Badger TraCS Guides
Databars are used to enter data into a form.
Customizing the databar |
To customize the databar right click in the databar grey space. The databar normally displays at the top of the screen; however, it can be changed to align at the bottom of the screen by selecting Dock Bottom.
Basic and Advanced Databars |
Databars can be shown in Basic or Advanced mode in TraCS. Basic mode is a more compact version of the databar that can be used to save space on the screen. Users can right‐click on a databar and change between basic and advanced mode freely.
Types of data fields |
The data fields are set up for data entry in a variety of ways:
AttachmentThe attachment databar is used by a field to collect an attachment (barcode, picture, non-picture file, etc.) The list of available attachment sources on this databar is populated by the DLLs registered in the External Information Editor as attachment DLLs. The Open button launches the DLL associated with the option selected in the list. TraCS comes with five Attachment types to collect an attachment:
NOTE: With the 64 bit baseline only file types will be available. |
Brake Measurement AdvancedThe Brake Measurement Advanced databar is used to collect brake measurements on a commercial motor vehicle. Its interface for selecting chamber types and measurements is the only difference from the original Brake Measurement databar. The Brake button launches the Brake Measurement editor, which allows the user to select the chamber type being inspected and then either indicate the brake measurements in inches or identify them as inoperative or not measurable. The Brake Measurement editor is shown below.
CollisionCollision databar is used by a field to identify the collision type of an accident. The field this is used on is Manner of Collision in the Crash form This databar dialog pops up when entering a blank field, otherwise click edit button to bring it up. It turns into a single list databar when data is entered. |
CurrencyThe Currency databar is used by a field to collect dollar amounts. This databar allows numbers with a $ and a decimal point to be entered. If more than 2-digits are entered to the right of the decimal point, the number will be rounded to two decimal points.
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Custom Image ListThe Custom Image List databar is used to display an image along with a list in the databar. This takes the place of the need for each state to have their own seating position or vehicle damage databars created for them in TraCS. The databar is customizable and can have the image appear above, below, or to the right or left of the list. The list can either allow a single selection or multi-select. |
DateThe Date databar is used by a field to collect a date. The Current Date button fills the date boxes with the current date. The Show Calendar button launches the Calendar control, which allows the user to select a specific date. The Calendar control is shown below. This databar has a data validation that allows only valid months, days, and years to be entered. |
Birth DateThe Birth Date databar is used by a field to collect an individual’s date of birth. This databar has data validation that allows only valid months, days, and years to be manually entered. The Show Calendar button launches the Calendar control, which allows the user to select a specific date. The Calendar control is shown below.
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DiagramThe Diagram databar is used by a field to launch the diagramming tools and collect the diagram drawn. These tools are the Bar Code Imager, Visio, Easy Street Draw (ESD), Quick Scene (QS), ScenePD, the TraCS Diagram Tool, and the TraCS 7.3 Diagram Tool. A Bitmap field should be used for any field that uses the Diagram databar. The list of available options on this databar is populated by the DLLs registered in the External Information Editor as Diagram DLLs. The Open button launches the DLL associated with the option selected in the list. NOTE:
DecimalThe Decimal databar is used by a field to collect values containing a decimal. Requires max amount of numbers before and after decimal |
DistanceThe Distance databar is used by a field to collect a distance measurement in either feet or miles. If the Feet radio button is selected, a 4-digit distance can be entered. If the Miles radio button is selected, a 2-digit distance can be entered with up to two decimal point places. | |
Dynamic ListThe Dynamic List databar is used by a field to display a list of values where one or more items can be selected. This databar is used in conjunction with rules. This databar is used to generate a list based off items in the current form. |
GenderThe Gender databar is used by a field to collect the gender of an individual. The databar has a button for each gender and also allows the gender to be entered manually by pressing the M or F key on the keyboard. NOTE: Agencies have requested changes to the Sex field but because all fields are tied to the DMV until they update the Sex field in TraCS will not change. The DMV feeds into the eTime system run by the DOJ, TraCS imports data from the DOJ’s system which send the data to the DA and Courts, lastly the DA and Courts send the citation data back to the DMV. |
HeightThe Height databar is used by a field to collect an individual’s height. This databar has a data validation that allows only valid feet and inches to be entered. | |
Latitude LongitudeThe GPS databar is used by a field to collect an incident location using the degrees, minutes, and seconds format. NOTE: The GPS databar allows a location to be entered and displayed on a form using the degrees, minutes, and seconds format. However, coordinates are always converted and stored in the same format in the database when a form is saved. Because of this, the Latitude Longitude or GPS databar can be used to work with the same values. The GPS databar can display two buttons, GPS and Stored:
NOTE: A user can store a location by right-clicking on a piece of location common information and choosing Save to Defaults. | |
Linked LocateLinked databars are used by the common information collection key field in a group. A key field is the first field in a group that subscribes to a particular instance of common information. The Linked Locate databar gives you two options:
Linked TextLinked databars are used by the common information collection key field in a group. A key field is the first field in a group that subscribes to a particular instance of common information. The Linked text databar gives you two options:
MeasurementThe Measurement databar is used to collect different units of measurement. The Measurement databar allows up to 3 units of measurement. This databar could be used to take the place of the Decimal, Distance, Height, and Numbers databars. |
Text databarThis type of data field is available for keystroke entry. |
Military TimeThe Military Time databar is used to collect a military time. The Military Time databar uses a 24-hour time, or military time, format and has a button that inserts the current computer system time in the field in military time format. This databar has a data validation that allows only valid military time hours and minutes. It recognizes 00:00 and 24:00 as valid entries. To collect AM/PM time, use the Time databar. |
Military Time UnknownThe Military Time Unknown databar is used to collect a military time. The Military Time Unknown databar uses a 24-hour time, or military time, format and has a button that inserts the current computer system time in the field in military time format and a button that inserts 99:99 for when the time is unknown. This databar has a data validation that allows only valid military time hours and minutes. It recognizes 00:00, 24:00, and 99:99 as valid entries. To collect AM/PM time, use the Time databar. |
Multi List DatabarThis is like the single list databar except that multiple values may be chosen. Go to the value of your first choice by either keying or scrolling. Once it’s highlighted, select it by hitting the Spacebar. Go to your next value by keying or scrolling, highlight it and hit the Spacebar to select it. Hit the Spacebar while over a highlighted choice to unselect that choice. Once all the appropriate values have been selected, hit Enter. |
NarrativeThe Narrative databar is used by a field to collect longer text comments. This databar has a button that launches the Narrative editor, which allows the user access to limited word processor functionality. The Narrative editor is shown. | |
NumbersThe Numbers databar is used by a field to collect numeric only information. The Numbers databar allows only numbers to be entered. The number of digits allowed is limited by the Length property for the field. |
PhoneThe Phone databar is used by a field to collect a phone number. The databar allows space for a 3-digit area code, a 3-digit prefix, a 4-digit number, and up to a 5-digit extension. | |
Postal Code CanadaThe Postal Code Canada databar is used by a field to collect a postal code. The databar allows space for an alphanumeric, 6-character postal code to accommodate Canadian postal code standards. For example, T3K 5M9. NOTE: All Zip Code fields auto adjust based on Country | |
RadiologicalThe Radiological databar is used by a field to identify the vehicle location for Level 6 Inspection. The codes identifying each area are fixed and cannot be changed. If these codes do not correspond to a specific need (example, you need 1 – Cab Left, 2 – Cab Right, etc.), a Single List databar can be used instead. Basic Mode - Displays a drop down list that an area can be picked from. In order for this list to work properly, you need to set the List properties for each field that uses this databar in the Forms Builder. Advanced Mode - Displays a graphical representation of the vehicle locations that can be selected and allows you to click a button or manually enter your choice. |
Seating Position MMUCCThe Seating Position databar is used to indicate an occupant’s position in or on a vehicle. The codes identifying each seating position are fixed and cannot be changed. If these codes do not correspond to a specific need (for example, you need 1 – Front, Drive Side, 2 – Front, Middle, etc.), a Single List databar can be used instead. NOTE:
Single ListA value is chosen from a list. Only one value may be chosen. You can choose the value by doing one of the following:
Single List OtherThis is similar to the Single list databar except you can enter a value not shown on the list by keying Alt + O or clicking the Other button to the right of the databar and then key the value that you want. |
TextThe Text databar is used by a field to collect information that cannot be collected using any of the other databars. The Text databar allows any keyboard characters to be entered. The number of characters allowed is limited by the Length property for the field. |
Vehicle Area MMUCCThe Vehicle Area MMUCC databar is used by a field to identify a spot on a vehicle. This databar is compliant with MMUCC data collection guidelines. The codes identifying each area are fixed and cannot be changed. If these codes do not correspond to a specific need (for example, you need 01 – Right Fender, 02 – Left Fender, etc.) NOTE:
Vehicle Area MultiThe Vehicle Area Multi databar is used by a field to identify multiple spots on a vehicle. The codes identifying each area are fixed and cannot be changed. If these codes do not correspond to a specific need (for example, you need 04 – Front Bumper, 05 – Front Bumper Right, etc.), a Single List or Multi List databar can be used instead. NOTE:
ViolationViolation databar is used by a field to collect a violation code. This databar has a button that launches the Violation Search Engine as shown below. The Violation Search Engine (for example, type of violation codes displayed, columns included in the table, etc.) is fully customizable through the Local Violations Editor.
Violation ListThe Violation List databar allows you to select a violation from a list or use the Violation Search Engine.
YearThe Year databar is used by a field to collect a year. The 20/21 century radio buttons automatically default to the current century but the default can be changed using the User Defaults functionality. |
Zip CodeThe Zip Code databar is used by a field to collect a ZIP code. The databar allows space for a 5-character ZIP code and a 4-character +4 extension. This databar allows letters, as well as numbers, to be entered to accommodate non-US postal codes. NOTE: All Zip Code fields auto adjust based on Country |
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