Badger TraCS Guides
Crash (DT4000)
Crash is the full DT4000 Police Report of Accident
Required form: This is a mandated form to use when filling out reportable crash reports by Law Enforcement agencies. Beginning January 1, 2017, all crashes must be reported using TraCS. There is no paper option. Any crashes reported on the old form will not be accepted by WisDOT.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable
Housed at the TOPS Lab and the University of WI.
Numerous agencies use data in this form at the DOT and it is sold to interested parties outside of government agencies.
Federal Government: data from this form is also sent to the federal government for various requirements.
Driver Exchange Report—
How to receive your Crash Report instructions were added to the report.
There are State Level instructions for Reportable Crashes and a ‘Custom Text’ area for Agency Instructions.
Print out the report anytime unless omitting units is desired.
To print out just the instructions.
Open Crash
Fill out Summary and Location
Print Driver Exchange (no units will appear)
Once units are entered into the form they will appear on Driver Exchange Report
Owned by the Department of State Patrol Crash Records Unit
Any 2017 crashes and beyond reported on the old form will not be accepted by WisDOT. Pre 2017 Crashes can no longer be reported. This is a mandatory form and TraCS is the only acceptable format a Law Enforcement agency can report Crashes
This form is owned by Department of State Patrol Crash Records Unit
Form Design
The Crash form contains following groups:
Amended History
Crash Scene
Road Closure
Work Zone
Sequence of Events (4)
Policy Holder
Truck But
Hazardous Material
Property Owner
Object Struct
Law Enforcement Agency
Warning Log
Additional Information
Agency Tables associated with form
How to:
Document Group
Each Crash form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Crash Type
This is a required field for filling out the crash form and one cannot move off the field until it has been entered. This is a form mechanic field and the three types of crashes have varying degrees of validation rules.
DT4000 (Standard Crash) – Standard form all groups and validation rules are in affect.
Non-Domesticated Animal w/ No Injury – multiple groups unavailable with relaxed validation rules. Only one unit available. Talk to your agency for additional fields required.
Private Property/Parking Lot – Standard form with all groups available. Relaxed validation rules. Talk to your agency for additional fields required.
NOTE: As of March 2024 once you choose the standard crash you cannot change it to a Deer or Parking Lot Crash.
Identifies if the crash was reportable or not. A reportable crash is any crash with that results in an injury or fatality. Additionally, a reportable crash is a crash in which damage to an individual’s property totaling more than $1,500, or damage to government property (other than vehicles) totaling more than $500 where no person involved in the crash has suffered any bodily injury. There is no physical evidence of injury and the person does not report any change in normal function.
Indicates whether this crash Document has been amended.
Document # Override
Document number of the initial form submission for the crash. This field is automatically filled in for amended reports.
Amend User Override
This field is defaulted to no. But is automatically set to yes if the agency uses the Amended Override feature. This is a flag for the DOT to know that this report did not use the replicate feature and was filled out by hand.
Secondary Crash
Indicates if this crash may have occurred because of a previous crash (i.e., gawkers, slowing, etc.).
Primary Document #
The document number of prior crash that may have contributed to secondary crash.
Agency Crash Number
The unique identifier within a given year that identifies the crash within an agency
Used to categorize different types of contacts such as “Click It or Ticket It”. Agencies can add their own tag types. This is an agency table with values being entered using the table manager tool. Instructions for this are in the installation guide in Task 3-5
Amended History Group
This section is only found on the original crash and only if the crash has been transmitted and amended. It is a history of all the amends that have taken place and is not editable. Use this group to find the last amended report.
Summary Group
This section contains general information about the accident. Every Crash report contains one summary group. The green highlighted fields are form mechanic fields and should always be entered for the form to work properly.
Total Units
The total number of units involved in the crash. All modes of transportation, including equipment and non-motorized units.
This field is sometimes grayed out and set to 1. If the Crash Type is a non-domesticated animal without injury, then this field is always set to 1. This field adds and deletes the Unit group. If the unit group is not empty, then it will not delete automatically, and deletion will need to be manually completed.
On Emergency
This field is populated programmatically: if any of the units involved in this crash were operating On Emergency. The Emergency Motor Vehicle Use fields (in each Unit Summary) should be used to indicate which units were so operating and the sorts of emergency warning indicators, if any, that were in use at the time of the crash.
The circumstances of operating on emergency are specified in 346.03(1), and the conditions that an emergency vehicle is subject to are specified following that in subs (2) to (5m). Your agency may also have policies and guidelines pertaining to operating on emergency.
Please note: As of April 2017, DMV no longer changes an officer's address on their records based on the DT4002 (Crash Form). The agency's address should be used on the form to assist in officer privacy.
Emergency Vehicle Involvement Email
As of the January 2023 WIPack a report is available.
Lane Closure Due to Crash
Indicates if any lanes were closed due to the crash.
This field adds and deletes the Road Closure group. This field is not available for non-domesticated animal or Private Property/Parking lot crashes. If this is needed fill out a full crash.
Work Zone
A crash that occurs in a construction, maintenance, or utility work zone or related to activity within a work zone whether workers were present at the time of the crash. Applies whether the crash occurred during working hours. “Work zone-related” crashes may also include those involving motor vehicles slowed or stopped because of the work zone, even if the first harmful event occurred before the first warning sign. An example work zone is shown below.
This field adds and deletes the Work Zone group. This field is not available for non-domesticated animal or Private Property/Parking lot crashes. If this is needed fill out a full crash.
Trailer or Towed
Indicates whether one of the vehicles involved was pulling a trailer or towing another vehicle prior to the crash. This field enables the Total Trailers field in the Unit group.
Government Property
Indicates whether the crash involves government property. This does not include units in a crash or any motor vehicles.
This field is the only field that will open a Property Owner group automatically. By checking this box, it will open the Property owner group but will not delete it when unchecked. You will need to manually delete this field. Please see the documents below for instructions.
Reporting Threshold
This field is populated programmatically
The information provided in this field is important to determining whether the crash is reportable to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). If the crash includes an applicable unit (one without a No response) and if it resulted in: a fatality, an injury requiring transport, or a vehicle towed because of disabling damage, it will be reported to the FMCSA. This field is used to determine whether additional CMV related data needs to be collected for this Crash. This field is populated via programming. There are 2 levels of criteria for this to be set to True.
Was any unit set to a Truck Bus or HazMat, if any unit equals the following then the second level criteria will be looked at.
Was there a fatal injury, was there an injury requiring medical transport, and was any vehicle towed due to disabling damage. Any of the following fields are set, anywhere on the form, then the value will be set to true.
Junction Group
This section contains information about items at the scene of a crash. Unless this crash is a Non-Domesticated Animal without Injury or a Private Property/Parking lot crash, there is one Junction group per Crash and fields may be disabled based on other attributes. This group is not needed unless the agency if filling out a full crash.
Because this group is part of the Location group it does not contain a heading. If the location chosen is within a intersection the following fields will appear.
Crash Scene Group
This section contains information about items at the scene of a crash. There is one Crash Scene group per Crash and fields may be disabled based on other attributes and the type of Crash.
Road Closure Group
This section contains information about items at the scene of a crash. If this crash is a Non-Domesticated Animal without Injury or a Private Property/Parking lot crash, fields that make this group available are disabled. If they are needed, then complete a full crash. If there was a closure due to the crash, in the Summary Group choose Yes for
and this group will enable, and some fields will be required. Clicking No will close and hide the group. Because this group is part of the Crash Scene group it does not contain a heading.
Work Zone Group
This section contains information about items at the scene of a crash. If this crash is a Non-Domesticated Animal without Injury or a Private Property/Parking lot crash, fields that make this group available are disabled. If they are needed, then complete a full crash. If there was a crash in a work zone, in the Summary Group choose yes for
and this group will enable, and some fields will be required. Clicking No will close and hide the group. Because this group is part of the Crash Scene group it does not contain a heading.
Unit Group
This section contains information about the units involved in the crash. There should be a Unit group for each unit in the crash. When you key the number of Total Units involved in the crash in the summary section on the form, TraCS automatically creates that number of Unit groups. If you put in a number smaller than the total units on the form, the unit groups will automatically be deleted if there is no data in them. If you need to add or subtract a Unit group manually, see Adding or Deleting Groups. If you close the form before entering any data in a group, that group will be deleted. A unit can be the following
Automobile and all the passengers in it.
Truck and all the passengers in it.
Motorcycle and all the passengers on it.
Bus, Driver and all injured passengers in it.
Equipment and all passengers in it unless it is a train, then the train engineer and all injured passengers.
Bicycle and all passengers on it
1 Pedestrian, each separate pedestrian is considered a Unit.
A unit contains 1 or more subgroups, below is what a unit looks like with closed subgroups.
Unit Status
The status of the unit at the time of the crash. This field will enable or disable violation rules and defaults in some fields in the unit group.
Operating as Classification
Indicates how the operator was functioning, regardless of the operator's license. For example, driving a concrete mixing truck without a commercial driver license (CDL) is still operating as a CDL. This field drives the Unit type field. What you choose here limits the Unit types you can choose. i.e. O Class will result in Equipment, Bicycle or Pedestrian as choices for the unit type.
Unit Type
The type of vehicle involved in the crash. Can be identified by license plate type. This field is limited by the Vehicle Operating as Classification field. What you choose their limits its choices, if what you are looking for is missing then you chose incorrectly in the Vehicle Operating as Classification field. i.e. O Class will result in Equipment, Bicycle or Pedestrian as choices for the unit type. In turn, this field drives the Vehicle type field. What you choose here limits the Vehicle types you can choose. i.e. Bicycle will result in Bicycle, Mini bike/Dirt Bike or police emergency as choices for the vehicle type. Entering this field will open/close necessary subgroups for the Unit.
Vehicle Type
Describes the vehicle body type. This field is limited by the Unit Type field.
What you choose their limits its choices, if what you are looking for is missing then you chose incorrectly in the Unit Type field. In turn, this field drives the Plate type field in the Vehicle Subgroup. What you choose here limits the Plate types you can choose. Passenger Car – Motor vehicles used primarily for carrying passengers.
Total Occs
Please use this field to indicate the total number of occupants of this unit.
With a few exceptions described here, the number provided in this field will dictate the number of Individual groups opened and required for this unit. Pedestrian units are individuals, so Total Occs is set to 1 and disabled for these units. Only the driver of the one unit allowed on the Non-Domesticated Animal w/o Injury version of the crash form is recorded. For this abbreviated version, Total Occs is defaulted to 1, but should be changed to reflect the actual number of occupants of the vehicle involved (in any event only the driver's information is recorded). Bus and Train units may not require that all passengers be recorded, and an additional field, Train/Bus # Recorded is used to manage the number of Individual groups for the unit.
Train/Bus # Recorded
Of the occupants of a Bus or Train, the number to be recorded on the form. This field is applicable to, and active for, Bus and Train units only. The number provided in this field will dictate the number of Individual groups opened for this unit. For other unit types, this field is disabled and defaulted to blank for other, and Individual groups are opened according to the Total Occs field.
Number of Citations Issued
Number of citations issued to the Unit. This field adds and deletes the violation sub group in the unit based the number entered. It opens/closes Violation Group up to 99 per unit and 999 per crash. The violation groups will automatically be deleted if there is no data in them.
Total Trailers
Number of trailers connected to the main vehicle in the unit. This field adds and deletes the trail sub group in the unit based the number entered. It opens/closes Trailer Towed group up to 5 per unit and 999 per crash. The trailer groups will automatically be deleted if there is no data in them.
Total HazMat Types
Number of HazMat Types unit is hauling. This field adds and deletes the hazardous material sub group in the unit based the number entered. It opens/closes hazardous material group up to 3 per unit and 999 per crash. The hazardous material groups will automatically be deleted if there is no data in them.
This field describes the insurance status of the unit. Insurance is required for motor vehicle units involved in Standard Crashes. Insurance is generally not required for non-domesticated animal and parking lot/private property crashes.
This is a green border field because its value determines whether the unit's Policy Holder group is activated (only when this field is set to Yes).
Each unit can have no more than one Policy Holder group. If Insurance? is changed from an activating to a deactivating value, the Policy Holder group will automatically be deleted, if there is no data in it.
Truck Bus or HazMat
This field is used to determine whether additional CMV related data needs to be collected for this unit. Unless answered No, this field will cause a Truck Bus or HazMat section to be opened for its unit so that this additional data can be provided. This question is applicable to motor vehicles only. So, for class O units (pedestrians, bicyclists or equipment), it is disabled and defaulted to No.
Individual Subgroup
This section contains information about the passengers in vehicles involved in the crash. There should be an Individual group for each passenger in the crash. When you key the number of Total Occupants involved for each unit in the crash earlier in the form, TraCS automatically creates that number of Occupant groups. Exception: One Individual group is added for buses or trains since data is not required for non-injured occupants of these vehicles. You will have to enter number of Bus Occs Injured for injured occupants of buses or trains. If you close the form before putting any data in a group, that group will be deleted. You will have to manually add the group when you re-open the form. If you want to add or subtract an Individual group, see Adding or Deleting Groups.
A person's Role indicates their relation to a vehicle in a crash. Often Role is simply one of Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian or Bicyclist. How fields behave in the individual subgroup is based on this field. Field values can change along with disabling and enabling.
Vehicle Subgroup
Depending upon the type of Unit Type chosen, this sub group may be visible or not. There is at maximum one vehicle group per unit. If the Unit is a pedestrian, then this group in not visible. But, any other unit type will result in the vehicle group opening. Once the Unit type is entered, if needed this field will be added. If the Unit type is changed to pedestrian, then this group will delete. See adding and deleting groups if needed. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Sequence of Event Subgroup
The Sequence of Event (SOE) Subgroup is available for every form type except the non-domesticated animal form. The SOE is a subgroup on the Unit and has only one field. But, this group is always added with 4 occurrences. Only the first Subgroup in every unit is required. The event(s) in sequence related to this motor vehicle, including both non-collision, as well as collision events. When more than four events occur in a vehicle’s sequence eliminate non-harmful events. This list is used for the 1st event, 2nd event, 3rd event, and 4th event.
This field is a special field and contains a Search button on the databar. The Search button will open a search box for the Crash Event table. This table is filled with the attributes for a crash event and filtered to show only the objects. See how to search using violation search boxes in the user guide.
Policy Holder Subgroup
Depending upon the type of Unit Type chosen, this sub group may be visible or not. There is at maximum one policy holder sub group per unit. If the Unit is a pedestrian, bicycle or equipment then this group in not required. This group is not needed for the Non-Domesticated Animal Crash or a private Property/Parking Lot crash. But, if required by the agency should be entered. Once the Insurance Yes/No field in the Unit Summary is entered, this group will be added/deleted. See adding and deleting groups if needed. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Trailer Subgroup
Each crash form can contain up to 999 Trailer sub-groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. A Unit can contain up to 5 Trailers. To enter the number of Trailers for the group, put it in the Total Trailers field in the Unit Summary. This field adds and deletes the Trailer group. If the trailer group is not empty, then it will not delete automatically, and deletion will need to be manually completed.
Truck Bus Subgroup
This section contains information about trucks and buses that are in crashes that meet certain criteria. A Truck and Bus Accident group should be completed for each vehicle that meets the following criteria:
A): it was a truck or truck combination > 10,000 lbs. GVWR or GCWR, OR it was any vehicle displaying a hazardous materials placard, OR it was any vehicle designed to carry 9 or more persons including the driver;
B): a person was fatally injured in the crash, OR a person injured in the crash needed to be transported for immediate medical treatment, OR one or more vehicles had to be towed from the scene due to damage in the crash.
Hazardous Material Subgroup
This section contains information about vehicle that are in crashes that are carrying Hazardous Material. There is only one Hazardous Material Sub group per unit and it is added or deleted by checking yes to HazMat Transported
Violation Subgroup
Each crash form can contain up to 999 Violation groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Violations can be written to any individual in that Unit and each unit can contain up to 99 violations. See directions for working with citations for more information.
Property Owner Group
This section contains information about owners of fixed objects struck in the crash. There should be a Property Owner group for each property owner in the crash. If you want to add or subtract a Property Owner group, see Adding or Deleting Groups.
Note: You will need a property owner group for every crash where some sort of fixed object is struck, including ditches, etc. If the property owner is unknown, just key “Unknown” in the last name field.
Several property owner aliases are included with TraCS for common companies and WisDOT. These are executed from the Company Name field. See the <F2> Help screen for a list of supplied aliases.
Witness Group
This section contains information about witnesses to the crash. There should be a Witness group for each witness to the crash. If you want to add or subtract a Witness group, see Adding or Deleting Groups.
Description Group
This section contains additional description of the crash. This group is not always visible, if the crash is a non-domesticated animal hit it is not required. See Adding Deleting groups for more information.
Signature Group
This is a required group and a required field.
Warning Log Group
This group is not editable and only contains one field. After a validation all the warnings for the form are written to the field.
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