Badger TraCS Guides
Evidence Sub-Committee Notes
Evidence Sub-Committee Notes
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
7:58 AM
Geri – For your meeting this morning, I’d introduce yourself
and then briefly explain the plan - Phase 2 of this Incident Project which includes adding an Evidence form.
Group Meeting first or second week after thanksgiving
Then ask them if they would be able to explain when and how they use their evidence system,
how long things are kept in the system,
do they send / give any of the data to anyone else (SLH or DOJ).
If they explain how they use it, it should help when you go through the Evidence form and give you a base.
Phase 2 released next year
Incident Form
NIBRS related rules – This will meet NIBRS compliance
Transmission to DOJ
3 other forms
Supplemental form – Create new form that is basically a narrative
Evidence forms – More than 1 form? - Explain the intent of this form
Update Arrest form – Explain how it will be updated, modified
Property form linked to Incident and evidence – Explain how and what you’ll be doing to the property form
December 7, 2020 Agenda
Monday, December 7, 2020
8:27 AM
What is needed
Flow of Evidence Property
Property Form vs Evidence form
Fields Needed
Drop down lists
December 7, 2020 Meeting notes
Monday, December 7, 2020
8:28 AM
Name | Agency | Attended |
Lewis Yetter | Chippewa County SO |
Ofc Paul Houx | Clear Lake PD |
Kevin Barman | DNR |
Chief Stanley Ridgeway | Durand PD |
Chief Shawn McGee | Hartford Township PD |
Officer Daniel Heimann | Ho-Chunk Nation PD |
Lt. Booker Ferguson | Sparta PD |
Candy Tork | Stevens Point PD |
Lt. Bryan Hasse | Town of Beloit PD |
Jeni Lutz | UW Stevens Point Police & Security |
Sgt. Timothy McCormack | WI State Capitol Police |
Inspector Travis Lauer | Wisconsin State Patrol |
Brenda Ray | DA Protect |
Geri Polster | Badger TraCS |
Brian Neil | Badger TraCS |
Darlene Schwartz | TraCS Program Manager |
Alesha Brown | DOJ |
Sergeant Jason Bakken | Wisconsin State Patrol |
LT Nathan Henriksen | Wisconsin State Patrol |
Sergeant Abby Onsgard | WI State Capitol Police |
Mac Dempsey | DOJ |
What is needed
Flow of Evidence Property
Property Form vs Evidence form
Fields Needed
Drop down lists
December 7th, 2020 Meeting Notes Dar's Notes
Monday, November 23, 2020
9:21 AM
Evidence Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
December 7, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Member | Agency | Attended |
Lewis Yetter | Chippewa County SO | No |
Ofc Paul Houx | Clear Lake PD - Evidence Tech | Yes |
Kevin Barman | DNR | Yes |
Chief Stanley Ridgeway | Durand PD | No |
Chief Shawn McGee | Hartford Township PD | No |
Officer Daniel Heimann | Ho-Chunk Nation PD | No |
Lt. Booker Ferguson | Sparta PD -oversees the evidence | Yes |
Candy Tork | Stevens Point PD | No |
Lt. Bryan Hasse | Town of Beloit PD | No |
Jeni Lutz | UW Stevens Point Police & Security | No |
Sgt. Timothy McCormack | WI State Capitol Police | No |
Inspector Travis Lauer | Wisconsin State Patrol | Yes |
Brenda Ray | DA Protect | Yes |
Geri Polster | Badger TraCS | Yes |
Brian Neil | Badger TraCS | Yes |
Darlene Schwartz | TraCS Program Manager | Yes |
Alesha Brown | DOJ | Yes |
Sergeant Jason Bakken | Wisconsin State Patrol- Statewide Evidence Coordinator | Yes |
LT Nathan Henriksen | Wisconsin State Patrol - Statewide Evidence Overseer | Yes |
Sergeant Abby Onsgard | WI State Capitol Police | No |
Mac Dempsey | DOJ | No |
Bryan Harrenstein | DNR -captain with DNR looking at redoing system | Yes |
Marci Enloe | Dane County Sheriffs (WAI) | No |
Jessica Greer | Dane County Sheriffs (WAI) - Oversee evidence room Anonymous | Yes |
Holly Schultz | Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety (WAI) - manage the evidence room and goes out on scene & board member | Yes |
Cyndel Sawall | City of Menasha Police Department (WAI) -property evidence and board member | Yes |
MATT R SHAW | UW Madison Police Department (WAI) | No |
Melissa Zielke | Dane County SO - Their system coordinator | Yes |
Incident Project
Talked about the Incident Project which started last year
Added Incident Form
Has the ability to send eReferral
Property Form
Modified Attachment Form
Incident group wanted to set up a sub group that includes Evidence Tech's that have more expertise on the form
What is needed?
Form Fields
Field Drop down lists
F2 Help
Property Receipt
Analysis reports
IAPE standards
Flow of Evidence/Property
New officer collect evident and go through it.
Bryan Herrickstein- DNR- Chain of custody
Collect evidence and then add a seizure tag, if a partner collects it and then passes it to another person need to have a chain of custody (currently on back of seizure tag).
DNR often deals with almost every LE agency in the state regarding evidence, storage, etc.
It is important to keep track of who is handling.
Holly -Ashwaubenon
in the field and collect evidence, where was collected who found and collect it, then it is put into a paper bag. Back to agency and then entered into a property form and that is transferred to evidence form and put into the evidence lockers.
Chain of custody, who found it, who collected it.
Returned to agency for processing
Evidence tag and stored in temporary storage
Review of incident
Deposal of evidence as procedure.
Cyndell - Dane Sheriff CO
on scene officers collect evidence, they put in paper bag, badge number where it was collected, the put into temporary locker, then evidence entered into our management system in 'Beast' and then put evidence into a temporary locker. She scans evidence and puts into a permanent location - she adds a end date or if unknown puts a 3 or 4 months later review system. Anytime that the evidence was moved from one person to the next
Chain of command
Evidence bagged and initialed by collecting officer
They use BEAST
Property into temp evidence room
Scanned and moved to permanent storage.
Chain of custody is used when it is moved.
Booker - Sparta PD
Collection usually done by an officer, they enter into temporary evidence location. They enter the evidence into our RMS system. From there our evidence room processes the evidence and will assign it to another location in the evidence room. From there there may need to be transferred (crime lab, officers for phone dumps...) its location is tracked to disposition. also do routine audits which usually has the system pick a evidence location and we get a print out of all the items at that location and we audit that location.
Paul Houx - Clear Lake PD
Online system (cloud based), they can put stuff in with a dropdown and then
Develop a statewide RMS system - Cloud Based - to transfer
Lacking - another agency will provide them with evidence, and they don' t have their name in their system (have an 'other ' so they can type something in)
Multiple Agencies?
Sparta - only Sparta
Menasha - Calumet and Winnebago County
Property Form Vs Evidence form
Geri went through and filled out the Property Form
NOTE TO GERI - Cosmetic fix for Property Form Grams or Kilogram (that field should be larger, quantity is larger than this field)
NOTE TO GERI - Property group - color can type anything? Are there validation rules?
Property Form suggestion from Travis
Have each property added as an individual property instead of the way it is set up now?
Geri has a concern of what she needs or how she can gather the info. she needs for the incident form
Holly - stored by best practice - doesn't want to track a piece of evidence by a incident number but wants an evidence number
Dar would like to see if anyone else has any comments on Travis's suggestion of having one form per piece of evidence/property
Nate asked: How many pieces of evidence/property does a typical case have for your agency?
Booker: Nathan, we average 4-5 pieces, but do search warrants a few times a month which can easily reach 50+ items. We have two cases this year which are over 300 items but those pretty rare
Paul: Nate - the average for items is likely 5 to 10 items. A search warrant or major crime scene 20 to 30 items or more.
Travis: If you collect multiple pieces of property, some are evidence and get transferred to the evidence form, others are just property, could we select certain items within the property form to issue a printed property receipt or would all the items print out? Wondering if this would be another issue with grouping all things on one form.
Cyndell - question if TraCS will print out a
Paul: Travis- I see where you are going. For instance when we do a search warrant having the ability to print a list for homeowner for items seized (owner driven) would be nice at the scene. There may be other items from that same location seized different owners..
Nate: Use one form, replicate locations or owners, then may be some efficiencies.
What labels does Iowa use for ????
Jason = TraCS is set up as a one officer driven, 30 foot overview, Oak shooting Temple - multiple, thousands of evidence taken that multiple officers could be entering evidence at once? Geri - no, not at this time.
Could forms be molded together? Case information - You could have multiple forms and have them all hooked together to one Case. You can have one Case owner, but multiple officers can create forms.
Bryan - MACH - can go back and assign a case number later. TraCS, can we open up multiple forms, and then go back and assign a case.
Paul: Just a thought- if a property form was limited to say 30 items. If there were more than 30 open another property form that is linked. That may help with the system getting bogged down like what happens with a crash report with several vehicles………..?
Cyndell - months down the road, and they want to pull a separate item to give to an officer or do an audit?
Nate: Property form - Chain of Evidence - So that case you may have several people collecting evidence, they will have different property forms based on who entered/started entering the form. If 100 pieces of evidence, they aren't all going to fit on one property form? Or do you create separate labels to connect the property? What if the property is not evidence, but you will still need a chain of custody?
Holly - If all items are entered, is there a way to get a quick snap shot to get all property and evidence form, or will they have to print each form separately. If they are all on the property form, you can print that. Or you can create Analysis reports/adhoc reports.
Warrant return report? Needed
Nathan - Holly were you including warrant in the property
No, when you do a warrant return, you have a list of pieces and properties. WAI - page 98 (?)
Geri - may need
Cyndell - one form with check boxes - 50 items - 20 check boxes for certain owners, and then just check them when you need to print them out?
Bryan - Property form and replicate to the evidence form
If listed on the property - you designate what it was who belong to, can you do a disposition off the property/evidence form, seize vehicle, pot, (5 items), then if purse wasn't put into evidence, could you somehow be able to disposition and get if back to the owner?
If one property/evidence - there wouldn't be enough
Geri briefly went through these topics below:
Multiple Items on Evidence
Items owned by multiple people
Chain of Custody
Split chain of Custody of multiple items
Multiple Agencies
Fields Needed
Geri did a nice job transitioning to this after break! Asked people to send copies of reports that they use from their current systems.
Document Group (All TraCS generated fields except for those mentioned)
DOT Document Number
Form Rejection Reason
Machine Number
Police Number - Officer can fill in
Document Tags - Officer can fill in
TraCS Pack
Disposition - Too early to discuss - This is a table
Evidence Group (Kind of Summary Group)
Evidence Short Description
Bryan - Yes, it would be beneficial (100 char. is fine)
Type of Seizure (How you got the item) Use Wai standard
Is there a table?
Booker - evidence, safe keeping, lost and found,
Cyndel: I think you could just remove the type of seizure and use the 'reason for seizure' box or visa versa: ie. found/evidence/safekeeping - Merge the two fields and call Reason for Seizure.
Booker would like to keep both fields - easier for evid. Techs to deal with Dispositions and purging items.
Reason for Seizure
See above
Evidence Type - use WAI standards
Quantity - keep at 6 characters
Seized By - Can add a look up for those in their agency
Size - Cyndel - don't feel like the need this - Can remove
Need to get someone from the Crime Lab to verify if we need it
Cyndel will check with their form to see if the field is needed.
Measurement- Will come back to this - may be duplicate
Serial Num - May not need this - this is the Form Number in WI
Submit to Lab - (Yes/No)
Exams Requested - Drop down from crime lab (multi list)
Submission Type Code -code used to specify if officer is handing to them directly, in temporary locker, etc -
Packing Code - replacing size
Tracking Number (packaging tracking number) - may be part of Chain of Custody
Enter any Special Handling instruction
Holly wants a narrative
Paul wants a dropdown with an other - narrative
Decided to have Special Handling field dropdown multi list and an additional field called Special Handling Other with 1000 char. narrative.
Enter any Extra Notes that will not be
Summary Group
Date (Incident)
Time (Incident)
Total Drugs - Property
Total Vehicles - Property
Total … - Property
Total Money - Property
Total Items - Property
The total value of coins recovered - part of a report
The total value of all bills recovered - part of a report
The total value of all cash recovered - part of a report
Total Amount - part of a report
Purge Review Date - Yes add
Obtained From - signature from the person it was obtained from
Cyndel provides the individual with a receipt of what was seized accept in situations when there is a search report
Holly would like to have this for when another agency hands it over to another agency. Geri stated that this is part of chain of custody
Enter the date which the form was signed (not sure what Geri said)
Incident Document Number - autopopulated - might need
Enter if the information of the person was known - Yes/No
Holly says this is important
Bryan / DNR - Property seized from known and then sold?
Either a chain of custody or purge - type of purge (sold, auction, donate, etc.)
Jessica - Dane CSO they have auction
Statute Number
Offense Code (NIBRS)
Cyndel - it's based on the homicide/OWI etc. and all evidence falls under that
Felony, misdemeanor, infraction , etc
Statute Description
Cyndel - they don't have this, because they have the statute number
Nate - Check with the Crime Lab to see what they need
Holly - Not everything is needed for the Would these be required fields?
Ordinance Number (Add field)
Ordinance Description (Added field)
How many statutes/ordinances do you want to collect? 1? 3?
Geri - the alcohol goes through and picks the top 3 statutes.
Paul: I think one is fine as reports will cover more than one
Drug Group
Loss Type - Not Index (holly?)
Property Type (one choice)
Evidence Number
Drug Type - NIBRS list is limited - DRE listing
Drug Quantity - the number
Drug Type Measure -
Drug Value - Do we need?
Date Recovered - Do we need?
Recovered Value - Do we need?
Vehicle Group
Loss Type
Property Type
Vehicle Type
Property Type
Bryan was wondering if the value fields could be left blank? No, accept for vehicles - it's a NIBRS requirement.
Alesha - Yes, use Kelly Blue Book
Many other fields
Towed fields - Paul and Nate stated that they don't need them.
Brian asked he they wanted to keep Phone Number - Travis was okay with keeping it, since it won't be required.
Date Recovered
Recovered Property Value
Recovered in parts - Y/N
Cyndel - I don't think the ORI would be needed. We document this with our TIME System and all the paperwork gets attached to the report. There is no need for ORI, agency info in regards to an evidence stand point.
Firearm Group
Loss Type
Property Type
This would just be firearm
Then you could add a new field called Firearm Type
Single list / Other (Handgun, shotgun, etc)
Property Description
Evidence Number
Date Recovered
Nate: Crime lab would be a good
Add a new field Condition the firearm was in when they recovered/seized it.
Cyndel Sawall - Photographs are also important in that aspect to document the condition of the firearm. We don't document the condition in our evidence system
Travis - or is that part of chain of custody?
Paul - When returning to owner we document that we did a criminal history….. just a thought
Cyndel - Couldn't that go under the attachments?
ATF eTrace - new field - Y/N
NIBIN - new field - Y/N
All Other Property Items Group
Loss Type
Property Type
Item Description
Evidence Number
Serial Number
OAN # (Consistent on Number)
Individual Group
Person Type
Eg. Per Cyndel - Owner, possessor, victim, suspect, finder
Paul Owner could be a business also
Name fields
Address fields
DOB, demographic
Ethnicity (?)
FBI number - Won't be needed
DCI Number - Won't be needed
Paul: A spot for insurance as this could be used to take a stolen property compliant as well and insurance info would be nice?
Firearm Disqualifier - Y/N
Insurance Paid Out - Y/N
Location Group
All the same as other
Location Type
Zip Code of building
Building Number
Floor Number
No one commented and it sounds like they don't need these fields
Vehicle located in
Vehicle registration info. - Nate - yes, they would need
Bryan - Yes, they would use it.
Chain of custody
From Type
From Location
Don't know why we need the from Type because it should be the same as before. It shouldn't have moved
To Type - Type of transfer
To Location - ID of the temporary storage location
To Storage Type - Type of permanent evidence storage
To Storage Location - ID of permanent storage location
To Property Control Location - select property/evidence control location
Assignment/Homework - They need to go back and look at how they
ID of permanent storage
One chain of custody for one piece of evidence.
When doing the temporary, the permanent storage doesn't show so they can't accidently put in wrong storage? Cyndel and Menasha
Need signature if going to a different person.
Keep signature on this
Booker: Patrol usually doesn't see the evidence room storage location. they usually are only able to pick a temporary locations. That way they are not adding stuff to your evidence room which has not been entered/accepted by the evidence room techs
Paul - Is this something that can be left open and tailored to each agency’s needs?
Geri - the fields can be tailored to the agency, with their own dropdown lists
Paul - chain of custody update - can you choose to have a custodial change, requiring a signature.
Geri - possibly if use ribbons (Chain of custody) and have popups/dropdown of type of transfer
Purge of Evidence
Purge Type
Date of Purge
Time of Purge
Evidence Present
Purged by
Badge number
Party relinquishing control / destroy property signature
Received by / witness
Badge Number
Party acquiring control / witness to destruction of property signature
Entered by
Could you have a separate group called Signature Group, so if they need a signature, they could include or not.
Add a field - Witness Needed - Check box, then if checked no, witness doesn't appear. If checked Yes, then witness info. appears.
Use, Disposition instead of Purge
Cyndel and Paul stated 'Yes'
Narrative Group
How big do you want? Unlimited? 5000 character?
Is this narrative for dispositions or is it for the whole form?
Agency Group
Same as all the other forms
Attachment Group
Decision: Stay withCode39
Geri - Any agency within
Next Meetings
Drop Down Lists
December 7, 2020 Brian's Meeting notes
Monday, December 7, 2020
3:12 PM
Evidence Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
December 8, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Member | Agency | Attended |
Lewis Yetter | Chippewa County SO |
Ofc Paul Houx | Clear Lake PD | Yes |
Kevin Barman | DNR | Yes |
Chief Stanley Ridgeway | Durand PD |
Chief Shawn McGee | Hartford Township PD |
Officer Daniel Heimann | Ho-Chunk Nation PD |
Lt. Booker Ferguson | Sparta PD | Yes |
Candy Tork | Stevens Point PD |
Lt. Bryan Hasse | Town of Beloit PD |
Jeni Lutz | UW Stevens Point Police & Security |
Sgt. Timothy McCormack | WI State Capitol Police |
Inspector Travis Lauer | Wisconsin State Patrol | Yes |
Brenda Ray | DA Protect | Yes |
Geri Polster | Badger TraCS | Yes |
Brian Neil | Badger TraCS | Yes |
Darlene Schwartz | TraCS Program Manager | Yes |
Alesha Brown | DOJ | Yes |
Sergeant Jason Bakken | Wisconsin State Patrol | Yes |
LT Nathan Henriksen | Wisconsin State Patrol | Yes |
Sergeant Abby Onsgard | WI State Capitol Police |
Mac Dempsey | DOJ |
Bryan Harrenstein | DNR | Yes |
Marci Enloe | Dane County Sheriffs (WAI) |
Jessica Greer | Dane County Sheriffs (WAI) | Yes |
Holly Schultz | Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety (WAI) | Yes |
Cyndel Sawall | City of Menasha Police Department (WAI) | Yes |
MATT R SHAW | UW Madison Police Department (WAI) |
Melissa Zielke | Dane County Sheriffs | Yes |
6085409368 (Booker call in) |
| Yes |
Members present introduced themselves and gave a brief description on how they are involved in the handling of evidence.
Incident Project
Geri reviewed the incident project and the new forms that were introduced.
What is needed?
Form Fields
Field Drop down lists
F2 Help
Need create
What reports are needed.
Property Receipt
Are they needed?
TraCS can collect signatures
What and who's signatures are needed to be collected.
Analysis reports
IAPE standards
Need to be able to create our forms are meeting the standards of this organization.
Flow of Evidence/Property
Brian Herrickstein
There is a chain of custody form on the back of the seizure tag
It is important to keep track of who is handling.
Chain of custody, who found it, who collected it.
Returned to agency for processing
Evidence tag and stored in temporary storage
Review of incident
Deposal of evidence as procedure.
Chain of command
Evidence bagged and initialed by collecting officer
They use BEAST
Property into temp evidence room
Scanned and moved to permanent storage.
Chain of custody is used when it is moved.
Collection usually done by an officer, they enter into temporary evidence location. They enter the evidence into our RMS system. From there our evidence room processes the evidence and will assign it to another location in the evidence room. From there, there may need to be transferred (crime lab, officers for phone dumps...) its location is tracked to disposition. also do routine audits which usually has the system pick a evidence location and we get a print out of all the items at that location and we audit that location.
Paul Houx
Online system
Limited to their officers only.
Would need to be able to have other agency officers available
Either accepting evidence or giving evidence to other agencies.
How many agencies work with others in the collection on evidence?
Cyndel - We have both Calumet County and Winnebago County
Booker - just Sparta
Paul -- If a statewide RMS was developed it would be most helpful in the interagency operation of evidence.
On behalf of Bryan Harrenstein (DNR): DNR often deals with almost every LE agency in the state regarding evidence, storage, etc.
Property Form Vs Evidence form
Geri briefly showed the Property form as it is in TraCS
Completed the form for members to see what the form does.
Should the items be their own form?
Travis - Limit item to property form
Replicate to another property form
Geri - also thinking of how to get this information into the incident form
Having a large number of forms open may crash the system.
Possible to collect the evidence but not use NIBRS
Nathan - Is there a general number associated to each case, i.e. the general number of pieces of evidence per case?
Generally it is about 3, but TRU could be much larger
Travis - If you collect multiple pieces of property, some are evidence and get transferred to the evidence form, others are just property, could we select certain items within the property form to issue a printed property receipt or would all the items print out? Wondering if this would be another issue with grouping all things on one form.
Booker -
Nathan, we average 4-5 pieces, but do search warrants a few times a month which can easily reach 50+ items. We have two cases this year which are over 300 items but those pretty rare
Nate - the average for items is likely 5 to 10 items. A search warrant or major crime scene 20 to 30 items or more.
Travis- I see where you are going. For instance when we do a search warrant having the ability to print a list for homeowner for items seized (owner driven) would be nice at the scene. There may be other items from that same location seized different owners..
Holly - If there is one form for property, or for the owner, or the location it could be an issue.
Without seeing how the property form will transfer over to the evidence form, it is hard to make a good choice.
On the property form is there a number that is transferred over to the new form, is this a generated number or hand keyed.
Nathan - do you have an example of labels that can be printed out?
Would this work like the crash form where multiple people are receiving citations but yet are linked to the crash form.
Jason - TraCS is one officer driven, where 1 officer writes 1 report.
Is there a way that multiple officers can be signed into the property form?
When there are multiple officers entering multiple items at a major incident, i.e. mall shooting, how can they be linked.
Geri - TraCS locks the form when someone opens it.
Case information can contain multiple officer reports.
Bryan - Does this work similar to CFS?
We could use the Police Number field to tie all reports together.
Paul - Just a thought- if a property form was limited to say 30 items. If there were more than 30 open another property form that is linked. That may help with the system getting bogged down like what happens with a crash report with several vehicles………..?
Travis - How do we handle each individual items for chain of custody, location, owner?
Planning on having the Property form as the collection document
Evidence form would then take the individual items from property into evidence.
Cyndel - How easy would it be pull an individual item to give to an officer.
Can use the master index to search information and it would bring back the forms that the evidence is part of.
Nathan - The person that opens the form is the owner.
When there are multiple officers collecting multiple evidence items during a mass incident, it will overload a property form. Is it best to have one large form with all evidence or have individual forms with individual pieces of evidence.
Holly - is there a way to get a snapshot of all the evidence collected to give out without having to print every document?
Can print out the property form,
Could use either Analysis Reports or ad hoc queries.
Holly - Where you serve a warrant and collect 300 items of evidence is there a way to include all items in a warrant return report or do you have to print out 300 sheets?
Can the property form have sub forms i.e. evidence tag,
Can there be a way to choose only some of the items to group to a individual owner, etc.
Nathan - if an item is listed on the property form but it is not taken as evidence and returned, can it be disposed (returned) without becoming evidence?
If you have any example of reports that you may need, please send them to me. You can redact any information just so we have the report basics.
Fields needed for gathering evidence.
Review of Evidence form spreadsheet
Evidence group (Iowa form)
Evidence Short Description
100 is good
Type of seizure
How you got the item.
Cyndel - I think you could just remove the type of seizure and use the reason for seizure box or vice versa: i.e. found/evidence/safekeeping
Remove one and rename to Reason
Reason for seizure
Evidence, Found Property, Safe keeping, firearms (follow the WAI items)
Evidence Type
Main category
Size is set to a length of six. (ok)
Seized By
Can do agency officer lookups
Cannot do other agency officer lookups
Cyndel - has never had to give a size ever. Better to have this as packaging.
The same as packing code
There is no one from state lab on call so we don't know exactly what is needed
We can look at transmittal/submittal form for what is needed
Serial Number
This is our form number
Should keep serial number for firearms, bikes, electronics, etc
Holly - Property form is for collecting property, evidence is for the each piece of evidence.
Bryan - I look at this as the top part of the form. Submit to lab is something that may be on one item, but not all items. i.e. blood on steering wheel but not the vehicle.
Submit to lab
Exams Requested
State lab has a list of exams on their transmittal form
Submission Type Code
Get a list from submittal form
Packing Code
Tracking Number (packaging tracking number)
Some agencies are tracking on a different system.
Number on the card
Some agencies track this on chain of custody
Special Handling
Could there be drop down list instead?
Size long enough?
Special Handling Other (new field)
Other up to 1000 character.
Evidence Notes
Keep, but check for a duplicate field later down the form.
Date Seized
Time Seized
Summary group
Summary Date Occurred
Summary Time Occurred
Coins Total
Bill Total
Total Cash Amount
Total Amount
Purge review date
Keep, critical for evidence management
Obtained from
This is a signature field
Don't keep
Person Obtained from Sign Date
Seized date (duplicate)
Related Case number
Incident document number
Might need
Obtained from known
Yes No field
Differentiate found property from a known individual
Disposition (new field)
Property seized from known subject and then sold or donated.
Not all property seized ( car killed animal)
Need an auction disposition as well.
Might be better in chain of custody
Crime code - statute number
Collect 1
If more than 1 is needed, then add a new group.
Can be auto-populate
Crime type (Offense codes)
Cyndel to send their list they use
Crime class
Statute Description
Should be auto-populated
Add Ordinance number
Add Ordinance description
Holly - we need to be able to add Index only as a type
This is not a correct field
Link back to property form
Not found on Evidence form
Suggested to use the DRE drug list from the State Lab of Hygiene
Is this a mandatory field?
Property type (new field)
Found, donated, etc
Recovery Date (new field)
Loss Type
Property Type
Vehicle Type
Property Value
Can us Kelly blue book
Evidence Number
Plate number
Plate type
County of Issuance
Plate expiration year
Body Style
Vehicle towed by
Location Towed To
Not needed
Tow Vehicle Driver
Not needed
Tow Phone Number
Modify towing company table to include phone number
Not required
Vehicle Damage
Not needed
Tow Damage
Not needed
Date Recovered
Recovered Property Value
Recovered in Parts
Recovered Type
Not needed
Recovered by Agency
Not needed
ORI Number
Not needed
I don't think the ORI would be needed. We document this with our TIME System and all the paperwork gets attached to the report. There is no need for ORI, agency info in regards to an evidence stand point.
Propertyitme lossType
propertyItem Type
Firearm type (new field)
Serial number (new field)
Condition (new field)
Some agencies don't document condition
Make this optional, could possibly be removed
Photographs (new field)
Photographs are also important in that aspect to document the condition of the firearm
ATF etrace (new field)
Yes or No field
Possibly a chain of custody
More use when submitted to a evidence room
When returning to owner we document that we did a criminal history….. just a thought
NIBIN (new field)
Yes or No field
All other items
Loss Type
Property Type
Evidence Number
Serial Number
Owner number
NCIC number
Recovery date
Quantity recovered
Recovered Value
Date Stolen
Person Type
Owner, possessor, victim, subject, finder, etc
Sequence number
Name Last
Name First
Name Middle
Name Suffix
Address field
Hair color
Eye color
DL number
Expiration year
Phone number
Email address
FBI Number
May not need to be captured
Not needed
DCI Number
Not needed
Firearm disqualifier (new field)
Yes or No field
Insurance Company
A spot for insurance as this could be used to take a stolen property compliant as well and insurance info would be nice?
Did they already payout? (new field)
Yes No
If yes, then item is returned to insurance co
The rest of the location common information field
Identical to list used on incident form
NIBRS list
Not needed
Zip Code
Not needed
Building number
Not needed
Building floor number
Not needed
Not needed
Vehicle located In
Yes keep this group
Chain of Custody
All transfers for one piece of evidence are included
Signature need when it goes to a different person
Could there be a trigger for change of custodians then have signature
If moving to different location, signature may not be needed
Patrol officers don't see the temporary storage location
That way they don't see what is in the permanent storage location
Need to find a way to handle this.
How does change of custodian work, how does the new custodian get access to the form?
May be able to use ribbons to grant access to new custodian
Could look into transferring ownership as well
From Type
From Location
From Storage Type
From Storage Location
To Type
To Location
This is the temporary location
To Storage Type
To Storage Location
This is the permanent location
To Property Control Location
To Person Name
To Person Badge
Transfer Date
Transfer Time
Transfer Notes
CoC Entry Name
Purge of Evidence
Change Purge to Disposition
Purge Type
Purge Date
Purge Time
Evidence Present
Disposition type (new field)
Witness to disposal
No witness for low value items
Short narrative given
Signatures are not needed, just the name and badge number
Concerned that the field is there but not used, it may bring up questions of why it isn't used.
Add a field for Witness needed.
If field is NA, then remove from the printed form.
Verbiage can be changed to something better explaining why it isn’t used.
5000 characters is wanted.
Keep the same as normal
Keep the same as normal
Bar Codes
QR Codes are not available through TraCS at this time.
Would need to request this to become available
No timeframe as to when it could be made available.
PDF417 Linear Stacked
Available now
Code39 Simple alpha numeric
Available now
BEAST uses Code39
Check with crime lab to see where they are going to & when? We use code 39 in our rms now.
How much data could be contained in a barcode.
Would like to save time when transferring evidence and they wouldn't have to recreate the form.
Forms can be transfer forms between agencies as long as they are web services.
Could it be on the evident label for inventory
Decision: Stay with Code39
Next Meetings
Should continue to meet monthly until further form development.
Decision: Yes
Geri to send out a Doodle to members to get meeting availability
Thank you for making time to attend this meeting.
We will try to reach out to the non TraCS users to show how TraCS works.
Not all items discussed will not make it into the next fall pack.
Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions or comments you have.
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email or call 608-267-2096