3. Choose Advanced Searches

  4. Search for the Badger TraCS global search entitled Case Disposition Update

  5. Click Search and all the unarchived validated case supplement forms will be listed in the search grid.

  6. Highlight all forms (CTRL+A)

  7. Click Court Disposition in the Citation ribbon. TraCS will now go through all the forms and update the information with the latest on the CCAP site, including updating the status on the case information screen.


Removing the case supplement form from the mass update

If a court case has gone through court and no longer needs to be monitored. Simply archive the form and it will no longer appear in the search results.

Locating addition court case information

The Case Supplement form only brings in a subset of the case information that can be found in CCAP. To see the full case disposition on the CCAP website do the following.

  1. Open TraCS 10

  2. Search for the Case Supplement form containing the CCAP court case information.

  3. Open form

  4. Edit form

  5. Click the More Information field

  6. Copy the website address (Right Click Copy)(CTRL+C)

  7. Open a browser

  8. Paste the information into the address bar (Right Click Paste)(CTRL+ V)

  9. Click ENTER

  10. Click View Case Details

  11. You can now view/print the entire public case information.



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