Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.27.1(b) Configuring Peripherals-GPS without MACH
Task 3.27.1(b) Configuring Peripherals-GPS without MACH
Sign in with your administrative account.
Click the Configuration and Distribution button on the Tools ribbon menu.
Click Create Distribution.
Enter your agency’s 3-digit TAS number and click OK. (Some agencies have a different name for their distribution configuration form; use whatever is appropriate for your agency.
Update the Version Number field using the New button.
Note: Each successive distribution that runs on a computer must have a higher version number than the previous distribution. Distribution files that have a lower version number than the previously installed distribution files will not install on the target computer.
Note: The version number that is created when you press the new button is based on the current date. If for some reason you wind up needing to create two different distributions on the same day, for example, because you made an error in the first distribution, press the new button again to increment the last digit of the version number.
Note: This version of TraCS includes better support for GPS devices including GPS served over UDP. You may want to update your GPS settings in the distribution to take advantage of new settings.
Configure the GPS Source field.
Select MACH if your agency uses MACH. No further configuration of GPS settings is necessary. TraCS will use the GPS configuration settings from MACH.
Select Serial Port if you have a GPS device connected through an R2-232 port (“com” port) or a USB port running as a virtual com port.
Select UDP Port if you have GPS served over a UDP port, for example, Cradlepoint or other modem.
Select Disabled if there is no GPS available and your agency does not use MACH.
Enter the Comm Port Number the GPS Receiver is broadcasting over in the GPS Port # field. This setting used both for serial and UDP devices. Port # is dependent on device configuration. Consult peripheral hardware documentation for information on configuring your GPS device.
If your device is a serial device:
Enter the Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits into the Comm Port Setting field.
This setting is ignored for UDP.
For GPS devices that output NMEA sentences to a standard RS-232 serial communications port (“com port”.) TAIP protocol is also supported although most devices typically use NMEA. The required settings for the com port are 4800, 8, n, 1.
Select your choice(s) for auto-detect of USB GPS devices in the GPS AutoDetect field. Select never if your GPS device always uses the same port.
Validate to create your new distribution files. Once a machine runs the new distribution, they will have the new settings you configured.
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