Evidence Demo with Iowa

Badger TraCS Guides

Evidence Demo with Iowa


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

3:49 PM


Chuck McNally and Josh Halterman


These would be the items I would like to see.

  1. Generic flow of the form after initial data entry

  2. How do they initiate a Change of Custody? 

    1. Do they have a ribbon button or is it just generic data entry

    2. Can they initiate change of custody for multiple pieces at the same time?

  3. How do they search for the pieces of evidence?

    1. Barcode scan of the grid?

    2. Single piece

    3. Multiple pieces for Inventory purposes?

  4. How do they use the barcode readers to search the bar codes

    1. On the individual pieces of evidence

    2. Temporary storage boxes

    3. Permanent storage boxes

  5. How is security set up to make sure the form is locked down properly

    1. Evidence Reporter

    2. Evidence Custodian

    3. Others?



Questions for Jan 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

9:10 AM

  1. V2WIBRSProperty

    1. What values go into the Firearms Category?

      1. 13-Firearms

      2. 59-Firearm Accessories

      3. 63-BB/Pellet Guns

    2. What values go into the Money Category?

      1. 20-Money

  2. V2Caliber

    1. Do you report in inch or metric?

    2. Do you want to add shotgun gauge?

    3. Single List Other

    4. Do you want a Firearm Make List?

  3. V2EvidenceStateLabExams

    1. Do you submit it to more than the State Crime Labs













Choosing the Right Flow

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

11:52 AM


Questions to ask before using TraCS

  1. Do you plan on using the Incident form to submit DOJ data?

    1. Should start from Incident form and need to use the property form

  2. Do you want to give officer access to evidence form?

    1. Need to use the property form

    2. Lock down evidence form to only a select few but set them up to see everyone like TRU.

  3. Do you want to hand out Property Receipts to Individuals?

    1. Need to use the property form unless you want to hand out receipts for each individual piece.


If using the full TraCS Suite for Evidence and Incident processing

  • Incident is used as the

    • DA eReferral -- To send incident to DA

    • DOJ reporting form

    • The Property form is linked to Incident for summary of Property

    • Can enter property manually for the DOJ

  • Attachment form

    • Used to send documents to DA on already submitted incidents

  • Supplement form

    • Used to send individual officers statements to the DA on already submitted incidents.

    • Anything else the agency has a use for

  • Property form

    • Used to enter property for the DOJ

    • Used to keep track of items seized, stolen, recovered

    • Used for an officer to collect evidence to be later processed by evidence techs

    • Used to hand out receipts to individuals property taken from

    • Can be used by unknown individuals

    • Make it easier to add to the evidence form with auto populate/replicate

  • Evidence form

    • Used to keep track of individuals associated with individual piece of evidence

    • Used to keep track of chain of custody

    • Used for inventory

    • Used to keep track of disposition

    • Hidden for security purposes



Flow DOJ reporting logging after temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

    1. Put car number into property form

  6. Bring to office

  7. Officer Process the evidence

    1. Puts in Temp Locker with receipt

    2. Adds temp locker number to property form

  8. Evidence tech removed from locker

    1. Replicate information to evidence form

    2. Adds 3 Chain of Custody

      1. Car-officer from property

      2. Temp Locker-officer form property

      3. New location manually entered using officer logged in

    3. Add bar codes to pieces

    4. Look at case for more information about the incident

      1. Citations

      2. Crashes

      3. Incident form

    5. Add additional information as needed

      1. Add individuals from incident if needed

  9. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition







Flow DOJ reporting logging before temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

    1. Put car number into property form

  6. Bring to office

  7. Evidence tech processes and puts in temp locker

    1. Replicate information to evidence form

    2. Adds 2 Chain of Custody

      1. Car-officer from property

      2. Temp locker manually entered using officer logged in

    3. Add bar codes to pieces

    4. Look at case for more information about the incident

      1. Citations

      2. Crashes

      3. Incident form

    5. Add additional information as needed

      1. Add individuals from incident if needed

    6. Put in Temp Locker with receipt

  8. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition







Flow Receipt needed logging after temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

  1. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  2. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  3. Put in car

    1. Put car number into property form

  4. Bring to office

  5. Officer Process the evidence

    1. Puts in Temp Locker with receipt

    2. Adds temp locker number to property form

  6. Evidence tech removed from locker

    1. Replicate information to evidence form

    2. Adds 3 Chain of Custody

      1. Car-officer from property

      2. Temp Locker-officer form property

      3. New location manually entered using officer logged in

    3. Add bar codes to pieces

    4. Look at case for more information about the incident

      1. Citations

      2. Crashes

      3. Incident form

    5. Add additional information as needed

      1. Add individuals from incident if needed

  7. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition







Flow Receipt needed logging before temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

  1. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  2. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  3. Put in car

    1. Put car number into property form

  4. Bring to office

  5. Evidence tech processes and puts in temp locker

    1. Replicate information to evidence form

    2. Adds 2 Chain of Custody

      1. Car-officer from property

      2. Temp locker manually entered using officer logged in

    3. Add bar codes to pieces

    4. Look at case for more information about the incident

      1. Citations

      2. Crashes

      3. Incident form

    5. Add additional information as needed

      1. Add individuals from incident if needed

    6. Put in Temp Locker with receipt

  6. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition







Flow Regular collection logging after temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

** be wary of security and access rights. Do not want evidence thrown out

  1. Collect property

    1. **can have officer put in evidence form

    2. **replicate individual and location information

  2. Put in car

    1. **add chain of custody

  3. Bring to office

  4. Officer Process the evidence putting in temp locker

    1. ** add chain of custody

  5. Evidence tech removed from locker

    1. Evidence form

      1. If already added look up evidence form

      2. Otherwise add new evidence form for each property

        1. If new evidence form add chain of custody

        2. Replicate individual and location information

    2. Add bar codes to pieces

  6. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition







Flow Regular collection logging before temp locker

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

10:56 AM


Evidence flow

** be wary of security and access rights. Do not want evidence thrown out

  1. Collect property

    1. **can have officer put in evidence form

    2. **replicate individual and location information

  2. Put in car

    1. **add chain of custody

  3. Bring to office

  4. Evidence tech process

    1. Evidence form

      1. If already added look up evidence form

        1. **Transfer form to evidence tech

      2. Otherwise add new evidence form for each property

        1. If new evidence form add chain of custody

        2. Replicate individual and location information

    2. Add bar codes to pieces

    3. Put in Temp Locker

  5. Send to others if needed

    1. DA

    2. Lab

    3. i.e.

Evidence flow

  1. Start at Incident form

    1. If using for WIBRS reporting

    2. Ok if using for agency

  2. Click on field of individual collecting property from

    1. Replicate to Property

    2. Repeat

  3. Property

    1. Fill out for each individual

  4. Print out Receipt and give to individual

  5. Put in car

  6. Bring to office

    1. If officer puts in temp locker

    2. If evidence tech puts in locker skip step

  7. Inventory

  8. Disposition





email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096