DAIT and DOJ Meeting Notes

Badger TraCS Guides

DAIT and DOJ Meeting Notes

DAIT and DOJ Meeting Notes

Meeting 3/5/2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

2:09 PM


Attendees: Brenda Ray, Alesha Brown, Mac Dempsey, Geri Polster, Derek Veitenheimer, Brian Neil


  1. Discussion on developing the form to be easy for law enforcement to complete.

    1. DOJ thinks that way we have now is close to completing all the information they need.

    2. DAIT

      1. Law Enforcement thinks on the criminal justice system front.

      2. Can see most le officers being confused.

      3. Officers collect the data but usually have another staff member do the NIBRS portion with the RMS

      4. We would get better information if we just received the raw data and then we do the data manipulation.

    3. DOJ agrees in principal, but worry about how the FBI will look at the data and reject it.

    4. A few field have been added for DAIT needs

      1. Count and Citation number.

    5. The term incident means different things to DOJ and DAIT

  2. How to handle split incidents

    1. Offenses should be connected to participants.

    2. For every offense there should be a link to a subject and victim

    3. Hard to split Property offenses when it comes to the stolen property.

      1. Derek thinks it would be alright to not split the incident

      2. Would find a way to not double count property

      3. Would find a way to clear one of the incidents without the other being cleared.

    4. If there are misapplied offenses per individuals could result in creating unneeded splitting.

      1. Offenses not being selected correctly for all individuals.

    5. Alesha is cautious about not having anything mocked up to provide data.

    6. When does DA split?

      1. One case with two defendants, one victim, and charges. (Dane county)

      2. Split this to 2 incidents, (brown county).

      3. Definition of incident: single date, place, time (DAIT)

        1. If jurisdiction changes, then it becomes another incident. (Derek smashing mailboxes across city lines)

        2. Derek is worried about the FBI changing the definition of incident down the road.

  3. Form simplification

    1. Derek: Need to have this form as simple for law enforcement to use and complete correctly.

      1. Agreed that they should be doing the backend processing.

      2. This is the first step of creating a statewide incident report form that contains all the needed data.

      3. Users of the data should be doing their backend processing.

      4. Should not be concentrating solely on NIBRS data.

    2. Brenda: Need to get user buy in for them to use the form

      1. Don't want to throw out what we have already done.

      2. Need to put out the "Chevy" version and go on to the "Caddy" version.

  4. Analysis needs

    1. Is there something that DAIT needs?

      1. Referral come to DA a day after it happens. DOJ could be up to a year later.

      2. Referrals come when there is enough data to present a case.

        1. Persons booked/arrested the DA must act within 48 hours. Referral goes immediately.

    2. Scenario on DA handling

      1. 2 defendants and 1 dies.

        1. No Prosecute the one that dies.

        2. Prosecute the survivor.

      2. Submitted in error/unfounded

        1. No Prosecute the case.

    3. DAIT will get updates to eReferral, but are usually in form of attachments.

      1. When a new defendant is found, defendant is added to existing referral and resubmitted.

    4. DAIT does not receive referrals without a defendant being identified.

    5. When Individual Type is "Unknown"

      1. All fields will be enabled for entry of known data.

      2. Will not be sent to DA without a name.

      3. DOJ will accept the data as is.

      4. If Society/Public is individual type, DAIT does not want it.

    6. Subject Types needed:

      1. DAIT: Individual, Non-Individual

      2. DOJ: Individual, Non-Individual

        1. Will ignore any Non-Individual, will be treated as Unknown.

    7. Summary group with have Total Subject, Total Victims, etc.

**** Work group meeting agenda item

How does LE want to report the number of defendants/subject, i.e. unknown?


  1. Definition: Arrest and Fingerprinted (DA)

    1. Once fingerprinted - must be sent to DA

    2. Will take information without the arrest and fingerprinting.

    3. Fingerprinting creates record in CIB

    4. Referral sent

  2. Should invite someone from CIB. (Katie?)

  3. Need to discuss how NTC do not get counted/reported as incidents.



  1. Agencies are putting their information into RMS to create eReferral, and other forms.

  2. Need for further discussion

Citation forms

  1. Discussion on how citation data will be imported into the incident form.

  2. ****Agenda item for next meeting.


Next meeting discussion

  1. Review each field in the Arrested section for differences in what data is expected for DAIT and DOJ. - DAIT doesn't need any of the arrest fields.

  2. Discussion on how citation data will be imported into the incident form.


Booking group

DA would need Booking Date, Booking Time, Booking agency. Do not need ATN , but could use it later.


Subject group.

  1. Arrested (NIBRS) label changes.

  2. Booked (eReferral) label changes.

    1. Verify at the next Incident Group these changes


Next meeting:

Set up a meeting for about two weeks out.

Mac is not available 19th and 20th



Meeting 4/2/2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

2:12 PM


Skype Conference Attendees: Geri, Dar, Alesha, Brenda, and Mac (Derek joined later)


Geri walked through the Property and Incident forms and explained changes she made since the last meeting.


Property Form:

  • Ask at Incident Meeting: Do they want this form attached to the Incident Form:

  • Drug group:

    • Loss Type: DOJ will provide the list of loss types.

  • Vehicle Group:

    • Added Recovered Property Value

      • Need a list for Loss Type

      • **Vehicle stolen, put only parts recovered

    • DOJ only wants # of stolen cars or if it was chopped up they would want the dollar value of recovered parts

    • Loss Type: DOJ will provide the list of loss types

    • DOJ will come up with Wording for new field indicating vehicle recovered in parts.

      • Mac will talk to Alesha and Derek

  • Property Group

    • Loss Type: DOJ will provide the list of loss types

    • Fields added: Recovery Date, Quantity Recovered and Recovered Value

Incident Form

  • Summary:

    • Added eReferral Agency (not in Jurisdiction)

    • Got the Total Offenses, Total Subjects and Total Victims working

  • Offense group

    • Showed a draft of the Felony Table

      • Different categories to filter

      • Geri showed how an offense that is one to one relationship will fill in and then how an offense with a one to many relationship would fill in

        • Alesha had a concern with the Offense field and it being a violation search.  Geri stated that she wouldn't be able to limit it so it would be better to just have a drop down list.  Alesha agreed

        • Will turn the field into a single list.

    • VALIDATION RULE: if the Offense = Simple Assault then Attempted Completed is always Completed.

    • DOJ will give Geri a list of what offenses are always in a Completed status and not applicable (group B Offenses).

    • Adjusting the property field to a radio button with Society, Property and Person offenses.

    • Derek's statute list had a lot of statutes that did not have any offense code attached to them

      • Brenda believes that there are a lot of new statues ( a lot of them are from 2020)

      • DOJ needs to discuss how often the statutes should be updated in TraCS

      • TraCS could update the tables every time we send out a TraCS Pack

      • If a statute is listed that doesn't have an offense connected to them, then the whole list of offenses is shown

      • Something shows as NR - Means Not Reportable?

  • Yes, Derek said NR = Not Reported

    • Cleared by Exception

      • Mac - if there was a split incident and an assault occurred

        • Then if an officer showed up and he was assaulted. They would all have the same 13B, could they only clear one of them.

        • More discussion - ask the incident group how they would handle

        • Clearance means nothing to the DA

  • Subject Group

    • Individual

      • All the Y/N boxes are for the individual

      • If Arrested, then the arrest group opens up

      • Associated Offense - needs to change to multi select

        • Drop down list has the attributes showing  the description up front and the statue number at the end

        • Fix Caps and Non-caps in the attributes (Make consistent)

      • Prescription

        • Prescription field opens up

        • Suspected Drugs and Narcan Administered fields to fill in

    • Non-Individual than all the Y/N boxes are grayed out

  • Victim Group

    • Still working on this

    • UCR Offense (Multiple)

    • Geri gave demo of Scenario #1

      • Mac wondered if LE would be expected to fill out the relationship between all the victims and the offenders?

        • We believe so - Need to check with the Incident group

      • If there isn't a victim - it's society

        • Need to check with the Incident Group how they complete it

      • How would DOJ handle that data?

    • If there is a situation where the second person was a lookout, then DOJ would want them to be added as an offender but Brenda stated that the police would not put them as an offence since they wouldn't be changed with anything

      • How people will fill things out in practice?

        • Brenda said police will fill this out and put the second person as a witness

        • Ask Group


  • Geri gave demo of Scenario #2

    • Subject 1 simple assault

    • Subject 2 simple assault

    • Victim 1  -

    • Police Officer was assaulted by one of the subjects

    • VALIDATION RULE: All subjects with an offense against a Victim then the Relationship section should be completed

      • Geri will rework the property field in the offense section to be a radio button with property, person and society offenses. This will direct what offenses can show up in the victim and property groups.

    • Group A and B crimes

      • Need to discuss more as group B crimes still get charged, just that DOJ only collects arrest group B charges. One of those charges looks like it would have a victim (bad checks I don't think we will have a N/A just most of those don't have victims as they the victim is still society)

    • Offense section

      • If DOJ needed to split an incident

      • Mac asked Derek and Alesha if they would have an issue with the offense group being duplicated

        • Alesha was concerned with the weapon

      • DOJ will meet to discuss these issues

        • Mac wondered if law enforcement would complete this as one incident or two?

    • We asked Mac to come up with situations that could be discussed/reviewed at the Incident Meeting in two weeks.

      • Geri could have them filled out and discuss if that is how law enforcement would normally fill it out

      • This will assist DOJ in figuring out how they will split their incidents


Next Week Wednesday - Geri can package and get a TraCS Pack with the Incident form in it to Mac

Geri is still working on the victim group



Spillman clearances

Monday, April 20, 2020

8:46 AM


Here are the clearances our department uses from Spillman.


CFA - Cleared by False Alarm

CM - Civil Matter

CTT - Clerk to Type

CTI - Citation Issued

CRO - Cleared by Responding Officer


These are the dispositions:

CIT - Citation

CON - Confidential

NRP - No Report

REP - Report

RFA - Referred to other Agency

WRN - Traffic Warning/ 10-Day/ Verbal

UNF - Unfounded


Shawn McGee

Chief of Police




Meeting 4/30/2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

11:36 AM




  • Attachments – to the DA

  • Property Types – Question asked in the general meeting

  • Field Requirements (DOJ)– See picture, 

  • F2 help



Thursday, April 30, 2020 from 2:30 - 4:00 PM

Remote Skype Meeting

Attendees: Derek V. (needs to leave early), Mac Dempsey, Alesha B, Geri P, Brenda R (arrived 15 min. late) and Dar


  • Derek discussed his concerns with 'rushing' this project and wants to make sure that DOJ has reviewed and addressed all their situations so they are able to receive the data that they need in a way that is usable for them to use. 

    • He doesn’t want us to make short sighted decisions. He wants to make sure it works for now and for the future.

    • Two weeks from today, DOJ will be meeting to discuss more of their questions with the incident form and how they will handle all the different situations.

  • Sending Attachments to the DA

    • TraCS can't send any Attachments with the incident form.

      • Send the incident form to DA

      • Send the Attachments after the form has been sent

        • Ask the Incident Work Group if we can remove the 'Attachment' Group from the Incident form

        • Have LEA send Attachments via the Attachment form

          • Ask FAC if we could move the Form Type and Form Reference Number to the Summary Group.

          • Does this impact other forms? Need to see if any agency uses these fields.

          • Also add the eReferral Y/N field to the Summary Group

  • Property Types – Question asked in the general meeting

    • Drug Section

      • Need to add two new fields

        • Recovered value

        • Date Recovered

    • Loss type

      • What needs loss value vs measure

      • Should they report drugs in two places on the form

        • It's  cleaner to only have the drug type and remove from the property form

      • We are also looking for a dual purpose

        • Drugs and used by someone or drugs that were stolen

          • Enter the value and measure??

          • Add more fields to the XX group so depending on what they type of situation, the enter certain fields and the others are grayed out

            • Mac will give TraCS what loss type needs what fields.

        • Aircrafts - Where do they go?

      • Hybrid - is a way to record property (stolen vs recovered)

        • Is it ambiguous on where they put something that is stolen vs recovered.

        • Go through a sample of this situation next meeting (stolen vs recovered)

        • Property type will be a sub group of the other property type

        • What's a motor vehicle is different for DOJ

        • Need to figure out what is a vehicle per LEA.

  • Clearances:

    • Geri shared Spillman's clearance information

      • DOJ wants an exceptional field and all clearances the way that DOJ wants it.

  • F2 help:

    • TraCS will create empty files of all the F2 Help Fields

      • TraCS will place DAIT fields on the SharePoint in the DAIT folder (if there isn't one - create one)

      • TraCS will place the DOJ fields on the SharePoint in the DOJ folder

      • This should be completed the week of May 4th

    • After the fields have been completed, put the completed files on the SharePoint site to be added to the next Pack release.

      • Don't wait to get the all done, complete some and put them on the SharePoint site.

    • After these have been updated, we'll ask LEA to review the fields and provide comments

    • Alesha still doesn't have access to the SharePoint site.

  • Field Requirements (DOJ)– See picture, 

    • DOJ will look at the Criminal Activity and the others fields that need to be reviewed

      • DOJ thinks they would keep the fields at the offense level, but will discuss in the next two weeks.

      • If they can't decide, we may remove them and add them later.

      • Add this topic to the next agenda in two weeks





Meeting 5/14/2020 Agenda

Thursday, May 7, 2020

7:45 AM




  1. Summary of work (Geri)

  2. Violation(Offense) Fields (DOJ)

  3. Loss type with Measure vs Value for Drugs (DOJ)

  4. Property demo

  5. DOJ to receive property data

    1. with the incident form (a summary)

      1. Linked to offenses

    2. with the property form (raw data)

      1. Not linked to offenses

  6. DOJ receive raw xml in Fall idea

  7. F2 Help




Meeting May 14, 2020 with DA/DOJ Notes

Thursday, May 14, 2020

2:15 PM


AGENDA - May 14 2020 from 2:30 - 4:00 PM - TEAMS Mtg

Attendees: Geri Polster, Mac Dempsey, Alesha Brown, Brenda Ray, Derek Veitenheimer, and Darlene Schwartz


  1. Summary of work (Geri)

    1. Can everyone get to the SharePoint site?

    2. Yes - But Brenda doesn't know what she is supposed to do

    3. Property form: (see change document)

      1. Adjusted recovered fields and value fields gray and enable based on loss type.

    4. Summary

      1. Add Unknown Victim Type

      2. Fixed the issue with the disappearing victim groups when violation changed.

      3. Added programming to adjust Dynamic lists if main linking group deleted. The fields affected by dynamic lists are

        1. Arrest Group -->Associated Offenses

        2. Individual(Subject) Group--> Associated Offenses

        3. Relationships -->Associated Offenses

        4. Relationships -->Offender

        5. Other Person -->Linked To

        6. Other Person-->Parent OF

        7. Property-->Associated Offenses

        8. Victim-->Associated Offenses

        9. Individual(subject) Group --> Relationship offender

      4. Reports

        1. Office

    5. Attachment Form

      1. Need to ask FAC

    6. Generated all the F2 Helps


  1. Violation (Offense) Fields (DOJ)

    1. Remove the Cleared Exceptionally and Date Cleared Fields and put in Summary Group

      1. Should they be one field?

    2. Want to add Unfounded and Deleted Records

      1. Should they be in one field?

      2. Unfounded means something was reported, but through investigation it did not happen

      3. Deleted means that there was a keying error or it was a duplicate

        1. If LEA sent a couple of offenses sent to DOJ and then they want to delete those offenses

        2. If LEA sent to DOJ (duplicate) they want it deleted.

        3. If LEA sent it and now want it to be non-reportable, then send to DOJ

      4. More discussion and decisions needed for the Unfounded/Deleted

  2. Loss type with Measure vs Value for Drugs (DOJ)

    1. Loss Type = Recovered, stolen/etc, Recovered

      1. Recovery Date and Recovered Value

    2. Mac will send Geri "something" tomorrow

      1. Only Seized loss type does measure all others do value.

  3. Property demo

    1. Is there a risk from the user stand point, have a stolen and recovered item.

    2. Training issue - Could you have LEA put it an item was stolen and it was recovered

      1. We need validation rules to check to see if items have been duplicated on the form.

      2. Some of what they talked about will be training cannot check for everything.

  4. DOJ to receive property data only from the incident form. They do not want the property form.


  1. DOJ receive raw xml in Fall idea

    1. They do not want the xml.


  1. F2 Help

    1. Geri will set up a meeting with Brenda.

    2. F2 Help Deadline by July 1st 2020

    3. DOJDAIT files should first be completed by DOJ




Meeting 5/24/2020 Agenda

Thursday, May 7, 2020

7:45 AM




  1. 2:30-3:30 Go over scenarios with law enforcement personal

    1. DOJ and/or DA will have the scenarios they want to ask law enforcement

  2. Summary of work

  3. Proposal for closing a case

    1. Demo of Parking.

    2. Not a full transmission process



May 14, 2020 Incident Mtg with DA/DOJ

Thursday, May 14, 2020

2:15 PM


AGENDA - May 14 2020 from 2:30 - 4:00 PM - TEAMS Mtg

Attendees: Geri Polster, Mac Dempsey, Alesha Brown, Brenda Ray, Derek Veitenheimer, and Darlene Schwartz


  1. Summary of work (Geri)

    1. Can everyone get to the SharePoint site?

      1. Yes - But Brenda doesn't know how to update the F2 Helps

        1. Geri will set up a separate meeting to discuss

    2. Property form:

      1. Adjusted recovered fields and value fields gray and enable based on loss type.

    3. Summary

      1. Add Unknown Victim Type

      2. Fixed the issue with the disappearing victim groups when violation changed.

      3. Added programming to adjust Dynamic lists if main linking group deleted. The fields affected by dynamic lists are

        1. Arrest Group -->Associated Offenses

        2. Individual(Subject) Group--> Associated Offenses

        3. Relationships -->Associated Offenses

        4. Relationships -->Offender

        5. Other Person -->Linked To

        6. Other Person-->Parent OF

        7. Property-->Associated Offenses

        8. Victim-->Associated Offenses

        9. Individual(subject) Group --> Relationship offender

      4. Reports

        1. Office

    4. Attachment Form

      1. Need to ask FAC

    5. Generated all the F2 Helps


  1. Violation (Offense) Fields (DOJ)

    1. DOJ would like the Cleared Exceptionally and Date Cleared Fields removed and put in the Summary Group

      1. Should they be one field?

    2. Want to add Unfounded and Deleted Records

      1. Should they be in one field?

      2. Unfounded means something was reported, but through investigation it did not happen

      3. Deleted means that there was a keying error or it was a duplicate

        1. If LEA sent a couple of offenses sent to DOJ and then they want to delete those offenses

        2. If LEA sent to DOJ (duplicate) they want it deleted.

        3. If LEA sent it and now want it to be non-reportable, then send to DOJ

      4. More discussion and decisions needed for the Unfounded/Deleted fields

    3. Mac will send Geri "something" tomorrow

  2. Loss type with Measure vs Value for Drugs (DOJ)

    1. (Geri please add your comments)

  3. Property demo (Geri please add your comments)

    1. Is there a risk from the user stand point, have a stolen and recovered item.

    2. Training issue - Could you have LEA put it an item was stolen and it was recovered

  4. DOJ to receive property data (Geri needs to explain what she did)

    1. with the incident form (a summary)

      1. Linked to offenses

    2. with the property form (raw data)

      1. Not linked to offenses

    3. DOJ doesn't want the Property Form data sent to them


  1. DOJ receive raw xml in Fall idea

    1. Do they want to receive the XML data starting this fall?

      1. No, they wouldn't be able to have a Web Service set up in time for this fall.

      2. Maybe we could send a 'handful' of different zipfiles

  2. F2 Help

    1. Have DOJ start working on the DAIT/DOJ Help Files first

    2. July 1, 2020 deadline


  1. New TraCS Pack with current Incident Form

    1. Geri will package a new release on Monday or Tuesday and get it to DOJ and some Incident Work Group agencies

  2. Next Meeting

    1. Invite LEA's to the next meeting to get their input on how they complete the form based on different scenarios

      1. Start with the OWI scenario




September 22, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

12:45 PM


Incident Form 2021 Release Plan


  1. 2020 Fall Package release

    1. Questions?

      1. Drop Down lists

      2. Race

        1. Pacific Islander

        2. Federal government

        3. Committee

        4. FBI Certification

        5. Multi choice?

    2. eCitation rules and stricter than eReferral Good Brenda.

  2. DOJ

    1. Get a test server set up at DOJ by end of Jan 2021 or As soon as possible

      1. May to June

    2. Have database ready for testing

      1. Field naming by January

    3. Provide Xslt to TraCS by end of 2020

    4. Interface to directly change a status without sending a form end of March 2021

    5. NIBRS Edits/rules

    6. How DOJ will process incidents (splitting) by end of 2020

  3. DOJ/TraCS/Work Group

    1. Work on any additional rules needed in TraCS to submit to DOJ

    2. Additional functionality like auto-populate

    3. Evidence form

    4. Supplemental form

    5. F2 Help

  4. TraCS

    1. Added NIBRS Rules as soon as possible end of March

    2. Additional forms

    3. Additional functionality

    4. Phase 2 of property—Sum the property form into the incident form completed by end of march

    5. Transmission to DOJ

    6. Status Changes to DOJ

  5. DOJ

    1.  Get a Production Server Set up by end of June 2021 UFAD until last 2 weeks.

  6. TraCS for other partners - Only if we have time.

    1. DSPS—Prescription Drug Monitory Program Department of Safety and Professional services

    2. DOC—Probation and Parole

    3. HIDTA—Overdose

  7. Other things if time

    1. Work on interfacing with other DOJ departments

      1. Human trafficking

      2. Suspicious Activity Repotting-- DCI 5 fields Division of criminal investigation in DOJ

      3. Cleary -- Department of Education not a state entity. Play by ear.

    2. See about interfacing with DAIT




January 7th, 2021

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

10:37 AM



  • Timeline

    • XSD -XML

    • Validation Rules

      • Submission Dates for Agencies

  • Tables

    • Do I have enough in the documentation?

    • Do you need the TraCS field names added

    • Added Not Applicable in WIBRS Drug Table-Discussion

  • Scenarios

    • 5 or 6 of the most common so we can test on our side.





January 7th, 2021 Notes

Thursday, January 7, 2021

1:53 PM



  • Timeline

    • XSD -XML

    • Validation Rules

      • Submission Dates for Agencies

  • Tables

    • Do I have enough in the documentation?

    • Do you need the TraCS field names added

    • Added Not Applicable in WIBRS Drug Table-Discussion

  • Scenarios

    • 5 or 6 of the most common so we can test on our side.


Attendees: Dar, Geri, Brian, Gowri Karri, Alesha Brown, Mac Dempsey


Review of the timeline

  • We would like to be able to test for 6 months at least.

  • We are moving into the DOJ phase of the Incident form


  • Validation rules spreadsheet has been updated by DOJ.

    • Would like to have all the rules by the end of this month

    • DOJ will have the majority of the rules to us by the end of the month.

  • XSD \ File Layout

    • Gowri will be working on the bulk of files

    • Brian will be emailing Mac and Gowri on Friday to set up a meeting about the XML file

      • Will need to create xml files as we process

  • How to process Incidents (splitting)

    • DOJ will receive the data from TraCS without any splitting

    • DOJ will be doing the splitting.

      • We are willing to add any additional fields that could help to know an incident needs to be split.

      • DOJ has had some discussion on this, but doesn't have a clean way to do this automatically.

    • More discussion is needed on Justifiable Homicide

      • Also group wants to collect Run away data, but DOJ does not need this information.

  • Transmission to DOJ

    • Would like to have this ready by April 1st to start testing.

    • Form xml

    • Status change for exceptional clearance.

  • Database

    • Gowri has been working on the database since early December

  • Validation rules for TraCS developers

    • This has been started.

  • Summing of the Property

    • Need to scan the property and sum it to be able to send it to DOJ as a single number

    • Drugs can be handled in multiple ways

      • Seized

      • Stolen

      • Part of a crime (violator is using drugs)

    • Geri will be setting up individualized meetings to discuss how this works.

  • Menus / Ribbons

    • About 50% done

    • Working on the status transmission button

      • What will the xml contain?

        • Looking at sending to document number, and the clearance code value.

        • DOJ will want to see this file.

      • Can the XSLT be utilized for this?

      • DOJ is planning on using a web service to validate both the XML versions.

  • Production Environment


    • We are wanting the get these files.

  • Validation rule

    • Submission dates for agencies

      • Warning if incidents have an old date

        • May give a date of 1950 or so just so nothing silly is used for this field.

      • DOJ will continue to look at this, but they most likely will not have this changed to an error.



  • Review of Box account and contents

  • Validation Requirement spreadsheet

    • Used to list the requested validation

  • F2 Help

    • This is for DOJ when they make changes to files

    • We should try to keep the structure of the box files the same as the sharepoint files

      • A file for DOJ, DAIT, and DOJ DAIT shared folders

  • Codes and Code Text should be consistent for DOJ


Table Documentation

  • Review of document.

  • It would be helpful if the TraCS field names are included

  • Discussion

    • There may be risk in changing code values for existing values that has been sent to DOJ.

  • Victim Type

    • Removed other and society values per workgroup

  • Disposition

    • May need to add a column for DOJ codes

  • Suspected Drugs

    • Using SLH DRE drug list

    • We will be adding a WIBRS code column for conversion to send to DOJ

    • DOJ will be able to add the values.

      • Email the drug list to DOJ – Alesha

    • Will need to contact DOJ when SLH adds drugs to the table


  • V2WIBRS drug

    • Added code Z for Not applicable

      • DOJ has other drugs category.

    • Codes are used when dealing illegal drugs.

    • These codes would not be used when someone is under the influence,



  • Agencies with a location ID above 5000 are not law enforcement agency

    • These are satellite agencies using the law enforcement TraCS license

Zero Reports

  • Has there been discussion if they had no crimes to report?

    • We have not discussed this.

  • DOJ would like to have a mechanizim to report when agencies do not have anything to report this month.

    • Would not be able to send until after the first of the following month, similar to UFAD

  • V2WibrsOffense

    • Owned by TraCS, DOJ should not be making changes.

  • WIBRSArmed

    • Combination table that uses two codes.

    • Transmitted XML should contain the two fields separately

  • WibrsAge

    • DOJ should review to see if all the values they need are included.

    • Some of the codes are only valid for types of individuals

      • Offenders

      • Victims

  • V2Wibrs

    • Not applicble added

  • WIBRSLoss

    • This file will be used extensively for validations.

    • DOJ has code value of 1 that codes to None, we have N/A

      • They need to have None as the value.

      • If we need to have N/A then we will have to figure something out.

  • V2Wibrsdrug

    • Need to add X when more than 3 drugs are being sent.

    • Mac will check with FED manual to see if this is still being used with XML

  • WIBRSOffense

    • This table drives how the form works depending upon which codes are selected.

    • Added:

      • Runaway – as requested by workgroup committee

      • Non Reportable – as requested by workgroup committee for when it is not reportable to DOJ. These will not be sent.

  • WibrsProperty

    • Type field for use to place property into the correct group

      • Vehicle,

      • Firearm

      • Drugs

    • Default Low

      • Used when no value is given

    • Code value VO text changed to SELF instead of Victim was Offender

  • VIRBSWeapon

    • Combined with ?, but needs to be split in the XML


Changes will be made in the tables, then item is added to the history spreadsheet.


Documentation seems complete, but can ask for anything additional as needed.


Gowri asked if the tables during the discussion are the ones for DOJ database.

These are the tables used in TraCS

There may be times that a code will have to be modified when sent to DOJ



  • We would like to have DOJ provide us with a few scenarios we can use for testing purposes.

  • Some of the most common types would be helpful.


Additional questions

Gowri: When using a form and closing it, I am not able to edit.

  • Just need to click on the Edit Form button

  • If the form is validated, it will put it back in Open status.

Gowri: Associated offenses fields in Subject and Victim groups.

  • What is the difference between the fields

    • Subject offenses populate the Victim dropdown list.

    • What did the subject do to the victim?





January 20th, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

2:02 PM



  • Assignments

    • Geri/Mac set up property review meeting

      • 1/28/2021

    • Brian/Gowri set up xml meeting

      • 1/12/2021

      • Brian sent an XML sample and the xsd file.

      • Gowri is not able to create XML on his machine.

        • Will remote in and troubleshoot.

    • Scenarios for Testing

      • Due 2/28/2021

        • Would like about 5 or 6 of them.

        • We will need to have the codes included.

  • Milestones review

    • Incident Form DOJ - DOJ Side Style Sheet XSLT

      • Gowri is working on them, but needs to be able to generate XML files.

    • Incident Form DOJ - DOJ Side NIBRS Edits Rules

      • Mac is mostly done with victim rules.

      • Property rules will be worked on after the incidnet meeting discussion property.

      • DOJ should be able to have the non property rules by end of month.

    • Incident Form DOJ - TraCS Validation Rules NIBRS

    • Spreadsheet items reviewed and status updates made.

  • Box Directories

    • We will moving SharePoint content to Box

      • Creating standards

    • DOJ content from SharePoint moved to Box

      • Please test to be sure you are able to access

        • Mac was able to log in and it looks good

  • Full Workgroup Meeting

    • 2/10/2021

    • Send me any agenda items

      • Zero Reports have a question at the top or how to do

      • Agency report type default values

  • Meeting 2/18/2021 needs to be canceled

    • National TraCS Meeting

  • Additional questions

    • F2 help

      • Let DOJ know when they are moved to Box

        • Will need to have a good structure so everyone knows which files they are responsible for.

      • DOJ wants to be sure that they do not overwrite someone elses changes.

    • Incident workgroup

      • Let us know if there are any issues/question/needs that should be discussed

      • Need to know what will be transmitted as the Exceptional Clearance

      • How to report Zero Report Months

        • Can we add questions similar to UFAD?

    • Is there a standardized incident number?

      • The Form number is considered the incident number

      • The Police number field is a free form field that there is no standard format.

      • Can two different agencies have the same form/document number?

        • No they cannot.

      • Agencies may have duplicated form numbers, but we try to fix that.

        • Machine number is duplicated between 2 or more machines

        • Machine may have been rolled back to a restore point.

    • What is the Agency Report Type field content?

      • This is an agency controlled field and will be blank when installed

      • Agency are responsible for populating this table.

      • Can we put a couple of Default choices in the table and agencies could add more?

        • It is possible, but we have only done this once before.

          • Caution needed to be sure we don't have the some codes with different text.



  • Geri:

    • Set up Box structure

  • Brian:

    • Get DOJ able to create XML samples on their machines.



February 4th 2021 agenda

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

7:37 AM


  • Updates on Assignments

    • Xml -- Brian/Mac/Gowri

    • Property -- Geri/Mac

    • Drug Table -- Alesha

    • Every group except property rule list -- Mac

  • Rules to discuss

    • Single Offense Code on incident

    • Rules that cannot be tested

    • Property loss fields

      • See Offense Table

    • Show list

  • Updates to Form

    • No Report

    • Property on Incident

    • Cargo Loss

    • Property/Evidence form

  • Milestones

  • Questions for Next Week Full Workgroup meeting

  • Future assignments.

    • Exceptional clearance -- Mac/Geri/Brian/Gowri

      • See what we would send

    • Zero Report xml -- Mac/Brian/Gowri



February 5th 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021

10:18 AM


  • Assignments

    • Need Race and Ethnicity tables

    • Property rules

    • Drug Table -- Alesha

    • Exceptional clearance -- Mac/Geri/Brian/Gowri

      • See what we would send

    • Zero Report xml -- Mac/Brian/Gowri

    • Xml programming DOJ

      • 80% complete

      • Property format

      • Road blocks

        • More recent

        • property

  • How do we handle subjects that are not individuals like companies

    • Do not have age, race, sex

    • Treat like unknowns?

    • Hold

  • Programming

    • Justified Homicide

  • New assignments

    • DOJ need to review my tables

      • Need V2WIBRSAggAssaultHomicideCircumstances updated missing items

    • Move the location Type field from location to offense




April 15th, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

12:48 PM


Attendees: Sandeep, Mac, Alesha, Gowri, Geri, Dar, Brian

  • Assignments

    • Fix report type table

    • Move location type field

      • Moved to Offense field

    • Get WIBRS Race table installed

      • Received WIBRS Race table from Derrick

      • WIBRS Ethnicity field was set to uppercase

    • Xslt

      • Do you need example xml for special circumstances?

        • Unknown Number of Subjects?

          • Need to send xml of this to DOJ

        • Mac and Gowri is working on xslt

        • Have received a few xml files from DSP

        • Will email Brian with some example scenarios needed.

    • Test Environment

      • We will be able to get a new pack out in May after BTHE is released.

      • When will the URL be ready?

        • Working on developing web service code

        • Still a few months away from having a draft environment available

        • Will still be able to do some testing with xml supplied by DSP

      • Test Hosted environment could be available for testing

        • After release of the May pack, we will be working in the Fall pack release

        • Would DOJ like to have access to test?

          • Would need to have a separate machine for this connection.

            • Cannot have TraCS installed

            • We would install a client version of TraCS to connect to BTHE Test

          • DOJ will like to discuss this option within their group.

      • Production version

        • DOJ may do some transmission in the future.

          • Need to develop protocols


  • When can we get a xml example of

    • Delete report

    • Exceptional clearance report

    • Working on finalizing data architecture now.

    • May be able to get examples with a week or two

  • Questions with rules

    • Line 19 -- Property Descriptions cannot be repeated.

      • for a loss type or over all loss types?

        • For a particular loss type.

          • Should only show description and amounts once per loss type.

    • If questions are added to the spreadsheet, we should email Mac to let him know.

  • Test Version

  • Have any questions for next week's workgroup meeting?

    • Next week Wednesday

    • Nothing off hand.

    • Can send questions up to end of day Tuesday.

  • DOJ Questions

    • Property xml.

      • Would like to have a corresponding screen shot or some other image of the form.

    • No report xml

      • Seeing more groups than expected.

      • If you want more groups removed let DSP know.

    • Not able to open the PDF that was sent.

      • Brian is working on getting this available.






April 29th 2021

Thursday, April 29, 2021

1:35 PM


Attendees: Brenda Ray, Gowri, Alesha, Sandeep, Geri, Brian


  • Assignments

    • Property Rules

      • Geri has these done

    • Xslt

      • Mac is working on getting this done.

      • Any more examples

        • The xml with property was received and looked good.

        • Incorporated into the XSLT

      • Hope to have it next week.

    • When can we get a xml example of

      • Delete report

      • Exceptional clearance report

      • Should be getting this next week.

    • Alesha and Travis are working on the drug list to put in their codes.

      • There are a few statutes that look out of date or don't exist.

      • Looking to see if they can get this updated.

      • When this list is complete, then send to DSP

  • Any other questions?

    • When will we be doing some testing?

      • On hold for the moment, until BTHE package is out.

    • Test Environment/Database

      • Will be having another meeting with their IT

      • Should be meeting next week.

      • More information next meeting.





May 13th, 2021

Monday, May 10, 2021

3:00 PM


  • Assignments

    • Xslt

      • Mac is working on getting this done.

      • Hope to have it next week.

    • When can we get a xml example of

      • Delete report

        • Phone number of submitter is only the agency phone number

      • Exceptional clearance report

        • The button would add the distribution to the form

          • Would need to transmit the form

          • There is no guarentee that the agency would transmit

          • We would include a message that the form needs to be transmitted.

        • Disposition codes

          • DOJ will need to transform the codes we send to their format

          • Referred to DA

            • This is set when first transmitted to DA

          • Would there be a time or situation where this may get changed?

            • Geri will program that only another Exceptional Clearance code could change this.

            • Will need to be sure that agencies don't refer to DA after DOJ gets it.

          • Button that says DA Failed to Prosecute is the same as Declined.

            • Geri will check on how Citations uses the Decline

        • In V2IncidentDisposition table they need to convert our code.

        • TraCS dispositions require a 2 number code

        • Needs to be validation

        • Change the transmitted to button so the next time the form transmits.

        • Via a button

    • Programming of Transmission process flow.

      • Merging into the form.

      • Brian set up the transmission waiting on url.

    • Programming of Transmission process flow

      • DA does not want to have incidents resent will small changes, only the large changes

      • Ready to merge the rules in the form.

      • Brian will be working on the transmission

        • URL is needed, but backend system is not needed

        • DOJ: It will be months before a working URL is created.

          • Will need to discuss their naming conventions and try to get something set up


  • Alesha and Travis are working on the drug list to put in their codes.

    • Travis working with CCAP to get them up to date

    • Geri will get this when is it complete

    • On hold for the moment, until BTHE package is out.

    • Our test environment.

  • Test Environment/Database

    • Report on meeting week of May 3rd

  • When will we be doing some testing?

    • June 1st first package.

    • On hold for the moment, until BTHE package is out.

    • Will there be a test plan available?

      • Yes, a plan will be available.

    • DOJ: Should we be testing everything or concentrate on Incident?

      • Should be looking at Incident, but need to test all.

      • DOT should have tested all validation rules before packaging.

    • Some validations rules may change from DOJ testing.

    • DOJ would like to split up testing into chunks.

      • Focus testing on certain areas and get them working before moving on to the next section.

    • Should be fairly easy to test until the Property section is tested as it is a new section.

    • Has DOJ given any thought to become web clients in our BTHE test environment?

      • They have a system in place that takes a day or two to get the updates to everyone.

      • They will continue the discussion to see if they feel this may be an option in the future.

        • They will contact their tech staff on how this may work.

      • Updates take about an hour on Mac's machine to download and install.

        • The update push for BJIA takes another hour or so.

  • Time Line discussion

    • DOJ has lost some staffing.

    • They still hope to have the working system by end of the year.

    • Their system design is still a work in progress.

    • We want to start the testing in June

      • Would like to have Alesha and other testers be part of the BTHE test.

      • DOJ could continue to work on their systems and then test the pack.

      • Test plan

        • A plan will be created for general testing as well as specific items.

    • The goal is to release the Fall Pack by the end of October

      • We will discuss with DOJ as the time gets closer about how/when to implement.

      • The "turn on date" is something to think about, but want to be sure DOJ can meet the date.

    • A lot of work was done last year, so we are just building on that.

    • UWSP has successfully transmitted a few eReferrals to DAIT.

  • Other questions?

    • No other discussion needed.










Offender Death




Other Jurisdiction


Victim Refused




Referred to DA





June 10th 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021

9:19 AM


  1. Process flow programming (Geri)

    1. Complete

  2. Transmission programing (Brian)

    1. Started

  3. XSLT(Mac)

    1. Progress

    2. Good draft end of next week

  4. Test Environment

    1. Progress

    2. End of next week

  5. Statutes (Travis)

    1. Travis contacted Andrea Olson directly on 5-24 and she said she would work to get the statutes updated.

  6. Questions





June 24th 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021

9:19 AM


  1. Test Environment

    1. Package Create

      1. Issue with Tables

  2. Transmission programing (Brian)

    1. Started

    2. DOJ does not have servers set up.

      1. Will send a fake URL so we can test the failed transmission.

  3. XSLT(Mac)

    1. Progress

    2. Good draft end of next week

    3. Working with a limited amount of samples.

      1. After export is setup, they should be able to do additional testing.

    4. Will send a draft version soon.

  4. Demo Evidence form

    1. Related to DOJ

    2. To copy data from evidence form to incident.

      1. Officers will bring in data via button

        1. They are used to doing this with other forms.

      2. If data is changed on either form, they should import again

        1. Can also be changed manually.

      3. Form that will receive the data must be in Edited status.

      4. What status must a form be in that data is copied from?

        1. This has not been coded yet so it can be whatever you want.

      5. First thoughts

        1. Geri will check if the field is filled in before importing.

        2. DOJ may want to form to be Validated, but will do some additional checking and report back.

    3. Validation rule discussion

      1. Will leave DSP decide which form the validations should be done on.

    4. Users

      1. Need to add Evidence Reporter access levels to see evidence form.

      2. Will need to log into Config Manager as 333 or 00001 in order to assign the access level.

  5. Questions

    1. No additional questions.






July 8th 2021

Thursday, July 8, 2021

12:53 PM


  1. Test Environment

  2. Transmission programing (Brian)

    1. When will we get the url

  3. XSLT(Mac)

    1. When will we get the draft that was promised

  4. Adding Property

    1. Don't need evidence form

  5. Questions



July 22nd 2021

Thursday, July 22, 2021

2:15 PM


Attendees: Geri, Mac, Gowri, Alisha, Brenda

  • Showed Gowri how to fix rules by looking up the rule in Mac’s spreadsheet.

  • DOJ has a timeline for getting the first round of bug fixes to me.

    • They will be complete by next Friday and Mac will get me the proofed list by Aug 3 or 4th.

    • Looks like minor miscommunications so far. Nothing big. (Mac)

  • I told them I would not make the next meeting and it would be up to Dar/Brian if they wanted to cancel.




August 19th 2021

Thursday, August 19, 2021

9:07 AM


  1. Justifiable Homicides (09C)

    1. We should have discussed this with you sooner, but Justifiable Homicides are unique as compared to other UCR offenses in that they are not a crime and cannot be linked to a statute.  Let’s discuss the range of impacts that this might have, especially with regard to:  

      1. (1) allowing them to be reported without a linked statute and

        1. I already does this there is a warning but it is a DA warning all DA and DOJ errors have warnings when that form type is not chosen to show that the form will have issues if they decide to change the form in some way.

      2. (2) requiring Justifiable Homicide (09C) to be submitted separately and not in combination with crimes on the same incident form

        1. This is not allowed not only is there a batch rule prevent it if they try and put any other offense into the form they get a rare popup message.

    2. Notes:

      1. Do you think that having the DA or WIBRS warnings on the form may cause confusion when completing a DA only or WIBRS only forms?

      2. With training this should note be a problem.

      3. What happens if another offense is added to a Justifiable Homicide incident?

        1. There is a popup message that states this cannot be done.

        2. The form will not validate if Justifiable Homicide and another offense is listed on the same form.

  2. Having Multiple Statutes link to the Same UCR Code

    1. We’ve brought this up previously, without ever coming up with a strategy.  We cannot report the same UCR Offense Code multiple times with different linked fields.  So, let’s discuss how we can best handle the situation where two statutes can link to the same UCR Offense Code.  Currently the Incident Form allows you to select the same UCR Offense Code twice in that situation, which then allows you to fill out the corresponding fields in a contradictory way.

    2. Notes:

      1. Hard to combine if the same code contains contradictory information.

      2. Can the UCR offense be grayed out if this is the case, and send only the first one?

      3. Maybe have a batch rule to check for duplicate offense codes and be sure that the information is the same.

      4. Can the same offense code be set so it cannot be selected a second time?

        1. This is a possibility and would have an entry of "duplicate".

        2. Should be able to gray out the NIBRS fields in this case.

        3. Will need to have really good training on this situation.

          1. Validation message to explain what needs to be done.

  3. Offense type--To reduce user confusion, we would like to only associate the "Person," "Property," and "Society" offense categories for Group A Offenses (and not for 90A, 90B, etc. Group B Offenses).

    1. We cannot do that as that field runs almost the entire form.

    2. I had Brenda go through and mark those offenses so as to work with the DA requirements.

    3. Notes:

      1. Group B offenses will be ignored by DOJ as the feds don't need that.

        1. Would like to have the mapping for group b removed.

      2. DA will need a victim for Group B offense.

      3. Person, property, Society is set with the offense code.

      4. NR is mapped to Society.

      5. Could Society be changed the "Society / NA"

        1. Yes, we can do this.

  4. Incident time--I have some concern that time of incident auto populates to time when filling out the report. May be best to leave it blank to prevent data quality issues?

    1. This is actually how all forms work. Most of the time at least one form is filled out at the time of the incident and the other forms are replicated/auto populated and the date time caries over from the other form.

    2. They are actually very good at modifying the date/time if they fill out the form at a later date.

    3. Do you want it to be blank for a time range.

      1. Geri - Leave it blank when opened and use the incident time from other forms when the form is replicated.

      2. We can eliminate the upper time range.

      3. If unknown time is selected, gray out the field.

  5. Subject Type--What is a "non-individual" and "unknown" subject vs an "individual" offender?

    1. This is an extremely rare occurrence but it does happen.

    2. Most of these don't tend to happen with something you would get.

    3. In the xslt have that individual skipped.

    4. Have a rule that at least one subject needs to be an individual or unknown.

      1. This is the best solution.

    5. Notes:

      1. Non individual could be Corporate Pollution

      2. FBI guidelines indicate that the CEO or the person reported to is listed as the individual. Most of these will end up as just being reported as unknown.

      3. Will there be times when the non-individual is listed and then require an individual be added, that the individual will pass validation rules for race, sex and or other fields.

      4. You cannot prosecute a corporation, you must have a named individual. (Brenda)

        1. Corporate type of offenses end up at DATCP not at the DA.

      5. DA can accept a non-individual, but they cannot accept subject as Unknown.

  6. Victim type--"Other" is not listed as an option for victim type

    1. The workgroup wanted this removed and stated they would never enter this.

    2. Notes:

      1. This is rare, but it needs to be added back as it is a Fed option.

  7. ORI's--Would it be better to only allow ORIs selected through the dropdown? The FBI would reject records with an invalid ORI.

    1. We do not have a list of all ORIs we only have a list of agencies TraCS uses so we have them pick the agency and put it in. All other agencies -- out of state or the few non tracs agencies which are very unlikely as they are 1/2 to 1 person agencies.

    2. Notes:

      1. DOJ does have a listing of all agencies ORI numbers.

      2. DOJ will send the list over to us to review.

        1. May need to remove some of the entries as the DA's and other agencies are included.

Other Discussions:

  1. The arrest code does not have to be linked to the offense code or statute.

    1. Disorderly Conduct statute, the codes could be Aggregated Assault

    2. Don't match, owi stop with heroin found. Group A drug offense, but arrest sent is owi.

    3. If it is a one to one, you can override the Offense code. If it multi list, then you cannot override.

    4. DOJ will discuss whether the offense code should be allowed to be overwritten at all times and report back.



September 2nd 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

1:52 PM


  • Transmission

  • Bugs

  • WI Pack

    • Friday packaging

  • Testing

    • Need to do as much as we can now.

  • Questions



September 9nd 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

1:52 PM


  • Transmission

    • Still Configuring Dev web environment

    • Testing after completed

    • Month away

  • Turn on Date

    • Mid Jan

  • Bugs Fixed

    • Incident time

  1. eliminate the upper time range.

  2. If unknown time is selected, gray out the field

  3. Leave Blank-Friday

Offense type

Could Society be changed the "Society / NA"

Arrest code

Added field

Victim Type

Other - Friday

  • WI Pack

    • Friday packaging

  • Testing

    • Need to do as much as we can now.

  • Questions



September 30 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

2:20 PM


  • Database setup

  • Bugs Fixed

    • Gave a list to Mac

  • WI Pack

    • Most likely next Friday

  • Testing

    • Need to do as much as we can now.

  • Questions



From <https://teams.microsoft.com/multi-window/?agent=electron&version=21071502213>





October 14 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

2:20 PM


  • Database setup

  • Fall Pack release date

  • Bugs Fixed

    • Working on 1/3 complete

  • Property

    • Drop down lists

      • Drug Type -V2WIBRSDrug

      • Property Loss - V2WIBRSLoss

    • Removed Total Property field in summary

    • Auto set property group to open

      • Currently works only on Edit form if you click edit off and on again the group adds itself

      • Fixed it to add/delete correctly

    • ?? Able to validate a robbery

  • WI Pack

    • Friday @ 1pm

  • Questions

    • F2 help directory in Box





October 14 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

2:20 PM


  • Database setup

  • Fall Pack release date

  • Bugs Question

    • When a nonzero number of Stolen Motor Vehicles is supplied, a Vehicle Type must also be supplied for at least one Property Description.

  • Questions

    • F2 help directory in Box





November 11th, 2021

Monday, November 1, 2021

9:06 AM



  • Data Base Update (DOJ)

  • Transmission

  • List of Bugs complete by Nov 15th

  • Questions



November 30 2021

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

12:56 PM


Here are the items

lines 92-- Validation #SP0560 works now (that if it’s a property offense that is attempted, the loss type has to be None or Unknown). But when you select none or unknown, I now get an error that says a stolen or recovered property record must be included for certain ucr property crimes.

  • I put in attempted burglary

  • Loss type = none

  • Clicked validate and all property errors were gone.

  • Can you tell me a scenario where this doesn’t work?

  • I might have fixed it as I did have to make changes.

  1. lines 61, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 75—Property validations I keep getting failures because of attempted completed not being correct but these issues don’t have attempted completed as a attribute to look at.  I am using table field to determine the loss type needed but I don’t think I have all the attempted completed items on one correct.  I did modify it since last update as it was triggering on non property offenses.  I have 2 rules one for attempted and one for all offense statuses but I keep getting conflicting comments but in the second rule none of your validations specified the offense status being attempted or completed. 

  2. line 11 --"Cargo Theft?" should be a required field for WIBRS Reports.  UPDATE: Cargo Theft is a required field, but only for Cargo Theft applicable offenses listed in our WIBRS Spec.

  • Based on this should cargo theft be in the offense group?

  • I will also need a new column in the offense table to trigger a requirement

  • I put a field in the table up on Box

line 23 -- LEOKA Other Jurisdiction allows any input currently (even though it defaults to the selected ORI).

  • We cannot prevent all issues but that is where your Schema errors come in.  I can put rules in and exclude characters.

  • We need to leave it open because we will never have all the ORI’s available.

  • 9 digits exclude all characters

  1. Line 48 - Victim Validation #SV3153 is not being thrown when it should be. I am only looking at the first age field I need some suggestions on how to compare an age range.

  2. Line 99—“ The "Attempted/Completed" field should always be required for all offense codes, and currently isn't being required. àThere is an error for this, “Error: Offense Status Required" Triggers for every type of form except no report.  If you don’t like the verbiage DOJ needs to give me the verbiage you want.

    1. Offense attempted completed status required

  3. Line 100—" if I enter more than one property description then clear the description the row won’t go away that gets cleared out. “this is how the form is supposed to work.  if they don't want the property row they have to manually delete it.  All forms work this way.  This would be problematic if I delete the row with code.

  4. Line 8 -- To reduce user confusion, we would like to only associate the "Person," "Property," and "Society" offense categories for Group A Offenses (and not for 90A, 90B, etc. Group B Offenses).

    1. This is not a DOJ field it is a mechanical field and used more for the DA.  I added my first rule for DOJ connected to this field last week.

    2. I only use DOJ terminology because I thought I would be using it for both DA and DOJ

  5. Transmission




Dec 9th 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021

1:14 PM


  • Transmission (Brian/Mac)

    • How is it going

    • Bulk Transmission

    • My question is when you process our response, do you rely both on SuccessFlag & ReturnCode or only on SuccessFlag?

      • DOJ perform the following things once we receive the request from TraCS.

1.  Schema validations through XSD

2.  Insert your data from XML into our History tables

3.  Business validations

4.  Insert validated into Primary tables if no validation errors.

  • If step 1 or 3 fails for any validations, currently our process is sending the SuccessFlag as “true” with ReturnCode200”. I will be changing to “false” with ReturnCode101” similar to UOF.

  • Pack (Geri)

    • Error you received.

      • Need to drop a table before the next update

        • V2LocationAtStreet

  • Questions




January 6th, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM


  • Transmission (Brian/Mac)

  • Pack(Geri)

    • Next Friday

    • Issues - screen shots?

  • Questions



January 20th, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM


  • Issues

  • Transmission (Brian/Mac)

  • Pack(Geri)

  • Questions



February 3rd, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM


  • Issues

  • Transmission (Brian/Mac)

  • Pack(Geri)

  • Questions



February 17th, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM


  • Issues

    • 17 new

  • Transmission (Brian/DOJ)

  • Questions



March 3rd, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM


  • Issues

    • Did I get all of them added to the list?

    • Update the tables

    • F2 Help

  • Transmission (Brian/DOJ)

  • DOJ Update

  • Questions



March 16th, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

12:47 PM




  • Transmission

  • Issue List

  • WebServices Server-Side

    • Changes to your web service issues we need notice of. UFAD and when Incident is released.

    • badgertracs@dot.wi.gov

  • Questions



March 31st 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

1:00 PM


  • Transmission

  • Issue List

    • Arrest rules

      • All fields required except juvenile disposition

    • Geri will check on table changes in the WIPack

  • Questions



April 14th 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

1:00 PM


  • Transmission

  • DOJ Update time line

  • Issue List

  • Questions



April 28th 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

1:00 PM


  • Testing - DOJ

  • F2 Help - Brian

  • Questions



June 9th 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

1:00 PM


  • Package

  • Testing - DOJ

  • Questions

Related content

email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096