Data Elements Sub Committee

Badger TraCS Guides

Data Elements Sub Committee

Data Elements Sub Committee

Sub-Committee November 5th

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10:00 AM


Table List

  1. Document

    1. V2FormDisposition

    2. V2WIBRSTransmissionList

  2. Violation Group

    1. V2WIBRSOffense*

      1. Keep Runaway

      2. Delete drunkenness

    2. V2WIBRSCompletedAttempted

    3. V2WIBRSUsing

    4. V2WIBRSBiasMotivation

      1. Delete Gender

      2. Add Anti-Profession

      3. Keep Anti-Age

      4. Keep Anti-Political Affiliation

    5. V2WIBRSCriminalActivity

    6. V2WIBRSEntryMethod

    7. V2WIBRSGangActivity

      1. Remove Table found in Criminal Activities


    9. V2WIBRSModifier

      1. Talk to Brenda, multiple??

    10. V2WIBRSWeapon

      1. Delete BB/Pellet Gun

    11. Add field for Weapon Other choice

    12. V3ViolationNonTraffic**

  3. Other Person Group

    1. V2InvolvementType

    2. V2ReportedBy

  4. Property

    1. V2WIBRSLoss

    2. V2WIBRSPropertyTitle

    3. V2WIBRSProperty

      1. Change to violation search

  5. Drug

    1. V2WIBRSDrug

    2. V2WIBRSMeasure

  6. Vehicle

    1. V2VehicleRecoveryType

  7. Location

    1. V2Location

  8. Summary

    1. V3SupplementalDocuments

      1. Use Crash Table

    2. V2WIBRSClearedExceptionally

  9. Individual/Subject/Victim

    1. V2Age

    2. V2Residency--Need Table Added.

    3. V2DOJEthnicity

  10. Arrest

    1. V2WIBRSArmed

    2. V2ArrestJuviDisposition

    3. V2ArrestMultipleIndicator

    4. V2ArrestType


  11. Victim

    1. V2WIBRSJustifiableHomicideCircumstances

    2. V2WIBRSAggAssaultHomicideCircumstances

    3. V2EntityTypeExpanded

    4. V2WIBRSInjuryType

  12. Offender Relationship

    1. V2WIBRSVictimRelationship

  13. LEA

    1. V2WIBRSAssignmentType

    2. V2WIBRSCallType

  14. All individual groups

    1. Add Agency Gang Table


Other Comments from the meeting:

  1. Citations need to be given in person to be considered an arrest for FBI

  2. FBI does not want citations where a non-sworn person wrote/issued the citation

  3. If multiple citations are written to one person - DOJ only wants one citation

    1. Give example

  4. What do you do when there is a gang involved with dog fighting?

    1. Can't do both, pick the most egregious

  5. Add a new field - Specific Gang - and connect it to the agency gang table

  6. Remove Gang Activity

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