Badger TraCS Guides
Incident Workgroup Changes
Incident Workgroup Changes
- 1 Questions/Comments for the Forms Advisory Committee Meeting
- 2 Modifications Since April 16th 2020
- 3 Meeting 5/14/2020 Agenda
- 4 July 15, 2020 - Meeting Notes
- 5 Modifications Since June 18th 2020
- 6 Modifications Since September 24th 2020
- 7 Transmission Scenario's
- 8 Race Ethnicity
- 9 Questions
- 10 Modifications Since December 15th 2020
- 11 Questions Feb 2021
- 12 Modifications Since February 10th 2020
- 13 Crash Analysis report
- 14 April 2022 changes
Questions/Comments for the Forms Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
1:08 PM
Summary Group changes
FAC combined the reported by group into the Witness/involved group
No of stolen Motor Vehicles and No of Recovered Motor Vehicles put in the Property Group
Violation/Offence Group
Does every offense need a new location or just one location for the incident?
Individual/Offender/Subject Group
What do you want to call this group? Individual will be on the back end, UFAD uses subject on the front end
Removed Parent Group and combined it into the Witness/involved group
What should be the total number for this group, FAC wanted to reduce the amount because in reality 99 will cause issues with speed?
Victim Group
What should be the total number for this group, FAC wanted to reduce the amount because in reality 99 will cause issues with speed?
Involvement Group
Combined group with links to other groups. Combined reported by, parent, witness.
What should be the total number for this group? This group will not have as many issues as the other 2 it will have less programming and no subgroups.
Add fields to make it work with parent linking and reported by
Need to like who they are the parent off.
Like if they are a victim/subject reporting themselves
Property Group
No of stolen Motor Vehicles and No of Recovered Motor Vehicles
Modifications Since April 16th 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:17 AM
Property Form
Removed form number fields
Added Impounded location table
Filtered tables per DOJ
Property types that could be cross groups will be sorted after the fact so officer just put in items by type
Added Value field to drug group
Should we expand the drug type field to include the list from the state lab of hygiene?
Adjusted recovered fields and value fields gray and enable based on loss type.
Enable Disable Measurement vs value fields based on loss type for drugs. Only loss type of seized gets measurement fields.
Incident Form
Gang Activity field
Received the list of 900 gangs in WI from the DOC.
Created a violation search for the list
Implemented the list into the incident form for Subject, Victim and Other Person
eReferral Agency Field
Created a button to look up the appropriate DA from the location.
Added Batch Rule "WARNING: The Location of the Incident and the eReferral Agency(DA) is inconsistent"
Attempted Completed Field
Disabled if certain offense and marked as completed all others enabled.
Modifier field
Split into two fields. Enhancing factor and Reducing factor
Relationship field
Added Not Applicable
Changed Offender to Self
Total fields
Preset the values and set rules to make sure values are entered
Add Unknown Victim Type
Fixed the issue with the disappearing victim groups when violation changed.
Added programming to adjust Dynamic lists if main linking group deleted. The fields affected by dynamic lists are
Arrest Group -->Associated Offenses
Individual(Subject) Group--> Associated Offenses
Relationships -->Associated Offenses
Relationships -->Offender
Other Person -->Linked To
Other Person-->Parent OF
Property-->Associated Offenses
Victim-->Associated Offenses
Individual(subject) Group --> Relationship offender
DAIT/Workgroup Rules See listing of batch rules.
Move Violation Group Fields
XSLT for multi enhancer
Test Transmission for DAIT
Lock Down Property Group
Utility forms
All Statutes need offense Codes (waiting on DOJ to finish).
Attachment Form
Version up adding new fields
Create xslt for DAIT
Add rules for DAIT
F2 Help
Generated and put on Share Point
Meeting 5/14/2020 Agenda
Thursday, May 7, 2020
7:45 AM
Summary of work (Geri)
Violation(Offense) Fields (DOJ)
Loss type with Measure vs Value for Drugs (DOJ)
Property demo
DOJ to receive property data
with the incident form (a summary)
Linked to offenses
with the property form (raw data)
Not linked to offenses
DOJ receive raw xml in Fall idea
F2 Help
July 15, 2020 - Meeting Notes
Thursday, July 9, 2020
7:32 AM
Location: Conference Call (Working Remotely)
Date: July 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM
Took Notes:
Update on Progress
FORS Issue Richland Center
Grabs data from database
Timing for appointments
Only 12 per month?
New Virtual Computer
Review Access rights in Hosted Distribution items needed Next meeting
Geri removed the following access rights from system admin and give to developer access
Go over documentation
In-Between Appointments
Post Appointment
Modifications Since June 18th 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:17 AM
Property Form
Auto populate/replicate complete
Just Basic Auto populate fields.
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
Incident Form
Moved Violation Group Fields to document and made into buttons
XSLT for multi enhancer
Utility Forms
Autopopulate/replicate complete
Basics for all forms to incident
DNR/ELCI/NTC replicate all fields on the ticket to the incident form
Property Group Locked Down
Public Report
Added Rule for Count which is required to DAIT
Transmission to DAIT
Attachment Form
New Version
Created xslt5
Added rules for DAIT transmission
Autopopulate/replicate complete
Transmission to DAIT
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
F2 Help
Modifications Since September 24th 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:17 AM
Property Form
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
F2 Help
Incident Form
Added Rule for Count which is required to DAIT
Transmission to DAIT
Attachment Form
Transmission to DAIT
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
Supplemental Form
Went to FAC and got form flow
Rules Created, identical to Attachment form
DAIT report
Created xslt to DAIT
Add instructions for transmission
Add to available form
Access rights
DB Build
Agency Field Blank
F2 Help
F2 Help
Transmission Scenario's
Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:37 AM
Scenario 1
One defendant (person) Two victims (people)
Two witnesses
Misdemeanor Battery – 940.19(1) against first victim
Substantial Battery – 940.19(2) against second victim
Scenario 2
One Defendant
3 charges –
OWI 3rd,
Operating with PAC 3rd
Possession of a Firearm by a Felon – 941.29(1m)(a)
Scenario 3
Two defendants
One victim
Each defendant committed
Battery – 940.19(1)
Robbery with use of Force – 943.32(1)(a) against the victim
Scenario 4
One Defendant
One Victim
One witness
2 charges
Disorderly Conduct – 947.01(1) against victim with a domestic abuse charge enhancer
Resisting Arrest (no victim) – 946.41(1)
Scenario 5
Two defendants
One victim
First defendant:
Possession of Meth 961.41(3g)(g)
Obstructing an officer – 946.41(1)
Second defendant:
Possession of Meth,
Carrying a concealed weapon – 941.23(2),
Receiving Stolen Firearm or property (> $5000 - $10000) – 943.34(1)(bm) against victim
Scenario 6
One defendant
One victim
First degree intentional homicide – 940.01(1)(a) with the Attempt modifier
Scenario 7
2 defendants
1 victim (a store, like Walmart)
Each defendant is charged with Retail Theft (>$5000 - $10000) – 943.50(1m)(a)
Things to consider for testing
More than one
One Enhancer
Two Enhancer
Other Person
Officer Witness
On road
Need an Arrest
Need a Double Transmit
Hair color Conversions for Victims, Subjects and Other Person
Try leaving fields blank
Race Ethnicity
Monday, December 14, 2020
11:22 AM
DMV's Race Codes:
Code | Text | Description |
A | Asian | Asian or Pacific Islanders (A) – Persons identifying with the peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent or the Pacific Islands. For example, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa. |
B | Black | Black (not of Hispanic origin) (B) – Persons descended from any of the black racial groups of Africa. |
H | Hispanic | Hispanic (H) – Persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin. |
I | Indian | Indian (I) – American Indian or Alaskan Native-Persons with origins of the original peoples of North America or who maintain cultural identification through tribal association or community recognition. |
W | White | White (not of Hispanic origin) (W) |
PROTECT Conversion Table:
Race_Id | Race | CIB_Race | CCAP_Race | Race_Desc |
1 | A | A | 2 | Asian or Pacific Isl |
2 | B | B | 1 | Black |
3 | I | I | 3 | Native American |
4 | U | U | 6 | Unknown |
5 | W | W | 5 | White |
6 | HW | W | 4 | Hispanic-White |
8 | HB | B | 4 | Hispanic-Black |
9 | H | H | 4 | Hispanic |
Milwaukee’s request per ACLU:
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (DMV - Asian)
Black/African American (DMV - Black)
American Indian or Alaskan Native (Remove Indian) (DMV - Indian)
Unknown (This won’t be needed, since it is not a required field for DMV and they can leave it blank)
NIBRS Race: W, B, I, A, P, U,
NIBRS Ethnicity: H, N, U,
Use of Force "Race/Ethnicity": W, B, I, A, P, H, Unknown, Pending
Use of Force & Arrest Related Deaths (UFAD):
Ethnicity Field:
| 01 |
Not hispanic or Latino | 02 |
| 03 |
V2Race in TraCS (Same as the DMV - Race)
CodeValue | CodeText | ExportCode |
A | ASIAN | A |
B | BLACK | B |
I | INDIAN | I |
W | WHITE | W |
CodeValue | CodeText |
1 | African American |
2 | Asian or Pacific Islander |
3 | American Indian or Alaskan Native |
4 | Hispanic |
5 | Caucasian |
6 | Unknown |
7 | Other |
Codes - NCIC Race (TEG Table - Not used in Wisconsin TraCS)
CodeValue | CodeText |
B | Black - B |
I | American Indian/Alaskan Native - I |
A | Asian/Pacific Islander - A |
W | White - W |
U | Unknown - U |
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
7:51 AM
Exceptional Clearance Indicator Field: If I’m remembering correctly, I think you had originally added this field in the Summary section, but you may have temporarily removed it when we expressed indecision about whether we wanted this moved to the Offense section. Am I remembering that correctly, and could this field be added back into your Incident form as a Summary-level field? It is used to communicate if every offense associated with the Incident should be considered cleared, due to an exceptional reason (such as the death of the suspect).
2. Cargo Theft Indicator Field: I don’t believe that we ever talked about this field. This is the only field that I’m aware of that exists in our spec, and not in the Incident form, that we’ve never talked about. Could we add a Summary-level checkbox that would be used to indicate whether Cargo Theft was involved in the Incident? Potentially “Involved Cargo Theft” would work as the wording, but we can discuss this in a future meeting. This field had been recently added by the FBI, and was added to our Wisconsin WIBRS spec in January of 2019. You may not have identified it if you were originally working from an older copy of our Tech Spec. I’m attaching our (current) January 2019 spec in case you don’t have that.
3. Deleting Incident Records: In one of our meetings a few months ago, you had discussed a few options for how TraCS could possibly handle communicating to us that a record should be deleted. Could you remind me of how that might work, and how that might appear in the XML transmission?
Modifications Since December 15th 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:17 AM
Property/Evidence Form
Merged Property and Evidence
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
F2 Help
Incident Form
Rules added to current
Jan Pack-Bugs
Incident form not transmitting to RMS when only RMS is chosen
Agency Tables now transfer to field units
Added fields for DOJ
Multi field
Replacing Agency Report Only
01-Agency Internal Report Only -- only choice
02-No Incidents to DOJ for Month -- only choice
03-DA eReferral
04-WIBRS Report
documentReportingMonth used only for (02)
documentReportingYear used only for (02)
Added Property Section
Updated all rules to be excluded when DOJ No Report.
Added DOJ rules for
Remove date of birth on public report for other person
Attachment Form
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
Supplemental Form
Add instructions for transmission
Add to available form
Access rights
DB Build
Agency Field Blank
F2 Help
F2 Help
Questions Feb 2021
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
10:17 AM
we tried to do an informational report no offense or subject associated to it, it will not let us delete the offense or subject group. And for the top part it won’t let us put a 0 in for total offenses. Not sure if you able to open our form up but here is the number
Modifications Since February 10th 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:17 AM
Evidence Form
Started Rules
Started Ribbon
3 started
Gun Destruction
Crime Lab
2 in planning stage
Chain of Custody
Bar code
Set batch rules
F2 Help
Incident Form
F2 Help Complete
Added fields for DOJ
Moved additional homicide circumstances to AggAssault group
Adjusted the field names
WIBRS Race for Victim and Subject
Added DOJ rules for
Aggravated Assault
Victim over 17 cannot have an offense of statutory rape
Non person Victim linked to crime against person incorrectly
Property loss
Property Item
Modified form to prohibit other offense types if Justified homicide chosen
Pop up message after putting in Justified Homicide
Validation Batch rule set up to prevent.
Modified all rules
Specify if DAIT rules
Specify if DOJ rules
Specify if both
Remove date of birth on public report for other person
Attachment Form
F2 Help Complete
"Law Enforcement Agency Type" field not auto populating
Supplemental Form
F2 Help Complete
Add instructions for transmission
Add to available form
Access rights
DB Build
Agency Field Blank
Crash Analysis report
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
8:33 AM
April 2022 changes
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
9:49 AM
Arrest Group rules added
Arrest Offense Required
Arrest Type Required
Multiple Arrestee Indicator Required
Arrestee Armed With Required
ATN Number Required
Probably(?) small changes:
Currently if Race = Hispanic, WIBRS Ethnicity cannot be Non-Hispanic. That’s correct. But Hispanic/Unknown WIBRS Ethnicity and Hispanic/blank WIBRS Ethnicity still work. Want if Race = Hispanic, WIBRS Ethnicity must = Hispanic.
ORI number in LEA area: should not be required. Currently get an error if left blank for an officer victim that it has to be 9 characters….but it should not be required at all. Blank is ok, even for officer victims.
Age ranges: if lower range is “unknown”, upper range should be required to be blank. Currently user can still put “unknown” as lower and a real age as upper.
Simple assault weapon options should be limited (a table change)?
This already happens
Incident date when not known
The upper date can still be before the report date. Not logical that an incident was reported to the agency on 3/25 if agency says incident could’ve happened between 3/20 and 3/28
Verbiage changes, if possible:
Victim type: can “law enforcement” say “law enforcement officer” so as to distinguish it from a law enforcement agency victim (which would be “government” vic type)?
This is your table.
Incident status: can “Clear Exception” say “Clear Status” instead? “Clear Exception” is very close to “Clear Exceptionally” and I have slight concern an agency would not understand the difference, and since no F2 button in that spot, they’d click Clear Exception when they really meant to add an exceptional clearance
Date field considerations (maybe a future improvement topic if can’t be implemented now?):
Exceptional clearance date
Consider changing it from cant be before the incident date, to can't be before the report date
Currently, can have incident date (3/20), report date (3/27), and EC date (3/25). This is technically ok as validation is currently written since EC date is compared to incident date….but it is not logical that an incident would be cleared before it was reported to the agency.
Arrest date
Consider changing it from it can't be before the incident date, to can't be before the report date
Same reason as above
List at meeting
statutory rape should have two victims and two offenders if all are under 18.
was able to validate form with offense of incest, subject offense rape, victim offense rape, relationship offense incest. When changing offenses, fields aren't clearing properly.
Unable to fix at this time. I think it might be a baseline bug.
group B offenses and Group B Arrest Offense should be the same offense
if it's not a cargo theft reportable offense, then can that field just be grayed out?
Cannot do as the field is above the field determining gray out
currently allows arrest and EC- can't have both
chose vic was offender on stat rape then it grayed out second relationship-screenshot
Still working on this one
age for subject one was required and not for subject two
gray out prop value if drugs are prop desc and type loss is seized
Sort Order set
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