Badger TraCS Guides
Evidence Fact Finding
Request from DSP Jan 15th, 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
11:19 AM
Attendees: Tom Brehm, Jason , Geri Polster, Brian Neil, Mark Fetzer, Travis Lauer, David Harvey and Dar Schwartz
When: January 15, 2020 at HF
Jason - Sgt in Jackson - Evidence Committee Chair
Tom Brehm-Sgt - Asset forfeiture mgr - Special Operations in Milwaukee- Oversee k9 and
Problem--consolidation of posts/regions, the property number system is getting mixed up. Each region has their own number and it gets assigned a number and then they get mixed up in the different
Tracking of property evidence auditing and accountability
Evidence Label - DSP would like to mirror DEA (multiple ways to record marijuana)
NSS (National Seizure System) list of X number of drugs and mirror it on this form
Sends data
Use of Force - Subject mgnt; taser form
Beast (3rd party application)- We will not be able to export data from TraCS and import into Beast
DSP wants an end to end evidence program: (5 year goal)
Incident management form
Property - piggy back with incident form
Produces Labels
Produces Barcodes and scan barcodes
DSP Report Manager - it can interface with the TraCS data
BEAST -$1,000 a license there are 7 pcs in the evidence labs
Natural progression
Start with the IBR
Then do an evidence form
Looks like they want the Incident to include the evidence/property info
Use document number for the incident and then add a -1, -2 or -3 for the property/evidence that is completed.
Have different type of printed reports
Create subscriptions to send out notices on what evidence was collected
If someone turns in a wallet, still go into the incident form and fills this out
ACISS -DOJ/ DCI enters all their reports
Open Records
Look at eReferral rules (CCAP) to work with the IBR
Incidents - we want to have a Sergeant review and approve and then transmit
Need to have a supplement
Keep the original, but add a narrative with updated info. that ties to the original
If there are multiple agencies that are handling one situation
SAR - Make a check box/mark to have that go to WISIC
Human Trafficking - suspected statutes
Request from Geri Nov 20th 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
11:22 AM
Attendees: Sergeant Jason Bakken, LT Nathan Henriksen, Geri Polster and Dar Schwartz
When: November 20, 2020 Teams Meeting
LT Henriksen: Special Operations Section
Jason Bakken: Committee Chair
Point of Contact for BEAST Back end would be Jennifer
Marci Enloe
Wisconsin Association for Identification
Property and Evidence Guide
LT Henriksen will contact the Crime Lab to see if they would like representation.
Need Property Release
Property Receipt
Uniform label with bar codes.
Simple Uniform Entry
Drop down lists so that everything is consistent
Maybe Property Type in 2 steps to make searching later easier
This would also help with enabling/disabling fields (Form Mechanics)
?? For transfer
Capture from Owner
Not as much as Iowa
Multiple Items on form?
Only one piece of evidence
More than one piece
Item owned by multiple people?
Drugs being used by multiple people
Similar more of a summary brought in from a ticket
Is it needed because form will be linked by case
Keep for how long
Purge Date
7 years
Until defendant gets out of prison?
Destroy or Purge field
Set up Analysis reports or Notifications
Dec 1st Show and Tell
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
3:21 PM
Specific Items
Stolen Cards
Everything else
Trooper to Squad
Squad to Workstation
Workstation to Locker
Locker to Beast/container
Container to
Stolen-->Original owner
Cell --> owner
Firearm to -->Milwaukee
Drugs --> incinerate
Money -->Donate
DNA --> lab
Bar Codes
Individual item
QR Code -->TEG
two-dimensional (2D) barcodes, also known as matrix codes
1520 alpha numeric characters
Can be stored it 2 different directions
PDF417 Linear Stacked bar code
Recommended limit 800 characters
Code39 Simple alpha numeric
43 characters
Accreditation Process
Get specifics
Audit of Inventory
Owner Type
Need List of Disposition
Retain for Department use (Training Aid)
Property Types
Crash Investigation
Asset Forfeiture
Future List of Evidence for cast send to Protect (DA)
Would like a system where CCAP sends back court case number back to TraCS.
Arrest information
PL Affidavit
Intake Sheet/cover letter
Booking sheet
Accreditation Fields
Thursday, December 3, 2020
3:16 PM
Case number
Control number or tracking number
Date and time received
Booking officer name and badge/serial number
Name: Suspect, Victim, Owner, or Finder
Addresses: Suspect, Victim, Owner, or Finder
Telephone number
Investigating officer
Type: Evidence, Found Property, Safekeeping, and For Destruction
Crime code-statute number
Crime type - robbery, homicide, assault, etc.
Crime class - felony, misdemeanor, infraction, etc.
Category - drugs
Description of item, make, model, serial, etc.
Storage location
Purge review date
The capability for complete and accurate chain of custody records.
Cash management and accountability relative to property and evidence.
The ability to print barcodes for all items and storage locations.
Providing purge review data
Ability to generate basic reports, such as:
Firearms – Pending Destruction with complete descriptors, such as make,
model, serial numbers, caliber, etc.
Drugs – Pending Destruction with complete descriptions of substance,
weight, packaging type, etc.
Money - Pending Transfer with total calculated dollar amounts and by
Auction Items - Pending Transfer with complete description, make, model,
serial number, etc.
Items Received (between specified times).
Items Released/Disposed (between specified times)
Tickler Files:
• Items out to court.
• Items out to crime lab.
• Items to other agency
• Items out for investigation
Property Report
Booking officer name and badge/serial number
Case number or incident number
Unique control or tracking number
Bar code/item number
Description line for each item
Category of items; i.e. firearm, drugs, etc.
Type of item, i.e. Found, Safekeeping, Evidence, For Destruction
Owner, Victim, Suspect box
Address/Phone # of parties involved
Type of Crime (i.e. Robbery)
Date / time item was submitted
Receiving property officer name and employee/serial number
Date / time received
Location stored
Chain of custody (tracking)
Investigating officer assigned to case
Investigating officer approvals to release/dispose
Approval date
Final Disposition
Driver license/other identification (person released to)
Released by property officer/Date/Time
Destroyed by property officer/Date/Time
A Property Report is used to identify the booking officer, why the property
was seized (evidence, found property, safekeeping, etc.), identify the item,
and assign a control number. This form may also be used to document other
tasks, such as tracking movement, approvals, releases, etc.
A Chain of Custody Report is used to document the movement of evidence
from the time it is seized, signed out to the crime lab, signed out to court,
and eventually authorized for disposition. This could be included in the
Property Report above.
A Property Receipt is used to document the receipt of property by the
department and a copy should be given to the owner/finder with information
on how to claim the item.
A Currency Report is information that is generally captured on the face of
the currency envelope, but may be included with a package of money that
documents the count by denomination, who counted the money, and who
verified the count.
A Property Release Notification may be a letter or postcard that notifies the
owner of property that an item is ready for release, and contact information
to obtain the item. This may also contain time constraints (drop dead date)
that requires action to be taken prior to a specified date.
A Court Receipt is used to document that an item of evidence has been
retained by the court and entered as court evidence. This form is used to
capture the name of a person who is receiving the evidence for the court.
A Court Receipt, Not Returned is used to notify an officer that evidence that
was checked out by him/her has not been returned in a timely manner and
that the evidence must be accounted for as soon as possible.
A Firearms Receipt is used to document the seizure of a particular firearm
for safekeeping. The form provides the owner with the reason for the
seizure and the process needed to reclaim the firearm.
An Evidence Correction Notice notifies the booking officer that the item
submitted does not comply with department packaging standards and must
be corrected before it can be received by the property room.
The DNA Destruction Notification Letter notifies a defendant and attorney
that biological evidence pertaining to the case will be destroyed by a
specified date unless a motion is filed requesting the retention for future
The Property Release Authorization form documents the authorization of the
investigating officer to release evidence for its ultimate disposition: release
to owner, divert, auction, or destroy.
The Access Log documents the entry of persons, who are not assigned to the
property room, into the restricted areas of the property room, when, for what
reason, and who accompanied the visitor.
The Property Transfer form documents that the described property or
evidence items were released to a specified person and agency. This
information may be included with the Chain of Custody form.
The following documentation in sexual assault cases should be recorded, either
in paper format, digital format or both:
Agency case number and item number, or control number
Type of crime
Date of crime
Name of reporting officer
Victim’s name or Jane Doe Number
Suspect name, if known
Date and time the evidence was collected by medical staff
Identification of the medical staff who did the evidence collection
Identification of the law enforcement personnel who received the evidence
contained in the sexual assault kit.
Name of assigned investigator/detective
Date and time the evidence was submitted to the agency’s evidence unit or
temporary locker.
Who received and stored the evidence in the evidence unit
The location where the evidence is stored in the evidence unit
The dates and times when sexual assault evidence was temporarily
transferred from the evidence unit for investigative or forensic purposes
Who temporarily transferred the sexual assault evidence, where was the
item temporarily to, who provided the authorization for the transfer, and
how it was transferred to the authorized person, who received the evidence
location for investigative or forensic purposes
Date and time returned from the forensic laboratory, and who received it.
The evidence room should advise the investigating officer when evidence
is returned from the lab for documentation in a victim’s Sexual Assault
case tracking database (if applicable) and for reporting purposes.
TEG Code
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
9:47 AM
r@AccessLevels := GetUserProperty ("AccessLevel")
If InStr (r@AccessLevels, "Evidence Reporter") Or InStr (r@AccessLevels, "Evidence Custodian") Then
If g@OpenECAT = False Or g@OpenECAT = "" Then
If s@ScannedBarcodeData <> EmptyString Then
r@ScannedBarcodeData := Trim (s@ScannedBarcodeData)
If Len (s@ScannedBarcodeData) <= 25 Then
If Left (s@ScannedBarcodeData, 4 ) = "C1TR" Then
//Definable25 - ECAT Packing Slip Number
SearchRefreshManager ("prdname", "ECAT", "Definable25", r@ScannedBarcodeData)
If Left (s@ScannedBarcodeData, 6 ) <> "IMGCAP" Then
//Definable16 - ECAT Item Number
SearchRefreshManager ("prdname", "ECAT", "Definable16", r@ScannedBarcodeData)
email or call 608-267-2096