Task 1.6(c): Complete Database Setup, SQL Server Alternative

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 1.6(c): Complete Database Setup, SQL Server Alternative

Task 1.6(c): Complete Database Setup, SQL Server Alternative

Purpose: Connects the TraCS master computer to the TraCS SQL Server databases.

Requirements: Master computer.

  1. Open TraCS Configuration Manager.

  2. Sign in with account 00001, password tracs.

  3. Click Setup tab.

  4. Click the Database Connections button.

  5. Select Database Connection Strings.

  6. Click Import DB Connections.

    1. Expand the database connection string item.

    2. Select the Support_FieldUnit, Data_FieldUnit, Users_FieldUnit, and Log_FieldUnit entries. (Use the <Ctrl> key to select multiple entries at the same time.)

    3. Click OK.

  7. Edit the database connection for the field unit’s version of the data database.

  8. Select Data_FieldUnit under the Database Connection Strings item.

  9. Change the Database to SQL Server.

  10. Choose Application User ID and Password.

  11. In the Server Name field, enter the name of the server hosting the SQL server databases. This is the same as the Data Source in the connection string.

  12. In the Database Name field, enter tracs_data. This will populate the Catalog portion of the connection string.

  13. Enter the user ID and password needed to access the database.

  14. Click Test to verify the connection string.

  15. Click OK to close the database connections editor.

Note: DO NOT change the other _FieldUnit entries. These must remain relative paths. Pointing them to your network databases will break the update process.

  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

  2. Create the tables to store the form data in the tracs_data database by running the “Delta” SQL script. The script will be located in the TraCS network folder (from task 1.2, step 6b) under the DBData\SQLScripts folder. The name of the script takes the form of <Timestamp>Delta.sql. If there is more than one “Delta” script present, run the one with the most current timestamp.

Note: A common error is to run the script against the default database, which is typically not the tracs_data database. Either change the default database in SSMS to tracs_data or add the following lines to the script before running it—

USE [tracs_data] Go


Note: The baseline scripts for the Users database and the Support database should not be used. The tables for these databases were created in task 1.5.



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